RELEASE THE MOTH: An OU Offense-Defense Team

Because Deoxys-D and Deoxys-S are probably getting banned, I decided to make a new offensive team to prepare for when that happens. (DeoSharp HO was getting old anyway.) This was the result. You all know the rules, constructive criticism only, and no troll comments.

Bulkarona (Volcarona) (M) @ Leftovers | Ability: Flame Body | Shiny: Yes
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 16 SDef | Bold Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Fiery Dance
- Roost

I swear Bulkarona is my favorite set this entire generation. I keep making teams revolving around it. Anyway, the EV spread and Bold nature are so Volcarona can find many opportunities to set up on many OU superstars, including Bisharp, Conkeldurr, Mawile-M, and even Rotom-Wash! Once it's at +2, Volcarona can dish out some solid damage and possibly even sweep, provided its checks and counters are removed by its teammates. From there, I just have to pick between Bug Buzz and Fiery Dance depending on the situation and soon, the entire opposing team will be burned to ashes. Roost can be used to recover any marginal damage Volcarona may end up taking.


Egg Beater (Gothitelle) (M) @ Choice Scarf | Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 248 HP / 124 Def / 136 Spd | Bold Nature
- Psyshock
- Trick
- Taunt
- Rest

This Gothitelle is the BANE of all defensive teams. Say a Chansey dares to come in on Volcarona. Well, all I need to do is send in Gothitelle, Trick a Scarf onto Chansey, and either Taunt it, stall it out, or put it out of its misery with Psyshock. Hence the name Egg Beater; it beats Chansey/Blissey, who not only resemble eggs, but hold one themselves. Rest is for healing T-Waves and Toxics from Chansey and stalling Seismic Tosses from Chansey.


Chain Chomp (Garchomp) (M) @ Choice Scarf | Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def | Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Outrage
- Fire Fang

ScarfChomp aims to accomplish two simple tasks: revenge killing and removing Volcarona's counters. EQ can be used to easily eliminate Rock-types that otherwise threaten to strike Volcarona down. It can also take out Heatran, who otherwise walls Volcarona to no end. Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame hard, while also knocking out opposing Volcarona. Outrage is for a nuke of a STAB move and helps take care of Dragon-types, such as Dragonite, Kyurem-B, and non-Scarfed Lati@s, the former of which threatening to wall Volcarona.


HUG ME! (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Leftovers | Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 212 SDef / 48 Def | Relaxed Nature | IVs: 0 Spd
- Leech Seed
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip

Ferrothorn does a good job at walling many key threats that otherwise threaten the team. It eats up Stone Edges directed at Volcarona, it tanks Thunderbolt for Gyarados, and it helps ease the physical pressure put on Chansey as a special wall. It also serves as a reliable setter as Stealth Rock due to its natural bulk and good defensive typing. Not ONLY that, but it can ALSO serve as a status absorber. Powder moves? Ain't Ferro gun' care. Toxic? Ferro give no shits. Leech Seed can be used for some extra recovery, and Gyro Ball can work wonders with Ferro's sped tier. I really can not say enough good about Ferrothorn, so let's just move on...


Gary Dos (Gyarados) (M) @ Rocky Helmet | Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def | Impish Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Waterfall
- Roar

Gyarados here takes Fire- and Fighting-type attacks for Ferrothorn and Chansey to round out the defensive core. He also provides Water-type coverage for the team and has reliable recovery in Rest. He can also reliably phaze enemies out into Ferrothorn's rocks.
Oh, and it has the "laughs at Talonflame" factor to it. So that's important.


Actual Egg (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite | Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SDef / 8 Def | Calm Nature
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss

Chansey is the ultimate support for the team: it provides Wish and Heal Bell support, it can Toxic multiple enemy targets, and it sponges special hits like a pro. If a physical threat shows up, Ferrothorn or Gyarados can come in and show them who's boss. Seismic Toss is on the set so Chansey isn't total Taunt fodder for Deoxys-S or Sableye.
hi cool team. Can I suggest you change your chansey's ev spread to 252Def/252 SpDef with a bold nature as the extra HP is negligible on chansey due to its already monstrous hp stat. The Def ev's allow to handle many physical attackers aswell. Volcarona is also very weak to hazards so defog/rapid spin support is necessary. I suggest using a mandibuzz instead of your gyarados to fill this void. Here is the ev spread:
name: Utility
move 1: Foul Play
move 2: Roost
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Defog / Toxic / Knock Off
ability: Overcoat
item: Leftovers
evs: 248 HP / 136 Def / 108 SpD / 16 Spe
nature: Bold / Impish
Mandibuzz also deals mpinsir and talonflame which hurt volcarona lot. Another suggestion I would make is replacing either wish or heal bell for softboiled with chansey otherwise it is worn down too easily. Hope I helped :)
Hi, seems u have a weakness against defiant thundurus. Chansey can't touch him, gyara cannot tank a tbolt, sdef ferrothorn cannot tank 2 close combat. The only thing u can do is revenge kill him with scarf chomp.

Corpish suggested mandibuzz, but even mandi is raped by thundy.

Zapdos@ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 20 Spd / 240 Def
Bold Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- Defog
- Heat Wave / HP Ice

4 SpA Life Orb Thundurus Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Zapdos: 165-196 (42.9 - 51%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Not the best thing to tank a tbolt, but is the only way to tank a tbolt and bring a defogger. Latwins are raped like mandi against landorus. Another options is using a defensive ferrothorn and using a special defensive zapdos. Gyarados is a problem for the team, he can't even wall bisharp, due to intimidate. Another option is replace gyara for quagsire and mantain the fire resistance.

Is a nice team, but removing a mon isn't easy. Maybe i write something more later.
Hi, seems u have a weakness against defiant thundurus. Chansey can't touch him, gyara cannot tank a tbolt, sdef ferrothorn cannot tank 2 close combat. The only thing u can do is revenge kill him with scarf chomp.

Corpish suggested mandibuzz, but even mandi is raped by thundy.

Zapdos@ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 20 Spd / 240 Def
Bold Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- Defog
- Heat Wave / HP Ice

4 SpA Life Orb Thundurus Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Zapdos: 165-196 (42.9 - 51%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Not the best thing to tank a tbolt, but is the only way to tank a tbolt and bring a defogger. Latwins are raped like mandi against landorus. Another options is using a defensive ferrothorn and using a special defensive zapdos. Gyarados is a problem for the team, he can't even wall bisharp, due to intimidate. Another option is replace gyara for quagsire and mantain the fire resistance.

Is a nice team, but removing a mon isn't easy. Maybe i write something more later.
I didn't even consider defiant thundurus lol, you're right zapdos is a better option than mandibuzz for this team. Defiant thundurus while a problem can be revenged killed reliably by scarfchomp(not a check I know) but i think zapdos would be ideal for this team because it can reliably check birdspam and bisharp which destroy this team whilst having decent offensive presence.
Hey Ze Diglett... nice team you have here.

My one concern is that even though Bulkarona rocks, sadly you lose 50% switching into said rocks.

You really need a defogger on your team. Thus I would suggest dropping Gothitelle for the following:

Mew @ Leftovers
EV: 252 HP / 252 SpDef / 4 Atk
Ability: Synchronize
Careful Nature
- Defog
- Knock Off
- Soft-Boiled
- U-Turn / Will-O-Wisp / Taunt

The last slot is up to you... but with Knock Off, you can still ruin Eviolite Chansey, Soft-Boiled provides recovery and Defog helps rid those wretched ro
First of all, thanks for the awesome suggestions.

I considered the options and ended up replacing Gyarados with the Zapdos set provided by Dalai_Drama. Garchomp covers the Fire resist anyway. I also edited Chansey's EVs and nature according to what Corphish suggested.

Keep sending in these awesome suggestions, I'll certainly accept more.
Nice team over there! Like it was said before, you WILL need a defogger or a rapid spinner. The only quick tip I see is, IMO, changing scarfchomp's stone edge for rock slide. You most likely will kill the threats you need to, without the big miss chance and the finch chance will be usefull with a choice scarf. (If you hit first and it doesn't kill, it can finch it and save you).

As for ferrothorn, he isn't ment to deal direct damage at all. I would sugest changing gyro ball OR power whip for maybe thunder wave.
The only quick tip I see is, IMO, changing scarfchomp's stone edge for rock slide. You most likely will kill the threats you need to, without the big miss chance and the finch chance will be usefull with a choice scarf. (If you hit first and it doesn't kill, it can finch it and save you).

As for ferrothorn, he isn't ment to deal direct damage at all. I would sugest changing gyro ball OR power whip for maybe thunder wave.

I swapped out Power Whip for Thunder Wave for now, I might end up putting Power Whip back on in favor of Gyro Ball for Quagsire. As for the RS>SE suggestion, it mostly comes down to luck, and I don't want to have to rely on luck to get a 2HKO with RS, which could be a potential OHKO with Stone Edge due to higher power (and a negligible crit ratio).