RMT (Somewhat of my OU team)


Here's the team and explanation:

H-Samurott: Obvious lead, it has Taunt to prevent potential setups (like Quiver Dance and Calm Mind) as well as Knock-Off to prevent getting the sash swapped. Ceaseless Edge for the hazards and Razor Shell for STAB. Tera-Ghost to deal with Fairy and Fighting.

Hydreigon: A wall breaker (and maybe an item bait). Will use U-turn for switches and will almost always use Dark Pulse. Tera-Poison to deal with Fairies. It has levitated for ground immunity when Tera (tho I think Tera-Elec might be better)

H-Lillgant: The sweeper. If lucky, she can get a victory dance up first if her opponent doesn't attack. Wide Lens to deal with Hustle and Tera Electric + Ice Spinner for Flying types.

Corvinight: The wall itself. Has Roost and to become typeless. Tera-Elec for defense and has Defog to remove hazards. (That's why the boots)

Cinderace: The other sweeper/revenge killer. Tera-Flying for ground types as well as Libero to change types in between.

Rotom-Wash: Balance/Trick set up: Using Trick to swap the Choice Specs then T-wave. Has Hydro and V-Switch for coverage and Tera-Elec for no weakness

Watcha think? (Be nice it's my first ou team)
Hey! So the team could definitely use some work so I'll go through everything I can think of right now 1 by 1

First thing I notice is H-Lilligant and the issue is something you kinda said yourself, you have to get Lucky, which can be good for fun mess around teams, but for anything looking to succeed this just doesn't work. H-Lil is a good sun sweeper, and even can run Wide Lens like you do to help with things like Triple Axel, but typically it is not at all a good mon outside of sun. It struggles with being fast enough, hitting hard enough, and the luck you're rolling with Hustle is just not worth it. Sweepers shouldn't need their boost, let's look at Roaring Moon, it can outspeed and hit most of OU, really well even without Proto or DDance.

Second thing I notice: Corviknight doesn't need boots, it's a steel flying type, it's naturally immune to spikes, t-spikes, and webs, and only takes neutral damage to Rocks, which doesn't matter with an item like leftovers, or you can run Rocky Helmet to punish physical attackers. (Also Roost doesn't make it typeless, just removes the flying type making it just a Steel type)

Third Thing: Rotom-Wash is fine, but Choice Specs is not the best for your idea, if an enemy reads it they can swap to a SpA and gain a boost, and if they're nasty plot setting up, and they hit you and then you swap specs over, you are now facing a specced nasty plot boosted sweeper, run scarf for quick H-Pumps, V-Switches, and T-Waves, as well as to Trick setup mons + walls.

Fourth Thing: Cinderace is fine as is, but I prefer Band or Scarf for Extreme Damage on pivots/speed on things like R-Moons.

There's more but it is really late for me and I don't got it in me to type any more, overall though it's better than my first ever team lol, and I hope this helped :)

Here's the team and explanation:

H-Samurott: Obvious lead, it has Taunt to prevent potential setups (like Quiver Dance and Calm Mind) as well as Knock-Off to prevent getting the sash swapped. Ceaseless Edge for the hazards and Razor Shell for STAB. Tera-Ghost to deal with Fairy and Fighting.

Hydreigon: A wall breaker (and maybe an item bait). Will use U-turn for switches and will almost always use Dark Pulse. Tera-Poison to deal with Fairies. It has levitated for ground immunity when Tera (tho I think Tera-Elec might be better)

H-Lillgant: The sweeper. If lucky, she can get a victory dance up first if her opponent doesn't attack. Wide Lens to deal with Hustle and Tera Electric + Ice Spinner for Flying types.

Corvinight: The wall itself. Has Roost and to become typeless. Tera-Elec for defense and has Defog to remove hazards. (That's why the boots)

Cinderace: The other sweeper/revenge killer. Tera-Flying for ground types as well as Libero to change types in between.

Rotom-Wash: Balance/Trick set up: Using Trick to swap the Choice Specs then T-wave. Has Hydro and V-Switch for coverage and Tera-Elec for no weakness

Watcha think? (Be nice it's my first ou team)
This team isn’t really viable.
You do realize Defog undoes all the work you’ve done with H-Samurott. Corvi doesn’t really need Boots since only Stealth Rocks can hurt it and it’s neutral to rocks. Rocky Helmet or Leftovers would work better. H-Liligant is way too frail to set up and has no business being on an OU team besides Sun. Hydregion isn’t viable and there are much more powerful Dark or Dragon Spec users such as Darkrai, Raging Bolt and Latios. The rest of the team looks ok-ish, although Slowking-Galar kinda outclasses Rotom-W as a Special Defensive pivot.