Tournament RUWC 5 - Administrative Decisions

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Hello and apologies on the long wait for this! In this thread we are going to be posting administrative rules like: Teams, Captains, activity wins, any type of game disputes, confirming the format and such.

Please check below for future posts regarding everything that will be happening on this tournament! Hoping everything goes according to plan!​
So, these are currently the amount of teams confirmed with their respective Captains:

  • France. With Astrø and HaxxSel as Captains
  • Italy. With Fran17 and AtraX Madara as Captains
  • US NorthEast. C0nfiden1 0yster & GW as Captains
  • China. Metallica126 & 691 as Captains
  • US South. bb skarm and Yourwelcomethanku as Captains
  • LA. Feliburn and Mashing as Captains
  • Canada. Sneakyplanner and feen as Captains
  • Brazil. Beraldo and Ampha as Captains

So far there are 7 teams so in order to continue adding teams and make sure that mostly everyone gets to be on a team the following Region Merges will be applied for some regions:

  • Very few India signups so these ones can be merged with Team Asia
  • Very few US West, MidWest and Oceania signups so there is the executive decision of allowing these 3 to merge into 1: Team Pacific

UK Team members will probably default to Europe, havent though about this much since the amount of signups goes up and down, but I am willing to hear ideas. Cause something like "Western Europe" with UK and others isnt out of question but I think the cultural differences are far too many, the idea in the end is to not be forced so... this is a standby for now.

As more teams get added the list will be edited. So far it seems 12 teams looks like a possibility but we shall see what happens with the number of signups until the closing date.
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