Resurrección Del Conejo Elegante - OU RMT

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| 149 | Lopunny | 3053 | 0.39 |
"Resurrection Of The Elegant Rabbit"


Lopunny is a great Baton Passer- it's typing doesn't fuck over its chances of switching in multiple times, it sports a fantastic base 105 Speed alongside decent 65/84/96 defenses and a great movepool. With these traits, Lopunny can Baton Pass multiple times with success; however what really sets Lopunny apart from other Baton Passers is here unique ability and Switcheroo. With Switcheroo, Lopunny is able to cripple a myriad of Pokemon while maintaining her ability to effectively Baton Pass thanks to Klutz nullifying the effects of any item it receives.

UU is a treasure trove of sweepers who, if Baton Passed a Substitute, can become a brutal threat to the opposition. I searched for a Pokemon that could utilize Lopunny's sweeping opportunities and be a potent threat in the OU metagame.

Mismagius springs to mind as a great late-game sweeper and great Baton Pass recipient. Mismagius can easily draw out any Pursuit user from behind a Substitute, allowing me to find a way to effectively deal with it. Mismagius also has Nasty Plot from HG/SS, which allows for that retard power Mismagius lacked with Calm Mind.

A secondary sweeper- something that, given the right support, would be able to wreak havoc early in the game and either demolish most of my opponent's team, or weaken it to the point where Mismagius could finish it off. Numerous battles, testing what Lopunny would lure in left me with two type choices: Steel and Fighting. This stems from the fact that Lopunny lures in Scizor, Tyranitar, Latias, and Foretress (Most Steel types have a have to trounce, Foretress while Fighting types can use it as setup fodder) more than often. The mentioned can also kill Mismagius, provided that they have the correct sets (Bullet Punch on Scizor, Choice Specs Latias, Gyro Ball on Foretress, etc.).

Most Steel type sweepers - Lucario, Metagross and Heatran - normally require their checks out of the way and are thus late game sweepers. I already have Mismagius cleaning up the aftermath, so this leaves with the few Fighting types with the ability to dent the hell out of something before and after a stat boost: Infernape, Breloom, Heracross, and Machamp. Infernape is dumb, Mach Punch keeps it from being revenged by the Steel type Choice Scarf users. However, it needs Flare Blitz and Close Combat to dent what switches in on it which leaves Infernape wide open to Salamence and Gyarados, usually giving them a Dragon Dance. Breloom would be the second candidate for this team, sporting decent typing, offensive stats, STAB moves and Spore to allow for easier setups. It's low Defense and Speed are what kept me away from Breloom, as it would be revenge killed after a single Swords Dance is setup. This leaves Machamp (Bulk Up) and Heracross (Swords Dance).

Both were decent Fighting types who could switch in without much trouble, and either setup and wreck most of my opponent's team, or just dent something with their decent coverage. So, rather than do hours of testing in order to decide on which one to use, I split them up like so:


Resistances: Dark, Rock, Bug (x2)----Resistances: Dark, Fighting (x2)/Bug (x4)
Weaknesses: Psychic, Flying (x2)----Weaknesses: Fire, Psychic (x2)/ Flying (x4)
HP: 90----HP: 80
Atk: 130----Atk: 125
Def: 75---- Def: 80
SDef: 85--- SDef: 95
Spd: 55----Spd: 85
BST: 505---- BST: 500
Other (viable) differences: Dyanamicpunch, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, Ice Punch (100% acc)---- Other (viable) differences: Megahorn, Swords Dance

Final Choice: Heracross

What drew towards Heracross, you ask? Well, Heracross' Speed stat is what interested me. The ability to outplace so many Pokemon that attempt to switch in while at the same time, doubling its impressive base 125 Attack stat. Megahorn is also a great STAB move, allowing Heracross to hit Tyranitar, Celebi, and (some) Latias for a great amount of damage without having to resort to the negative effects of Close Combat.

Machamp does have Payback, though it has to move last for it to have 100 BP and even then, Celebi and Latias can survive, stalling Machamp with Reflect, Recover and Grass Knot and killing Machamp with Draco Meteor respectively. Dynamicpunch's low PP is also a turn off, despite the 100% accuracy.

So, I have my sweepers - what's next? Baton Passing Substitutes is a difficult process without a very bulky Baton Passer, a fast Baton Passer with Taunt, or Dual Screen support. Lopunny doesn't have Taunt, she isn't bulky enough to pass reliable Substitutes, so Dual Screens seem to work nicely, here. Bronzong came to mind at blinding speeds with its ability to keep Scizor at bay for a while, scout for choiced Earthquake users, rape Pokemon whom use Speed stat up moves, or have a high Speed initially, Explode, and of course, setup both Reflect and Light Screen.

Before the 5th slot, I decided to try out a few leads. After Aerodactyl, I realized how great of a lead Lum Berry Metagross is, then I try out Lum Berry Heatran and... GODAAAAAAAMNNNN. Lum Berry Heatran worked like a charm, and every match, it always gets up Stealth Rock which of course, is great for a lead.


So, I'm Heatran-weak. I can't seem to find any Pokemon that can fit the bill of keeping Scizor out of play, so I tested multiple switch ins to Heatran. The next Pokemon had to be a solid check for Heatran and support the team at simultaneously.



So, that completes the process of team building. Now, I wiggle around and do stuff.


Trampe (Heatran) (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP/20 Spd/236 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power / Taunt / Explosion
- Stealth Rock
- Will-o-wisp / Explosion
Whoa, this is one of the best leads that I've tried as of yet.

Lum Berry Heatran functions like any other Lum Berry lead: Take the status and KO something. Magma Storm is a sort of, "high risk, high return" kind of move, as it allows Heatran to beat Focus Sash leads on their first turn out, or trap another Pokemon in, hence the slash with Explosion; however, the 30% chance of missing does become abundant when the opposing lead sets up in Heatran's face. Will-o-Wisp helps Heatran take an Earthquake due to the absence of the Shuca Berry, it also gives me a permanent solution to Tyranitar, Machamp and the like. Earth Power is a great move, though I am considering replacing it with Taunt to prevent anything from using Heatran's "limited" coverage to setup, or Explosion in the case that Latias, Blissey, or any other Pokemon that can wall Heatran becomes trapped in Magma Storm.

Will-o-Wisp is valuable move, it makes it easier for this team to switch in and actually setup something. Most instances that involve the use of the Shuca Berry (bar Metagross leads, though it's the only reason to use a Shuca Berry) have the same result of using Will-o-Wisp, the only difference is that Heatran doesn't use up its item and the opposing lead that uses Earthquake is now crippled with a Burn. Swampert is really the only thing posing an immediate threat, considering if it uses Earthquake first.

Lum Berry Heatran as a lead is, as already said, great. It gets up Stealth Rock, which is vital to both sweepers earning KOs.


Apoyar (Slowbro) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 212 HP/236 Def/44 SAtk
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Surf
- Thunder Wave
- Slack Off
- Ice Beam

It's been quite a while since I've tried Slowbro out as a sponge for Physical moves and I have to say, Slowbro supports this team a few ways. The first is supplying me with an effective switch in to both Gyarados and Machamp, giving Lopunny an easier time Baton Passing Subsitutes. Slowbro also provides Paralysis support, which helps in the long run when taking Heracross' ability to effectively sweep when the opposition's Speed is reduced to almost nothing into account.

Slowbro can also come into Toxic Spikes, provided that Lopunny can Baton Pass a Substitute to it, which defiantly helps with Slowbro's survival.

Currently Testing:

Rotom-h @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Trick
- Shadow Ball

Suave Mujer (Lopunny) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Klutz
EVs: 236 HP/108 Spd/164 SDef
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Switcheroo
- Encore
"Gentle Woman"

  • This sprite is sex.
  • Lopunny is sex.
  • Baton Passing Substitutes is sex.
  • Switcheroo is sex.
  • Encore is sex.
Lopunny is a great Baton Passer, boasting a 300 Speed stat and 65/85/96 defenses. These traits, alongside Switcheroo and Encore allow Lopunny to Baton Pass without much trouble especially when backed up by Dual Screens from Bronzong. With the given EVs, Lopunny will be passing Substitutes with 82 HP, which aren't very bulky. Though, the moves Lopunny will be Encoring, or locking into a Choice Scarf will either have little to no effect on the Pokemon switching in, or they'll be stat up moves. It's also great to mention (again) the potential Reflect and Light Screen buffering the Substitutes.

Encore and Switcheroo work together for two reasons: Baton Passing Lopunny's Choice Scarf isn't usually the best option until I know my opponent's team and the fact that Switcheroo (or Trick that matter) doesn't lock a slower opponent in on a single move - I can't stop a Pokemon trying to stack up multiple stat boosts from attacking Lopunny before she can make a Substitute. Encore also hits Substitutes, which really helps screw over Baton Pass chains and Sub-stat boost Pokemon such as Jirachi and Empoleon.


Venero (Heracross) (M) @ Wide Lens
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance

Truly and underrated threat.

Heracross alone can plow through teams given its decent base 85 Speed and gargantuan base 125 Attack, doubled by a Swords Dance. If given a Substitute, Heracross rips through its checks like tissue and can then pull off a sweep, or damage enough of the opposition to the point where Mismagius can finish them off.

Close Combat and Megahorn are great STAB attacks, hitting a good amount of Pokemon for Super Effective, or neutral damage. Stone Edge can hit what Heracross' STAB can't and it keeps Gyarados from ruining the party.

To end any curious thoughts, I did try Lucario out with success; however, I found myself using Mismagius as my initial Baton Pass recipient more than often due to Lucario's inability to switch in on Gliscor and, well, most Fighting attacks safely, even when 'protected' by a Substitute. Heracross could switch in, setup with ease, and do its job of weakening the opposing team without much trouble at all.


Potente Mujer (Mismagius) (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk) / Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Power Gem / Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
"Powerful Woman"

Scizor is to Aggron, as Darkrai is to Mismagius.

Nasty Plot Mismagius is one of the better of the HG/SS additions. Before, Mismagius would be restricted to using Calm Mind behind its Substitutes, making a [slow] attempt at a sweep. Now, Mismagius can pull off a sweep with ease thanks to the immediate boost from Nasty Plot and its Life Orb.

Shadow Ball and Hidden Power Fighting provide "perfect" coverage, giving that up wouldn't be the brightest of ideas, not to mention that Hidden Power Fighting can OHKO most variants of Tyranitar that don't invest in Special Defense after a Nasty Plot while having a 60% chance of OHKOing ones that do with Stealth Rock damage. The third slot is really up to which Pokemon gives my team trouble if it can find time to setup on Mismagius- Suicune and Vaporeon or Salamence and Gyarados.

Gengar can't touch this.

Currently Testing:
Togekiss (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Encore


Suave Asistente (Bronzong) @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/152 Atk/8 Def/96 SDef
Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Gyro Ball
- Explosion
"Gentle Assistant"

The final piece of this puzzle, Dual Screen Bronzong.

I really couldn't find anything better; Uxie's Dual Screens to Memento/U-turn crap wasn't effective against teams that packed Scizor, Heatran, Machamp, Latias, Tyranitar or Gengar, as Uxie would be bombarded with attacks to the point where it couldn't switch in more than once, or use Memento as a "last ditch" effort. On the contrary, Bronzong can easily lay down both screens with plenty of HP left and with its typing (Levitate), it can switch in and out without much trouble. Not only that, but Explosion ensures that something either dies, or one of my sweepers, or Lopunny can get a free setup from the Pokemon that switches in to take the Explosion.

All in all, Bronzong is an effective Dual Screener as well as my mediocre way to deal with Dragon Dance Tyranitar and Life Orb Gengar.
Threat List
-Stolen from this RMT

  • Bold signals an immediate threat to this team has has to be taken care of with caution.
  • Underlined signals a minor threat, but it still takes a bit of prediction to get by.
  • Bold and Underlined signifies a retardedly difficult threat to overcome
Defensive Threats:

Blissey – Wish Blissey is a bit troublesome, though after Bronzong can setup a Light Screen, Heracross and Lopunny can get a free setup on it. Speaking of Lopunny, she doesn't mind Poison as much as Slowbro does, and she can Encore Blissey if it decides to stay in and attempt to stall with Wish. Switcheroo might fuck over Blissey, I mean, Choice Scarf Blissey is pretty badass.

Bronzong – It can become a problem if it's a Dual Screen variant. If not, my own Broznong can setup a Reflect to prevent Explosion from doing an assload of damage to it. Bronzong won't take a Choice Scarf very well, in fact, I'm pretty sure that Bronzong can get AIDS from the very sight of a Choice Scarf. After two Swords Dances, Heracross can OHKO it with Close Combat, which easy if Bronzong switches in as Heracross uses Swords Dance.

Celebi – Heracross may be crippled by Thunder Wave, but Guts is activated, allowing Heracross to OHKO Celebi with Megahorn through a Reflect. Lopunny sets up on Celebi, taking laughable damage from Grass Knot and being immune to Leech Seed and Thunder Wave while behind a Substitute. Heatran can scare Celebi out easily. Offensive Calm Mind variants, though very rare, are beaten by Mismagius.

Cresselia – One of the more rare Pokemon of OU. Despite of being one of the power hitters of early D/P, Cresselia can't do much to this team. Bronzong can switch and get a Light Screen up, allowing every other Pokemon on my team to effectively switch in on Calm Mind/Charge Beam variants of Cresselia and setup, or in Slowbro's case, cripple her. Defensiive variants are a bit more tricky, what with spreading Paralysis around. If I can get Lopunny in, she can setup a Substitute Cresselia since her Ice Beams cannot break Lopunny's Substitutes in a single hit.

Donphan – This is a defensive threat? Just about everything on this team, barring Lopunny without a Reflect, can setup on it.

Dusknoir – Without Fire Punch, Heracross does a nice job at handling it. As does Lopunny if Dusknoir doesn't carry Focus Punch, Taunt, or Earthquake.

Forretress – Slowbro walls just about everything it can do while Lopunny can Encore most of what it can do and Baton Pass a Substitute to Heracross, or Mismagius.

Gliscor – Slowbro handles all variants of Gliscor that lack Toxic with Lopunny and Bronzong falling in second place handling Gliscor lacking Taunt.

Gyarados – BulkyDos variants cause the most trouble, as Slowbro can only use Ice Beam, which does less than 30%. So, without Stealth Rock support, this bastard won't fall so easily.

Hippowdon – In most cases, Mismagius and Heracross can use Hippowdon as setup fodder. Both can 2HKO Hippowdon after a single boost, but they have to be careful not to let Hippowdon wear them down. Lopunny can Encore Hippowdon if it sets up Stealth Rock as she switches in and like all of the other mentioned walls, Hippowdon doesn't fare well with a 1.5 Speed boost at the cost of being restricted to a single move.

Jirachi – Heatran needs to be alive to take down SubCM and support Jirachi. Bronzong can setup a Light Screen if it needs to. Heracross can take a few hits and, break Jirachi's Substitutes with Megahorn, and deliver a great amount of damage with Close Combat. Lopunny can, once again, come in safely and Encore whatever move Jirachi decides to go with. Choice Scarf Jirachi can be taken out by Bronzong and Slowbro without much trouble.

Rotom-A – Lopunny handles most defensive Rotom-A with Substitute, Encore, and Switcheroo. Heracross can also come into any move that isn't Overheat, or Air Slash, and setup a Swords Dance. On a side note, Heracross does 76.64% - 90.46% to Rotom-A with a Guts activated +2 Stone Edge, allowing it to come in freely on Will-o-Wisp as well.

Skarmory – Heatran, Lopunny and Slowbro can prevent Skarmory from becoming a pain to this team.

Snorlax – Bronzong can handle most of what Snorlax can dish out, the only problem is that Bronzong can do much back outside of killing itself. Heracross does a great job of revenge killing it.

Suicune – Heracross can setup a Swords Dance and go for the 2HKO with Megahorn, but that's really about it. Lopunny can screw up its attempt to setup, as can Bronzong (again, it has to commit suicide in order to do any damage).

Swampert – Lopunny and Slowbro can attempt to stop a Curse setup, otherwise, it's of no threat to this team since Bronzong can setup Reflect and Light Screen in Swampert's face without much trouble. Lopunny can Encore a Roar, or Earthquake, allowing one of my other Pokemon to hack away at Swampert's HP.

Tentacruel – Bronzong, and Heracross can handle it. Repeated Gyro Balls hurt, and Heracross can setup a Swords Dance or two without much effort ( Surf does a maximum of 35% to Heracross ).

Tyranitar – Heracross... LOL

Vaporeon – Mismagius can 2HKO Vaporeon with Shadow Ball after a Nasty Plot. Heracross does great against most variants of Vaporeon, too.

Zapdos – Rapes my team.

Offensive Threats:

Azelf - It's pretty rare to see these guys without a Focus Sash and Stealth Rock imo. Azelf is easy to bring down if it's a lead, Nasty Plot versions wreck this team with the exception of Heatran despite being uncommon.

Breloom – Heracross, Bronzong, and Heatran can take Breloom on.

Dragonite – Bronzong and Slowbro handle Dragon Dance variants, the mixed bastards are a bit more difficult to switch in on. In most cases, Bronzong will take the initial hit.

Dugtrio – What the fuck is a Dugtrio?

Electivire – Bronzong can setup both Screens before it dies, while Heracross and Mismagius can setup on non-Life Orb variants of Electivire and kill it. Slowbro has a chance against the dickshits that try to damage something with a full Physical Electivire.

Gengar - Bronzong, that's about all I have to say.

Gyarados – Offensive variants of Gyarados tend to carry Leftovers for some odd reason, giving Slowbro an easier chance of switch in and crippling Gyarados. Bronzong also fares a chance at beating Offensive Dos with Reflect and repeated Gyro Balls, that or it can just explode.

Heatran – Slowpoke, Slohwwwwwpoke.

Heracross – Bronzong and my own Heracross can switch in on most of what this thing can dish out and kill it without much trouble.

InfernapeRapes my team

Jolteon – Light Screens, Gyro Balls, and Megahorns keep this thing at bay.

Latias – Bronzong, Mismagius and Heracross can handle Latias without much trouble. Thanks to their STAB attacks and their ability to take a hit from Latias.

Kingdra – Bronzong sets up a Reflect, preventing it from harming Slowbro much at all.

Lucario - Mismagius is immune to most of what Lucario can toss at it, and OHKO with Hidden Power Fighting if it has Modest nature, or if Lucario has taken two turns of Life Orb recoil. Slowbro can switch in and cripple it (Surf does around 80% after a defense drop) .

Machamp – Slowbro and Bronzong, really. Heracross has a decent chance of setting up on a Machamp during Rest.

Magnezone – It only traps Bronzong, in which case, I'll just setup a Light Screen and lead the field with my head held high. Heracross does a decent job of killing any variant slower than Choice Scarf Magnezone.

Mamoswine – Bronzong, Heracross, Slowbro, etc, etc.

Metagross – Bronzong and Slowbro can take pretty much anything aside from that stupid strong Explosion.

Porygon-Z – Bronzong, Heracross and Mismagius.

Salamence – Bronzong initially, usually to take the incoming Draco Meteor. Slowbro is next with its obvious bulk and Ice Beam.

Scizor – Heatran, blah, blah. Bronzong sets up Reflect, blah blah blah.

Starmie – Mindgames? I got none. Starmie does its damage to this team and repeated hits from Life Orb boosted Surfs will eventually kill Bronzong.

Togekiss – Bronzong does its job at killing this bitch. Heracross can finish it off with Stone Edge at around 60%.

Tyranitar – Tyranitar is too fucking versatile to find an initial switch in. Bronzong and Heracross do nicely against it regardless of the set while Slowbro and Lopunny can handle Mixed and stat up variants respectively.

Zapdos – Rapes the fuck out of my team​
InfernapeRapes my team​

How true this is.

I saw in your log that you were testing Latias, and I recommend it opposed to Brongzong. Latias can run a set similiar to Brongzong.

~Reflect/ Recover
~Light Screen/ Recover
~Dragon Pulse
~Thunder Wave

Might seem a little unorthodox however you can drop one of the screens for Recover and added survivability. Thunder Wave stops DDTar from getting too fast so you can revenge kill it with Heracross. Can also help with Gengar. Obviously this means that Latias will have to have a screen up or it takes notable amounts of damage from the two, however it adds a much needed Infernape and Zapdos counter to your team

Hope I helped

EDIT: Also recommend getting rid of Slowbro for a bulky water in the vein of Swampert or Suicine, to remove the Scizor/ Tyranitar weakness.
How true this is.
EDIT: Also recommend getting rid of Slowbro for a bulky water in the vein of Swampert or Suicine, to remove the Scizor/ Tyranitar weakness.

Or he could put Flamethrower over Ice beam? That way he keeps his para support, and Scizors switching in will be para'd and finished off with fire...

I like this team.:U
I may have missed it but I dont see Weavile on your threat list.
This is bad because a Weavile can:
1.) Hit Tran and Lop with Brick Break
2.) DESTROY heracross with Aerial Ace
3.) Hit mismagius and slowbro with Pursuit or night slash.
The only pokemon that resists Weavile's common moves is B-zong. I wouldnt consider this too big of a problem because you have moves to counter it, but Weavile outspeeds everyone on your team. If its packing a choice band it has the potential to fuck up your day. =/
Maybe try and get some priority move or speed boosts so you can handle it? Just a suggestion.
Or he could put Flamethrower over Ice beam? That way he keeps his para support, and Scizors switching in will be para'd and finished off with fire...

I like this team.:U
I'll actually try that since Gyarados isn't falling to Ice Beam any time soon.

I may have missed it but I dont see Weavile on your threat list.
This is bad because a Weavile can:
1.) Hit Tran and Lop with Brick Break
2.) DESTROY heracross with Aerial Ace
3.) Hit mismagius and slowbro with Pursuit or night slash.
The only pokemon that resists Weavile's common moves is B-zong. I wouldnt consider this too big of a problem because you have moves to counter it, but Weavile outspeeds everyone on your team. If its packing a choice band it has the potential to fuck up your day. =/
Maybe try and get some priority move or speed boosts so you can handle it? Just a suggestion.
Weavile isn't common, thus it isn't a 'real' threat to me.
Hey this is a really cool team, I am actually a huge fan of Lopunny in OU, though when I trick a Scarf onto people after using another move I am often accused of cheating xD. Anyway, there are a few changes that I would like you to try out. First off, I'd like you to try Agility in place of Encore on Lopunny. Encore is a good choice for locking in an opponent, but Lopunny can already Switcheroo a risk-free Scarf onto them to generate relatively the same effect. Agility would be very bennificial on Lopunny, however, as it would be a really great toy to pass to Heracross; if the thought of a +2 Heracross behind a Sub is scary, then imagine a +2 Heracross that can also outspeed Choice Scarf Heatran and Latias. Yikes. Agility is also a fun toy for Mismagius to play with, although really, it is especially benificial to Hera.

Also, I suggest using a Tyranitar lead for this team. Uncommon? Yes. Odd? Yes. But effective? Very. TTar leads do effectively the same thing as Heatran, except for sporting better defenses and defensive typing. I suggest using a spread of 252 Hp / 252 Atk / 4 Def, a moveset of Crunch, Stone Edge, Substitute, and Stealth Rock, and an Adamant nature (item being Lum Berry). This is such a weird set but trust me it is great at killing the more common OU suicide leads such as Azelf and Roserade. Stone Edge and Crunch make up a great STAB combination, and can OHKO Azelf (factoring in the sandstorm). Also, thanks to Tyranitar's impressive defenses, he will almost always get up Stealth Rock. Tyranitar can't really harm more defensive leads such as Metagross and Swampert, however, but thankfully Bronzong sets up on both of these Pokemon. The fact that this is so uncommon makes it even better, however, if you dont like it, feel free to stick with your current Heatran.

Thats about all I can suggest, I really like how this team takes very underrated Pokemon but brings them all together to make a good OU team. Hope I helped, and good luck! =)
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