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This thread's purpose is to provide a way for users to suggest changes or improvements to any currently uploaded RU analyses. Here is also a good place to post sets you think deserve to be on the dex and why you think so. You are more than welcome to post any questions you have on any uploaded content or about the analysis process.

Do not make trivial posts lacking content. This thread is only for important analysis discussion and isn't the place for anything else.
I'm writing Slowbro's Overview / Other Options / Checks right now, and the CM set does not have Covert Cloak listed as an item option, even though I feel like it's Slowbro's best option. In my opinion that set should be updated to have Heavy-Duty Boots slashed with Covert Cloak; I feel as though Rocky Helmet isn't a common option for Slowbro any more.
Lucario's Nasty Plot set is suggesting the ability Justified over Inner Focus or Steadfast despite the fact that it's a special attacking set.
some set suggestions I think deserve a writeup

Gallade @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Psycho Cut
- Leaf Blade

I think gallade is a really underrated breaker in meta as is, physical setup guy that can get through bro/hippo without need to tera, respectable special bulk, great coverage with stabs+leaf blade, all around good dude. Recently was put on the vr as well so I think its high time we got both of the ralts evo lines represented.

Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 200 HP / 184 Atk / 124 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Defog
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Knock Off

Defog conk, while a meme in the community for a while, has been quietly putting up numbers. We saw it in rupl, we've seen in scl (i assume, we can ask kush for a confirm), and I've personally used it to pretty consistent success in random tours, so I think it is high time he gets his own set in the dex. This is the spread that I've been using, the speed is for outpacing the uninvested base 60's and the HP puts you at 401 which is an stoss/night shade number but idr if it gives you any other meaningful calcs, but could very easily take some away from HP and invest fully into atk or take some from atk and invest fully in HP. Whatever would make life easier ig lol

Lilligant-Hisui @ Wide Lens
Ability: Hustle
Tera Type: Psychic / Ice / Fight
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Victory Dance
- Close Combat
- Leaf Blade
- Tera Blast / Ice Spinner / Triple Axel

Another underrated fighting type that I'm honestly stunned we don't have a set up for yet? I've been a hilli supporter since back in the rult days and I think she holds up pretty well under the current scrutiny of meta. After watching some LC as part of smogon casting slam and SCL, I have come to realize tera psychic on hilli is super valuable giving it the ability to blow up every poison type that thinks its a worthwhile switchin in the tier (dogi, geezing, fez) while also giving it some worth while coverage over certain fighters that think they can act as a check (slither, gapdos) while also giving you a strong neutral hit that is NON-CONTACT vs the fliers like talon notably, but also noivern and thundy and stuff. You could also just go with the somewhat more boring/conservative ice type coverage move and have it perform just as well in theory. Or you could stick with tera fight to give it the strongest CC in the tier with a victory dance up.

Deoxys-Defense @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
Timid Nature
- Knock Off
- Cosmic Power
- Recover
- Stored Power

Definitely a niche one, but cosmic power deoxys is something that plagued ladder when deo first dropped and is something that myself and others, namely feen and gk, have found success with in tour play albeit on my stall but its put up consistent enough results that I think it deserves a spot in the analysis. If not cosmic power though, at least some form of setup deoxys as we've seen like calm mind also be effective. The speed is to be able to outpace the base 80's, you could even invest a couple more points in to hit the slither number which is probably pretty relevant. Max hp is the best way to optimize deods already substantial defenses alongside which get boosted further with stored power. The rest of the evs are arbitrarily thrown into defense.

Flygon @ Leftovers / Loaded Dice / Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Outrage / Scale Shot
- Stone Edge

Flygon has been on the fringes of RU for a while now but I think the dragon dance set deserves its time in the sun. We've seen everything from fimp, to band, to scarf before but I think dd is notable as it can exploit hippowdon for potential free turns for setup or attacking, and as a ground guy cannot be caught by prio twave from thundy. Scale shot can be used an alternative to outrage to still provide a decent dragon stab, that can boost your speed and is lower commitment than outrage would be. Since flygon lost roost this gen, lefties is pretty important in my eyes to get some survivability for yourself but loaded dice in conjunction with scale shot to guarantee 4 hits, or lum to be able to sponge a random tox/burn is perfectly valid as well.

there are probably more I could go looking for, but for now I think these are all pretty relevant to meta and deserve their own dedicated writeup.
some set suggestions I think deserve a writeup

Gallade @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Psycho Cut
- Leaf Blade

I think gallade is a really underrated breaker in meta as is, physical setup guy that can get through bro/hippo without need to tera, respectable special bulk, great coverage with stabs+leaf blade, all around good dude. Recently was put on the vr as well so I think its high time we got both of the ralts evo lines represented.

Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Ability: Guts
Tera Typ: Steel
EVs: 200 HP / 184 Atk / 124 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Defog
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Knock Off

Defog conk, while a meme in the community for a while, has been quietly putting up numbers. We saw it in rupl, we've seen in scl (i assume, we can ask kush for a confirm), and I've personally used it to pretty consistent success in random tours, so I think it is high time he gets his own set in the dex. This is the spread that I've been using, the speed is for outpacing the uninvested base 60's and the HP puts you at 401 which is an stoss/night shade number but idr if it gives you any other meaningful calcs, but could very easily take some away from HP and invest fully into atk or take some from atk and invest fully in HP. Whatever would make life easier ig lol

Seconding the Gallade and Defog Conk writeups, especially Defog Conk where it's become its main set and the better one between it and flame orb.

I would like to suggest a write-up for Gligar.

Gligar @ Eviolite
Ability: Immunity
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 116 Def / 128 SpD / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes / Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- U-turn

A solid bulky-o/balance mon with showings here and there and ranked B on the VR iirc, switches on close combats, earthquakes, volt switches, immune to toxic and toxic chain, sets hazards, spreads poison, pivots. threatens our defoggers and spinners with Toxic and can u-turn on geezing to bring Hoodra or any special attacker for that matter in for free. also benefits from the wish + hoodra cores since it fits right in and gives it a way to recover.
16 Speed EVs to outspeed Adamant Craw, 128 SpDef EVs to be guaranteed to live Specs Hoodra Draco Meteor after Rocks from full.
some small tweaks i think would be cool

:armarouge: :weakness_policy:
i think psyshock should be over stored power, stored power can stay as an other option but psyshock should be the default, more reliable, beats bike just fine, doesn't miss on much kills +2 arma wouldn't get anyways
also tera ghost could be a nice other option it's worse now that conk is gone but still neat for rapid spin and as a neat tool to help for the rare Entei matchup for HO teams that aren't very good against it, with prankster para being gone i almost never feel the need to click tera ground

tera steel should be the default, tera ground doesn't really get you any kills that you wouldn't get while tera steel is nice for Zapdos-g speed ties and most importantly completely flips up the new Mamoswine matchup, which is HUGE, Mamoswine is a big stinker for HO where Salamence fits best and at +2 atk (which you should be at since Mamo is a revenge killer against mence, you set up a ddance then get a kill then it switches in) dual wingbeat is a guaranteed ko after rocks while outrage is a guaranteed KO full stop, which could win you the game on the spot, which tera ground fails to do
Following in the footsteps of Canard, I'll suggest some tweaks/new sets I think should be added.

:sv/goodra hisui:
Goodra-Hisui @ Leftovers
Ability: Sap Sipper
Tera Type: Fairy/Ghost/Bug
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful/Sassy Nature
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam/Draco Meteor/Dragon Tail/Flash Cannon
The finer details can be ironed out later like the specific evs (some people run a bit of speed) and what moves should be on there, but specially defensive hoodra should absolutely be a set for hoodra. I would say its probably its best set rn, though specs is still very good. It takes advantage of hoodra's massive special defense stat in order to spread knock off and be a suprisingly difficult pokemon to switch in to due its wide coverage. Its able to leverage protect+wish passing to keep itself healthy over the course of a game.

Gyarados @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Moxie
Tera Type: Flying/Ground
EVs: 176 HP / 96 Atk / 24 Def / 212 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Tera Blast/Earthquake
- Rest
Specific evs can be adjusted (60 HP/252+ Attack/196 speed is a simpler spread), but resto chesto should at the very least be an OO mention. I do think that it should be its own set, as it is something you see a lot in tourneys, but it can set up multiple times in order to try and sweep the opposing team.

Ninetales @ Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Healing Wish
- Flamethrower/Weather Ball
- Will-O-Wisp/Solar Beam/Scorching Sands
Since every other weather setter has a set (besides its alolan counterpart, but that is something that is yet to be reserved), I think its time to complete it by including ninetales. Max HP means ninetales can switch in as often as possible to set up the sun, with max speed helping it use its good speed to use its support moves. Encore can let ninetales stop setup sweepers and give its sun teammates free setup, healing wish can give teammates another chance to sweep. Flamethrower is more consistent, while weather ball has higher damage output (also the burn chance is something that has come into play during matches). Will-o-Wisp can cripple physical attackers to give teammates more setup opportunities, Solar Beam can hit Water Types for big damage and scorching sands can spread burn while hitting pokemon such as volcanion and armarouge for good damage. Tera Ghost acts as an emergency spinblock while letting it avoid big fighting moves.

Roar should be on volcanion in the OO section. I used it on my Volcanion semi-stall here, but its been a good option for a while. It allows it to phaze out pokemon such as suicune or setup sweepers by tanking a hit and then phazing them, while also being great on spikestack teams. Its a genuine option that has been seen in tournaments I believe.
i noticed Zoroark-H's nasty plot set was removed and i think it should be re-added, why? because it has a solid niche as a setup mon with naturally good speed and special atk and STAB sound move, which in combination with throat spray can be very threatening, +1 is all it takes to clean weakened more offensive teams and at +2 with tera fighting or +3 it just melts Umbreon, Cyclizar and Goodra-H with Focus Blast, it's also great into ditto as it's immune to transform and importer while disguised and funnily enough fully immune to it's stabs and focus blast so even if ditto somehow finds an opening to transform it can't do anything, it's ability is nothing to scoff at even with throat spray over boots, on HO teams with great hazard control it can be devastating as it can force the opponent to send a physical wall, blissfully unaware of the incoming hyper voice, it also in a different way fits webs excellently as thanks to webs it can outspeed everything that isn't scarf zapdos or noivern and sweep with relative ease, it can also work as an emergency spinblocker than beats cyclizar in 1v1 thanks to throat spray being consumable, lowering knock off's base power after use, some might consider this "too niche" to have a sample set but Gengar gets a nasty plot set which could be argued is worse than Zoroark's without the ever so useful throat spray STAB hyper voice combo and worse ability, so i don't see why it wouldn't deserve this set

Zoroark-Hisui @ Throat Spray
Ability: Illusion
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hyper Voice
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Nasty Plot
i think psyshock should be over stored power, stored power can stay as an other option but psyshock should be the default, more reliable, beats bike just fine, doesn't miss on much kills +2 arma wouldn't get anyways
also tera ghost could be a nice other option it's worse now that conk is gone but still neat for rapid spin and as a neat tool to help for the rare Entei matchup for HO teams that aren't very good against it, with prankster para being gone i almost never feel the need to click tera ground

Psyshock has been added; Tera Ghost isn't great because you often benefit if the opponent activates your Weak Armor anyway, but Tera Ground has been reordered to reflect its decreased importance.

tera steel should be the default, tera ground doesn't really get you any kills that you wouldn't get while tera steel is nice for Zapdos-g speed ties and most importantly completely flips up the new Mamoswine matchup, which is HUGE, Mamoswine is a big stinker for HO where Salamence fits best and at +2 atk (which you should be at since Mamo is a revenge killer against mence, you set up a ddance then get a kill then it switches in) dual wingbeat is a guaranteed ko after rocks while outrage is a guaranteed KO full stop, which could win you the game on the spot, which tera ground fails to do
Guaranteed KOs on Bisharp, Jirachi, and Volcanion at +1 are quite valuable, and the Twave immunity is good - Tera Fire accomplishes the same thing as Steel for Mamo with some added utility, it can be argued that it's better than Ground but since it's not a definite improvement making the order change isn't necessary.

Specific evs can be adjusted (60 HP/252+ Attack/196 speed is a simpler spread), but resto chesto should at the very least be an OO mention. I do think that it should be its own set, as it is something you see a lot in tourneys, but it can set up multiple times in order to try and sweep the opposing team.
RestoChesto has now been added to its OO.

Roar should be on volcanion in the OO section. I used it on my Volcanion semi-stall here, but its been a good option for a while. It allows it to phaze out pokemon such as suicune or setup sweepers by tanking a hit and then phazing them, while also being great on spikestack teams. Its a genuine option that has been seen in tournaments I believe.
Roar has now been added to its OO.

i noticed Zoroark-H's nasty plot set was removed and i think it should be re-added...
You have a great point about it being niche but practically very similar to Gengar - however, Encore and being a better user of Air Balloon does give Gengar some benefits, and Cursed Body is arguably better for setup sweeping than Illusion because with an NP set you no longer have the raw power or speed from a Choice Item that makes the unpredictability of Illusion so useful. Horoark can still be a decent sweeper with Heavy-Duty Boots, that can be used alongside other boots Pokemon like Oricorio and Salamence, or Colbur Berry to tank a Knock and KO something like Krookodile back, but Throat Spray is much nicher because at +1 it still can't really get past any spdef walls while unboosted Speed makes it still easily revenge killable. Similar points do go for NP Gengar, but since that set is already up there's no need to take it down now. If NP Horoark gets decent tour usage in the future we can consider adding it, but for now it's not necessary.