PU Ribombee

Ribombee @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Shield Dust
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Roost / U-turn / Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance turns Ribombee into an effective late-game cleaner capable of outspeeding the entire boosted metagame. Psychic allows Ribombee to KO Poison-types like Weezing and Garbodor and is its strongest means of breaking through Fire-types like Magmortar. Roost provides Ribombee with reliable recovery, which allows it to set up multiple times against defensive foes like Aromatisse. U-turn is an option to pivot out against Pokemon it struggles to break through such as Gigalith and Togedemaru. Bug Buzz hits Pokemon like Mesprit and Abomasnow for super effective damage. Wallbreakers like Lycanroc and Virizion can help remove the aforementioned foes Ribombee struggles to break past. Ribombee can struggle to set up due to its frailty, so pivots like Mesprit and Passimian can help bring it in safely, the former doing a great job in wearing down their shared checks, mainly specially defensive walls like Gigalith and Silvally-Steel.
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Ribombee @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Shield Dust
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Roost / U-turn / Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance turns Ribombee into an effective late-game cleaner capable of outspeeding a majority (well, not the majority of it - all of it rlly) of the boosted metagame. Psychic allows Ribombee to KO Poison-types like Weezing, Garbador, and Toxicroak. (its also its best option against fire-types like talon) Roost provides Ribombee with reliable recovery, which allows it to check foes like Virizion more easily and helps it set up multiple boosts against foes like Aromatisse. (u're not bee to check viriz tho tbh, it's moreso to setup against fat mons) U-turn is an option to pivot out against Pokemon it struggles to break through such as Gigalith and Aggron. (i'd rather have u mention togedemaru, aggron takes like 35% from moonblast) Bug Buzz hits Pokemon like Mesprit and Abomansow (abomasnow) for super effective damage. Wallbreakers like Lycanroc and Virizion can help remove the aforementioned foes Ribombee struggles to break past. Ribombee can struggle to set up due to its frailness so pivots like Mesprit and Passimian can help bring it in safely, the former doing a great job in wearing down their shared checks being Steel-types like Silvally-Steel. (not just steel-types tbh, just specially defensive mons)
qc 1/1

GP 1/1
Ribombee @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Shield Dust
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Roost / U-turn / Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance turns Ribombee into an effective late-game cleaner capable of outspeeding the entire boosted metagame. Psychic allows Ribombee to KO Poison-types like Weezing and Garbador Garbodor and is its strongest means of breaking through Fire-types like Magmortar. Roost provides Ribombee with reliable recovery, which allows it to set up multiple boosts times against defensive foes like Aromatisse. U-turn is an option to pivot out against Pokemon it struggles to break through such as Gigalith and Togedemaru. Bug Buzz hits Pokemon like Mesprit and Abomasnow for super effective damage. Wallbreakers like Lycanroc and Virizion can help remove the aforementioned foes Ribombee struggles to break past. Ribombee can struggle to set up due to its frailness frailty,(AC) so pivots like Mesprit and Passimian can help bring it in safely, the former doing a great job in wearing down their shared checks being ,(AC) mainly specially defensive walls like Gigalith and Silvally-Steel.