Rules & General Information [READ ME]

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Noam Chompsky.
is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Welcome to the Gen 6 Ubers discussion forum! As I'm sure you're aware, this is part of Competitive Discussion, which means that the main forum rules still apply here. Be sure to read those, as well as the rules in this thread, before posting in the subforum.

All information about the split between Official Ubers and Pokebank Ubers can be found in this thread and any questions that can be answered in a single post should go in Simple Questions, Simple Answers.
  1. This is the Ubers subforum, so please make sure that anything you post is relevant to the Ubers metagames. Do not discuss whether Uber Pokemon should be allowed in other tiers. Ubers viability has no relevance on OU tiering, so even if something is bad here, it does not mean that it should automatically be tested in OU.
  2. We almost certainly won't banning any Pokemon from Ubers, so don't even bother discussing it. Bringing the topic of banning a Pokemon / Item / Move from Ubers will result in infraction.
Battle Clauses:
Species Clause - Only one Pokémon from each species is allowed on a team.
Sleep Clause - Only one Pokémon can be put to sleep by an opponent at a time, per team.
OHKO Clause - Moves that score a guaranteed "One-hit-KO" on the opponent, such as Sheer Cold, Horn Drill, Guillotine, or Fissure, are banned
Moody Clause - The ability Moody is banned.
(NOTE: unlike many other metagames, Evasion Clause does NOT apply in Ubers. That means that you ARE allowed to use Evasion moves.)

Ubers Leadership:

Don't forget that the rules are subject to moderator discretion. If you have questions about the rules or their interpretation, then feel free to contact an Ubers moderator via PM. The following is a list of the current Ubers staff members:
For more Ubers discussion, come join us in #ubers and #pokemon on synIRC!
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Just for clarification as it's a recurring issue. Questions along the lines of "I've just caught this Pokemon what moves should I use on it?" should go in the simple questions, simple answers not in the threads titled with that Pokemon. Those threads are meant for discussing the Pokemon's place in the metagame and/or sharing effective sets, not for individual aide in teambuilding.
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