Tournament RU Arena - USM Edition (Won by Cheese5555)

Granted the activity cases to those who were given the win cause we had no subs.

barton vs yedla - barton gets the win cause he at least posted on his opponent's wall, yedla has been on but hasn't replied.

Extensions to those who requested them:

MrAldo vs Yay
zizalith vs byronthewellwell

Deadline for these 2 games is wednesday 4th.

Round 2

barton vs Cam
professor tox vs HaxxSel
zizalith vs EviGaro
vs Feliburn
Chrisloud1 vs Bebo
vs Dlanyer
cyanize vs Pinboim3
Sage vs agenS
zben vs zugubu royale
vs Meru
MrAldo vs Ajna
Umbra Soul
vs Sensei Axew

Deadline for this round is sunday 8th. I encourage you to post replays as the whole point of this tour is to showcase what the metagame looked like at its very end.
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Extensions for those who requested it:
Pinboim3 vs cyanize
EviGaro vs zizalith

Round 3

professor tox vs Sage
esche vs Ajna
Bebo vs cyanize
Cheese5555 vs zugubu royale
lighthouses vs EviGaro
Umbra Soul vs barton

Deadline for extensions is wednesday 11th

Deadline for the round is sunday 15th
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