RU RU Spring Seasonal - Round 6 [Losers Bracket]

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won against Thatwackycruton 2-1, gg

G1: got 6-0ed lol
G2: won with some good plays and team matchup
G3: I was about to win this when he disconnected :/ MrAldo Unfortunate, but taking the win since there was no way he could have won from this point. His defensive Mawile was burned and at 45% health, making it easy pickings for Banette, Fletch, or even Sneasel. His Camerupt was also at 25% health and easily taken out by Fletch Acro.
I need an extension until thursday. I literally just found out about this on saturday, and I easily could have played friday. I also have a huge test wednesday (latin final).
Requesting extension with my opp, wasn't able to make any times until today whereby he's not been on to play, hopefully will get this done tomorrow :)

Requesting an extension I missed the notification and I had to complete a previous battle
requesting 1 day extension vs EonX our timezones were shit and we both were busy ._.
Requesting extension with my opp, wasn't able to make any times until today whereby he's not been on to play, hopefully will get this done tomorrow :)

Yeah, tags were failing so my bad. New deadline is tomorrow at 11:59 PM. Sorry again. If you still have problem scheduling an extension can be negotiated.

Again I can only play on Thursday this week if we're granted an extension

Cant really keep giving you extensions every round dude... but ok, gotta try to understand your situation.

yup requesting extension just 1 battle left to complete since my opponent responded late...

You started playing your series then left? Get this done tomorrow.


Yeah, tags were failing so my bad. New deadline is tomorrow at 11:59 PM. Sorry again. If you still have problem scheduling an extension can be negotiated.

Cant really keep giving you extensions every round dude... but ok, gotta try to understand your situation.

You started playing your series then left? Get this done tomorrow.


So is my new deadline Thursday night or tomorrow night?
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