Step One
Dusknoir used Protect!
12 EN
Dusknoir: Protection {Actions} [End of Step]
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
8 EN
Dusknoir is unaffected! (Protection)
Rotom used Dark Pulse!
8 EN
Dusknoir is unaffected! (Protection)
Claydol used Safeguard!
10 EN
The Stat Trainers: Safeguard [4 Rounds]
Dusknoir's Protection ended!
Step Two
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
8 EN
Crit [1-25/600]: 445 (No)
Damage (Dusknoir): (8+3+9-10-1)*3/2 =
Rotom used Dark Pulse!
8 EN
Crit [1-25/600]: 46 (No)
Damage (Dusknoir): (8+8-10-1)*3/2 =
Claydol used Toxic+Rock Slide!
26 EN, 1 CT
Accuracy (Hydreigon, Rotom) [1-540/600]: 395, 153 (Yes, Yes)
Crit (Hydreigon, Rotom) [1-25/600]: 137, 600 (No, No)
Hydreigon: Bad Poison {2}
Rotom: Bad Poison {2}
Damage (Hydreigon): (8+5-7)*2/3 =
Damage (Rotom): (8+5-8)*2/3 =
Dusknoir used Pain Split!
20 EN
Hydreigon: -16 HP
Dusknoir: +16 HP
Dusknoir: +2 HP (Leftovers)
Hydeigon: -2 HP (Bad Poison)
Rotom: -2 HP (Bad Poison)
Hydreigon: Bad Poison {2 -> 4}
Rotom: Bad Poison {2 -> 4}