Roselia (QC 0/3)

+ Spikes & Toxic Spikes
+ Sleep Powder & reliable recovery are nice too
+ Good special bulk helps it lay multiple layers of Spikes
+ Excellent Scald absorber
- Not much coverage
- Weak physical Defense
- Four-moveslot syndrome
- Ferroseed gives it heavy competition as a defensive spiker

name: Specially defensive
move 1: Spikes / Toxic Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Synthesis / Rest
Ability: Natural Cure
Item: Eviolite
EVs: 248 HP / 200 SpD / 56 Spe
Calm Nature

  • Spikes are the main reason for using Roselia & punish switches
  • Toxic Spikes may be more useful on stall teams as a way of wearing down opponents - however Spikes are generally better on balanced teams
  • Giga Drain is the STAB of choice
  • Sludge Bomb whacks other Grass-types, especially Lilligant who sets up on you otherwise; 30% poison chance is also super-cool
  • Synthesis is reliable recovery
  • Rest isn't shafted by weather and combines well with Natural Cure
  • Sleep Powder is cool but Roselia can't really afford the moveslot
Set details
  • Natural Cure enables Roselia to be a good status absorber, particularly Scald from the likes of Lanturn and Prinplup.
  • EVs to outspeed Adamant Rhydon - with max HP you can (just barely) survive an Earthquake after Stealth Rock.
Usage tips
  • On stall, switch Roselia in on specially offensive Water- and Grass-types (eg Ludicolo), or opposing walls (eg Miltank), and proceed to lay hazards.
  • Don't bother with Toxic Spikes until you have removed your opponent's grounded Poison-type (eg Vileplume, Muk) as they will absorb them immediately upon switching in.
  • Heal often.
  • Switch in Ghost-types on opposing spinners - Roselia loses to most of them bar Kabutops (and even then it has to be wary of Knock Off).
  • On balance, use Sleep Powder aggressively as it stops Roselia losing too much momentum, particularly if the opponent lacks a Grass-type.
Team options
  • Physical walls such as Regirock to complement Roselia's special bulk
  • Stealth Rock users to add more hazards
  • Spinblockers such as Mismagius or Rotom to keep Spikes on the field
  • Phazers and wallbreakers can take advantage of Spikes
  • Steer clear of Defog users as they will undo all of Roselia's hard-earned work
name: Offensive
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Sleep Powder / Synthesis
Ability: Natural Cure
Item: Eviolite
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature


Moves/Set Details
  • Pretty much the same as was listed above for all of them
Usage tips
  • Sacrifices bulk for offensive presence and therefore fits better on balance teams.
  • Gets opportunities to lay Spikes through forcing more switches than the defensive set.
  • Use Sleep Powder aggressively, or Sludge Bomb to catch out opposing Grass-types.
Team options
  • Pivots (eg Lanturn, Musharna) can find opportunities for Roselia to come in and lay hazards.
  • Offensive Psychic- and Ground-types to beat the Poison-types Roselia can't touch
  • Wallbreakers force switches and capitalise on Spikes
  • Physically defensive set is outclassed by Vileplume
  • Leech Seed, but not enough moveslots/outclassed by Ferroseed
  • HP Fire for Ferroseed?
  • Poison-types
  • Fire-types
  • Flying-types
  • Ferroseed
  • Rapid Spin/Defog/Xatu
  • Offensive pressure
  • Knock Off users
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I would like some physical defense investment on the first set in order to tank close combats if necessary, etc. Grass gets a lot of advantage vs physical types like Ground and it'd be nice if you could actually take and EQ in order to KO Rhydon, and stuff like that.

Sludge bomb on defensive set deserves to be one of the main options, not a third slash. Without sludge bomb, you'd lose to Lilligant which is hilariously terrible. I would like Spikes / Giga Drain / Sludge Bomb / Synthesis, then just mention Tspikes / Rest / Sleep Powder in moves in the set comment section, but I really don't see any of its moves being replaceable on the defensive set, other than Synthesis < Rest. If you really wanna slash the other moves, do so after the 2 stab moves, but it looks more cluttered.

I like Leaf Storm / Sleep Powder / Spikes / Sludge Bomb offensive set as well with focus on damage and speed investment. I know the offensive tank set is alright as well, not sure how the sets will be divided because all 3 sets are pretty similar in moves but different spreads and different goals, but just wanted to put this out there. Maybe combine the offensive sets as 1 because I think even on the tank set having some speed invest is probably optimal, such as 52 Speed EVs for max speed Adamant Rhydon.

C&C is looking very bare. Actually list specific threats as opposed to types, and what are the scenarios that result in them beating it. Different counters function in different ways to stop Roselia. For example, Pyroar doesn't really like switching into SR + Sludge Bomb, but it puts offensive pressure on it, in contrast, other counters may actually switch in consistently, etc.
The thing is, as nice as it would be to be able to counter Fighting-types, they all run Knock Off (or are called Combusken), which means it is a pretty unreliable switch into them anyways. Sawk even has a chance to 2HKO 252 HP / 252+ Def Roselia after Stealth Rock. If you want to take on Fighting-types, Vileplume is far better for its higher physical bulk, relative disregard for Knock Off and chance to cripple its opponents with Effect Spore.

Made other changes to the defensive set though. The offensive set is under reconstruction for the moment while I do some battling with it as I haven't used it nearly as much as defensive.
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marilli So I managed to ladder all the way up to #7 with the offensive Roselia set you described (ie Leaf Storm / Sludge Bomb / Spikes / Sleep Powder), way more success then I ever got with defensive, thoughts about making it the primary set?

I feel that a spread of 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe is optimal to outpace Crustle and put it to sleep before it gets any hazards up (unless Lum Berry is a thing? I don't think I've ever seen Lum Crustle).

Happy to talk about Roselia in more detail in the NU showdown room some time - my showdown name is eighthcircleofhell.
Not QC, but there are some bits in the overview I don't quite agree with. Saying it has 4MSS is kind of extreme considering it does just fine with Spikes / Synthesis and dual STAB. Also I'm not sure if Ferroseed is the best comparison to draw here, as the only thing they share is Spikes, and Roselia is honestly a more reliable Spikes user due to its reliable recovery and ability to actually pressure mons with decently powerful attacks (Ferroseed is far too passive by comparison).

The first set needs some moves deslashed. Spikes has far more use especially with Skuntank being everywhere to absorb them, so I personally think it's best to leave Toxic Spikes mentioned in moves. Rest also shouldn't be slashed. I get that it pairs well with Natural Cure, but being forced to switch out after using the move sucks when you're using Roselia to 1v1 mons like Floatzel and Special Samurott among other things. Synthesis is just far more reliable and should be the only slash.

Team options also need to be expanded. Roselia is greatly threatened by Fire-types, so things like Lanturn, Samurott , and Kabutops pair well, with the latter two greatly appreciating the Spikes support Roselia provides. Also when mentioning Ghost-types, make sure to note that they threaten Xatu, in addition to Spinblocking, as Xatu is the biggest pain for Roselia. Fast Electric-types such as Rotom-S and Zebstrika pair well because they threaten Xatu as well other Flying-types and because they don't exactly hit the hardest, Spikes support is great boon for them.