name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Stored Power
move 3: Recover
move 4: Focus Blast / Acid Armor
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe
Reuniclus is one of the most threatening users of Dynamax; its natural bulk in tandem with the HP boost from Dynamax and stat boosts from moves like Calm Mind and Acid Armor make it incredibly difficult to reliably take down. Additionally, thanks to Magic Guard and Recover, Reuniclus is one of the most consistent Toxapex answers in OU. While Reuniclus doesn't pose a great threat early-game when its checks are healthy, it can easily find opportunities mid- and late-game to set up against weak Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad. Although Focus Blast is usually preferred so Reuniclus can hit Mandibuzz and Hydreigon, Acid Armor makes Reuniclus an even more potent late-game sweeper and can let it beat Galarian Darmanitan. Psychic can potentially be run over Stored Power for a more consistent matchup against Hawlucha and Toxapex, although this should only be considered on sets without Acid Armor. Because Reuniclus's special bulk is already rather good, this EV spread invests in physical bulk to improve Reuniclus's overall defensive capabilities and let it check Pokemon like Hawlucha. 44 Speed EVs allow Reuniclus to outspeed Toxapex and potentially take it out with a well-timed Max Mindstorm.
Since this set struggles with Dark-types, Fairy- and Fighting-types such as Clefable and Conkeldurr are helpful to pressure them. Mandibuzz also makes a solid partner because it can check Ghost-types like Aegislash and Dragapult. If running Acid Armor, Dugtrio is a fantastic partner, since it can trap grounded Dark-types like Tyranitar and Bisharp. Similarly, Toxapex is a good partner, since its Toxic Spikes help wear down Dark-types like Tyranitar and Grimmsnarl.
- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[Jordy, 395754], [Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732]]
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Stored Power
move 3: Recover
move 4: Focus Blast / Acid Armor
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe
Reuniclus is one of the most threatening users of Dynamax; its natural bulk in tandem with the HP boost from Dynamax and stat boosts from moves like Calm Mind and Acid Armor make it incredibly difficult to reliably take down. Additionally, thanks to Magic Guard and Recover, Reuniclus is one of the most consistent Toxapex answers in OU. While Reuniclus doesn't pose a great threat early-game when its checks are healthy, it can easily find opportunities mid- and late-game to set up against weak Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad. Although Focus Blast is usually preferred so Reuniclus can hit Mandibuzz and Hydreigon, Acid Armor makes Reuniclus an even more potent late-game sweeper and can let it beat Galarian Darmanitan. Psychic can potentially be run over Stored Power for a more consistent matchup against Hawlucha and Toxapex, although this should only be considered on sets without Acid Armor. Because Reuniclus's special bulk is already rather good, this EV spread invests in physical bulk to improve Reuniclus's overall defensive capabilities and let it check Pokemon like Hawlucha. 44 Speed EVs allow Reuniclus to outspeed Toxapex and potentially take it out with a well-timed Max Mindstorm.
Since this set struggles with Dark-types, Fairy- and Fighting-types such as Clefable and Conkeldurr are helpful to pressure them. Mandibuzz also makes a solid partner because it can check Ghost-types like Aegislash and Dragapult. If running Acid Armor, Dugtrio is a fantastic partner, since it can trap grounded Dark-types like Tyranitar and Bisharp. Similarly, Toxapex is a good partner, since its Toxic Spikes help wear down Dark-types like Tyranitar and Grimmsnarl.
- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[Jordy, 395754], [Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732]]
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