Data Reffing 101 is now open!


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Welcome to the new, shiny and improved Reffing 101!
IF you don't know what Reffing 101 is, it is a mentoring program destined to teach you the ropes and subtilities of reffing a BBP match, rewarded by self-reffing credentials, allowing you to get sweet battle rewards with your own hands!

Q: What terrible ordeals will I have to face to be part of the select group of whitelisted people?
A: This program aims to teach you how to reliably ref. As such, you'll have a 3v3 match against a tutor, with the charge of reffing entirely hanging on you. However, the tutor will have a secret (i.e. unknown to you) tasklist with many items to check to mark the reffing as "successful". It can be as simple as the regular damage formula and as subtle and difficult as a dozen end-of-turn effects happening at once. Before you ask, there's no cheat sheet on this test, but at least you have the entirety of the BBP forum to scour for information. Keeping the Handbook nearby would be a wise move as well.
Please note that battling aptitude will be evaluated as well! You're expecting to ref accurately and on time, but that's no excuse to start slouching on your orders! You'll be awarded normal battle rewards at the end though, so it's worth the trouble.
In short, nothing too daunting.

Q: Who are the current very intimidating tutors that might evaluate me?
A: The current list of registered R101 tutors is:

Q: Who are the awesome forum members that managed to ace the test?
A: The current list of very handsome whitelisted members is:
Gemini Taurus

Q: I am starting to vibrate at hypersonic speeds due to my excitement. How do I sign up?
Before half you body disappears into the quantum void, I suggest posting a message in this thread using the following sign-up form:
Program: Reffing 101
Reffing Experience (if any):
Why do you want to be tutored:
Any extra comments about yourself:

Current queue:
None yet.
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Program: Reffing 101
Reffing Experience (if any):
I mean, I've done my fair share. Nothing huge like a Hall or anything, but I was registered, I guess? I'm reffing something in another tab right now?
Why do you want to be tutored:
I mean, I want to be able to self-ref. Also, it'd be nice to ref for Facilities.
Any extra comments about yourself:
I'm dumbfounded they're making you be the only tutor, Jay. I also am wary of the whole "battling is also judged" >_>
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: UTC -7
Reffing Experience (if any): I've been reffing since 2012.
Why do you want to be tutored: Literally just for self-ref privileges.
Any extra comments about yourself: If I do pass, I'd like to potentially become a tutor to help more people become self-refs, and also to ease the load on the current tutor team (ie literally just Jayy).
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: UTC -8
Reffing Experience (if any): you know who I am
Why do you want to be tutored: to farm JC
Any extra comments about yourself: ️️
Program: Reffing 101
Reffing Experience (if any): uhh, not really any, other than the few matches that I've reffed since the start of gen 8
Why do you want to be tutored: Self-reffing is extremely convenient and fast. Also, I want to get better at reffing (looking at all the dumb mistakes I've made so far lol) since it's required (and fun anyways). Finally, I would like to eventually be considered for reffing facilities. It seems entertaining.
Any extra comments about yourself: how are you gonna do this with one tutor jeez, also is there a retest if we fail
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: GMT +8
Reffing Experience (if any): None
Why do you want to be tutored: I want to be able to ref properly. I mean, I don’t have to learn, but I’d rather learn.
Any extra comments about yourself: Can I become a tutor if I pass? (Comments about you: why aren’t you being a ref tutor?)
Program: Reffing 101
-7 GMT
Reffing Experience (if any): rofl
Why do you want to be tutored: so i can not go into poverty
Any extra comments about yourself: always on discord

Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: EST aka UTC -5
Reffing Experience (if any): I've reffed plenty when I last was an active player and have gotten back into it no problem.
Why do you want to be tutored: I ref faster than most so I want to be able to self-ref battles so they will finish in a reasonable time.
Any extra comments about yourself: ️️Nothing comes to mind.

Program: Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity Management Reffing 101
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
Reffing Experience (if any): Back in the day I reffed plenty, still adjusting to the changes since I played though.
Why do you want to be tutored:Self-ref ability, also just making sure I actually know what I'm doing!
Additional comments: shoutout to the tutors for making this happen

Gemini Taurus
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: GMT -5
Reffing Experience (if any): I've reffed many battles since I joined, and I was a Battle Hall ref.
Why do you want to be tutored: I'd like to self-ref battles, and I think I have to be Whitelisted if I want to keep reffing Hall battles.
Any extra comments about yourself:

Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: MST (GMT -7)
Reffing Experience (if any): Been around long enough to know how ref nice. Also reffed a few battle hall fights and a Gym Battle i wasn't supposed to :/
Why do you want to be tutored: Self-reffing is nice, also I don't want to take an age with my reffings, so I need some good pressure.
Any extra comments about yourself: Plas is the best CAP don't 8 me.

new changes to reffing 101:

Owning three 3* Pokemon is now a requirement to take r101, so you can get used to the battling systems and not worry about the duty of reffing and battling from the start. Also helps with consistency for all battles and not be wonky with one battle having 2*s and the other having a mix of 2* and 3*. This applies to all future r101s including the ones in queue right now

Tutors are now rewarded in not having to pay JC when taking upon any 101s. This applies for all current and future battles (I will be paying for the one vs Florina Liastacia since it was not inplace before this post)

P2X7 LucarioOfLegends if you still fit the requirement, send me a dm me so I can take your 101s

That is all
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: CST
Reffing Experience: I was one of the original trainers for reffing 101. Not by choice. I was held at gun point.
Why do you want to be tutored? I dont. I want to be whitelisted so I can get more jc.
More comments: I dont want to go back to keeping bbp alive through reffing like crazy.
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: GMT -5
Reffing Experience (if any): I've reffed many battles since I joined, and I was a Battle Hall ref.
Why do you want to be tutored: I'd like to self-ref battles, and I think I have to be Whitelisted if I want to keep reffing Hall battles.
Any extra comments about yourself: I have three Stage 3 Pokemon now.

Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Reffing Experience (if any): Was an active ref back in the day, including for gym and tournament battles. I've reffed a bit since returning.
Why do you want to be tutored: Self-reffing, and making sure I'm familiar with all of the updates.
Any extra comments about yourself: I have three Stage 3 Pokemon but no items. Hopefully that won't be an issue.

What the hell, I guess I'll bite.

Program: Reffing 101
CST? Is that what you call it? The one in the US between Eastern and uhh Mountain
Reffing Experience (if any): Plenty, the only facility I've reffed is ASS but I've reffed in tourneys and gyms since 2015
Why do you want to be tutored: I'd like to ref Sunset if it ever opens but Tree also seems fun
Any extra comments about yourself: Uhhh I might have a not-insignificant drop in activity in the next week depending on how some irl stuff goes, but hopefully it'll be fine. I'd appreciate some leniency otherwise.
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Reffing Experience (if any): I used to ref a lot back in Gen 7, but everything's different now and apparently we hard reset??? So I might as well learn reffing again.
Why do you want to be tutored: Self-reffing, making sure I get all the new stuff, and reffing other people like my homie TMan :psyglad:
Any extra comments about yourself: I have uh 3 Stage 1 bugs. But like, I've read a whole bunch of battle threads? I dunno man I just want a refresher.
Program: Reffing 101
GMT +8
Reffing Experience (if any): Well, went for this earlier and failed, but I’ve had about 3 months of experience more in reffing, so hopefully I can do a bit better?
Why do you want to be tutored: Those self-reffed battles give you some nice RC apparently... also it doesn’t hurt to finally get qualified.
Any extra comments about yourself: I’m a jerk. No not much comments really.
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