Facility Safari Zone: ChronoCritical

Trek 2, Round 3

Team ChronoCritical
HP: 95/95 EN: 100/100 Stats: 7/7/7/7/100 Typing: Normal Abilities: RKS System
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:wide lens: Wide Lens
:fairy memory: Fairy Memory
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:gardevoir: 27/85HP, 57/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: O ]
EP: 32/100 (32%), Stats: 5/6/7/6/71 Typing: Dragon / Ghost Abilities: Clear Body, Infiltrator Hidden Ability: Cursed Body
Mood: Curious Status: Burned, Paralysis(3), +3 Critical(4) Field: Clear​
Step 1
Silvally used Protect! -12EN

Dragapult used Agility!
Dragapults speed rose greatly!

:dragapult: :flame orb:
Dragapult was hurt by it's burn -2EP

Step 2
:great ball:
Chrono threw an Great Ball!
Great Ball was added to Dragapult's Capture Tracker
Dragapult was caught!

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:silvally: HP: -0
:silvally: EN: -12
:dragapult: EP: -2
Team ChronoCritical
HP: 95/95 EN: 88/100 Stats: 7/7/7/7/100 Typing: Normal Abilities: RKS System
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:wide lens: Wide Lens
:fairy memory: Fairy Memory
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:gardevoir: 27/85HP, 57/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: :great ball: ]
EP: 30/100 (30%), Stats: 5/6/7/6/71 Typing: Dragon / Ghost Abilities: Clear Body, Infiltrator Hidden Ability: Cursed Body
Mood: Curious Status: Burned, Paralysis(3), +3 Critical(3) Field: Clear​

ChronoCritical to use/don't use medicine
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Trek 3: Ordeal of the Eye

The intellect and cleverness of the Dragon is the creed of the Order of the Eye. Their trial is no trial, should the aspirant be worthy. Indeed, if the aspirant possesses the might of a Dragon, then a simple battle should be no Ordeal at all.


At the summit of the mountain, the Temple Master battles the aspirant with their esrtwhile prize: The right to take home powerful and well-trained Dragon-type Pokemon from the mountain, for which they must prove themselves worthy.

The referee may issue orders to Wild Pokemon as if they are Threatened.​
Camouflage: Dragon | Nature Power: Dragon Energy | Secret Power: The user calls and attempts Outrage.​
Conservation Reward: 1x:wide lens:Wide Lens or 3:rare candy:RC (Release a Wayfinder caught in this Trek to obtain this.)​

Wild Items (unlimited supply):

  • :shell bell:Shell Bell
  • :journal:Adventure Rules
  • :power weight:Power Weight


The marked Kommo-O appears holding some Adventure Rules!
Level 2

Typing: Dragon/Fighting
Abilities: Bulletproof, Soundproof Hidden Ability: Overcoat

Field Assist: Medicine Master
The Pokemon knows natural materials and Berries that can improve the potency of Potions.
Medicine used by the explorer heals 20% more (x1.2) HP.
Battle Assist: Fighting Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the discipline of Fighting-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Reckless and Justified, in addition to their other abilities.

Capture Tracker: [ O O ]

EP: 110
Attack: 8
Defen.: 9
Sp.Atk: 7
Sp.Def: 8
Speed: 85
Size: 3
Weight: 4

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Aura Sphere
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Dragon Claw
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Tail
Fire Punch
Flash Cannon
Focus Blast
Hyper Voice
Ice Punch
Iron Head
Metal Sound
Poison Jab
Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Shadow Claw
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Thunder Punch
Vacuum Wave
Work Up

Level 1:
Brutal Swing
Double Team
Dragon Breath
Dragon Dance
Dual Chop
Echoed Voice
False Swipe
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Mega Punch
Metal Claw
Noble Roar
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Shock Wave
Stealth Rock
Sunny Day
Water Pulse

Level 2:
Aqua Tail
Close Combat
Dragon Cheer
Focus Punch
Iron Tail
Low Kick
Mega Kick
Scale Shot
Take Down
Upper Hand

ChronoCritical to send out equip and order
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Sending Alithia the Gardevoir :gardevoir: @ Wide Lens :wide lens:

:sv/gardevoir::wide lens:
Will-o-Wisp -> Dazzling Gleam
At the start of your turn, if Kommo-o has Protection, use Reflect and push back.
At the start of your turn on the second step, if Kommo-o has a Decoy, use Triple Axel.
At the start of your turn on the second step, if Kommo-o is not Poisoned and does not have Safeguard, use Toxic.
At the start of your turn on the second step, if Kommo-o is Poisoned and does not have Safeguard, use Thunder Wave.
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Trek 3, Round 1

Team ChronoCritical
Alithia :wide lens: Wide Lens
HP: 27/85 EN: 57/100 Stats: 5/5/8/8/100 Typing: Normal Abilities: Synchronize, Trace Hidden Ability: Telepathy
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:fairy memory: Fairy Memory
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:silvally: 95/95HP, 82/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Kommo-O :journal: Adventure Rules
[ O O ]
EP: 110 Stats: 8/9/7/8/85 Typing: Dragon / Fighting Abilities: Bulletproof, Soundproof Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Mood: Curious Status: Clear Field: Clear​
Step 1
Gardevoir used Will-O-Wisp! -7EN
Kommo-O was burned! -20EP

Kommo-O used Safeguard!
A barrier protects Kommo-O's team from Major Conditions!

:kommo-o: :flame orb:
Kommo-O was hurt by it's burn -2EP

Step 2
Gardevoir used Dazzling Gleam! -6EN
Crit (10, d240): 135 (No)
(8+3-1+(8-8))*2 = 20 DMG

Kommo-O used Swords Dance!
Kommo-O's attack rose sharply!

Kommo-O took a brief reading break! +6EP

:kommo-o: :flame orb:
Kommo-O was hurt by it's burn -2EP

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:gardevoir: HP: -0
:gardevoir: EN: -7-6 = -13
:kommo-o: EP: -20-2-20+6-2 = -38
Team ChronoCritical
Alithia :wide lens: Wide Lens
HP: 27/85 EN: 44/100 Stats: 5/5/8/8/100 Typing: Normal Abilities: Synchronize, Trace Hidden Ability: Telepathy
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:fairy memory: Fairy Memory
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:silvally: 95/95HP, 82/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Kommo-O :journal: Adventure Rules
[ O O ]
EP: 72 (65.5%) Stats: 4/9/7/8/85 Typing: Dragon / Fighting Abilities: Bulletproof, Soundproof Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Mood: Irritated Status: +2Atk(5), Burned, Recovery Aid 6, Safeguard(2) Field: Clear​

Mamoswindle to order
ChronoCritical to order
Mamoswindle to ref

Earthquake ~ Earthquake
At start of turn IF Gardevoir has Protection THEN use Automize
At start of turn IF Gardevoir has Protection THEN use Rock Polish
At start of turn IF Gardevoir does not have Protection THEN use Facade
At start of turn IF Gardevoir does not have Protection AND Gardevoir does not have a Decoy THEN use Poison Jab
Trek 3, Round 2

Team ChronoCritical
Alithia :wide lens: Wide Lens
HP: 27/85 EN: 44/100 Stats: 5/5/8/8/100 Typing: Normal Abilities: Synchronize, Trace Hidden Ability: Telepathy
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:fairy memory: Fairy Memory
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:silvally: 95/95HP, 88/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Kommo-O :journal: Adventure Rules
[ O O ]
EP: 72 (65.5%) Stats: 4/9/7/8/85 Typing: Dragon / Fighting Abilities: Bulletproof, Soundproof Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Mood: Irritated Status: +2Atk(5), Burned, Recovery Aid 6, Safeguard(2) Field: Clear​
Step 1
Gardevoir used Dazzling Gleam! -6EN
Crit (10, d240): 18 (No)
(8+3-1+(8-8))*2 = 20 DMG

Kommo-O used Facade!
Crit (10, d240): 155 (No)
(14+(8-5))+8 = 25 DMG

:kommo-o: :flame orb:
Kommo-O was hurt by it's burn -2EP

Step 2
Gardevoir used Misty Explosion! -12EN
Crit (10, d240): 55 (No)
(10+3-1+(8-8))*2 = 24 DMG
Gardevoir faints!

Kommo-O used Facade!
But it failed!

Kommo-O took a brief reading break! +6EP

:kommo-o: :flame orb:
Kommo-O was hurt by it's burn -2EP

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:gardevoir: HP: -25
:gardevoir: EN: -6-12 = -18
:kommo-o: EP: -20-2-24+6-2 = -42
Team ChronoCritical
Alithia :wide lens: Wide Lens
HP: KO EN: 26/100 Stats: 5/5/8/8/100 Typing: Normal Abilities: Synchronize, Trace Hidden Ability: Telepathy
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:fairy memory: Fairy Memory
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:silvally: 95/95HP, 88/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Kommo-O :journal: Adventure Rules
[ O O ]
EP: 30 (27.3%) Stats: 4/9/7/8/85 Typing: Dragon / Fighting Abilities: Bulletproof, Soundproof Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Mood: Irritated Status: +2Atk(3), Burned, Recovery Aid 6, Defense Aid, Bonus-Proof Field: Clear​

ChronoCritical to replace and order
Mamoswindle to order
Mamoswindle to ref
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Sending Mera the Silvally :silvally: @ Fairy Memory :fairy memory:

Throw Quick Ball -> Throw Great Ball
At the start of step 2, if Kommo-o's EP is between 40% and 30%, throw an Ultra Ball.
At the start of step 2, if Kommo-o's EP is between 20% and 10%, throw a Poke Ball.
Trek 3, Round 3

Team ChronoCritical
Mera :fairy memory: Fairy Memory
HP: 95/95 EN: 88/100 Stats: 7/7/7/7/100 Typing: Fairy Abilities: RKS System
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:wide lens:Wide Lens
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:gardevoir: KO
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Kommo-O :journal: Adventure Rules
[ O O ]
EP: 30 (27.3%) Stats: 4/9/7/8/85 Typing: Dragon / Fighting Abilities: Bulletproof, Soundproof Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Mood: Irritated Status: +2Atk(3), Burned, Recovery Aid 6, Defense Aid, Bonus-Proof Field: Clear​
Step 1
:quick ball:
Chrono threw a Quick Ball!
Quick Ball was added to Kommo-o's Capture Tracker!

Kommo-O used Facade!
Crit (10, d240): 94 (No)
(14+(8-7))+8 = 23 DMG

:kommo-o: :flame orb:
Kommo-O was hurt by it's burn -2EP

Step 2
:great ball:
Chrono threw a Great Ball!
Great Ball was added to Kommo-o's Capture Tracker!
Kommo-o was caught!

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:silvally-fairy: HP: -23
:silvally-fairy: EN: -0
:kommo-o: EP: -2
Team ChronoCritical
Mera :fairy memory: Fairy Memory
HP: 72/95 EN: 88/100 Stats: 7/7/7/7/100 Typing: Fairy Abilities: RKS System
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:wide lens:Wide Lens
:revival herb: Revival Herb
:ether: Ether
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:gardevoir: KO
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Kommo-O :journal: Adventure Rules
[ :quick ball: :great ball: ]
EP: 28 (25.5%) Stats: 4/9/7/8/85 Typing: Dragon / Fighting Abilities: Bulletproof, Soundproof Hidden Ability: Overcoat
Mood: Irritated Status: +2Atk(2), Burned, Recovery Aid 6, Defense Aid, Bonus-Proof Field: Clear​

ChronoCritical to release, proceed/stay, use/don't use medicine
ChronoCritical proves themself in the training grounds despite their Bravado!

:point card: Rewards :point card:
ChronoCritical: +10:rare candy:TC, -8:tea:JC, +30 pooled EXP, :zapdos-galar: at Level 1, and the ability allocate the pooled EXP
1x:dragon fang:Dragon Fang or 1:amulet coin:RC for releasing Druddigon
1x:fast ball:Fast Ball for releasing Dragapult
1x:wide lens:Wide Lens or 3:rare candy:RC for releasing Kommo-o
1x:ability urge:Lo-EXP Record or 1x:strange ball:Strange Ball or 1x:comet shard:Comet Shard or 1x:cherish ball:Cherish Ball for completing 10 bravado score boast

Mamoswindle: +7:amulet coin:RC, +11:tea:JC, 1x:lure ball:Lure Ball, 10x:rule book:Accolades​
Attack Limit (1)
Defense Limit (1)
Matching [Ghost] (1)
Attachment Issues (1)
Barbarism (1)
Littering (1)
No Switching (2)
= 8 Bravado :articuno-galar:

Pokemon Profiles:

Kasumi (Shedinja)
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10

Quirky nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Bug/Ghost
Abilities: Wonder Guard Hidden Ability: Wonder Guard (Locked)

HP: 65
Attack: 7
Defen.: 4
Sp.Atk: 3
Sp.Def: 3
Speed: 40
Size: 1
Weight: 1

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Feint Attack
Heal Block
Hone Claws
Night Slash
Shadow Ball
Shadow Claw
Shadow Sneak
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance

Level 1:
Confuse Ray
Double Team
False Swipe
Metal Claw
Sand Attack
Silver Wind
Sucker Punch
Sunny Day

Misdirection (Gholdengo)
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10

Hardy nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Steel/Ghost
Abilities: Good as Gold

HP: 90
Attack: 5
Defen.: 7
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 84
Size: 2
Weight: 3

Level 0:
Dazzling Gleam
Flash Cannon
Focus Blast
Iron Head
Light Screen
Metal Sound
Nasty Plot
Power Gem
Shadow Ball
Sleep Talk
Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave

Level 1:
Confuse Ray
Night Shade
:revive: Revive
:full heal: Full Heal
:ether: Ether

:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:heal ball: Heal Ball

:fluffy tail: Fluffy Tail
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:poke toy: Poke Toy

Field Assist: Contempt
The Pokemon's icy glare displays their disapproval of items they find barbarous.
When the explorer's Pokemon equip an item from the backpack, 80% of the time: Destroy that item, even if it is an immutable item.​
Battle Assist: Correction
The Pokemon barrages the explorer's team with unsolicited and denigrating advice.
The explorer's Pokemon know the following moves as borrowed moves, based on the Habitat Level:​
Lv1+: Encore​
Lv2+: Disable​
Lv3+: Torment​
Lv4: Imprison​

Lumiose City Flower Park
Within the dense, dizzying, dazzling, and bustling urban jungle of Lumiose City lies an area of quiet nature very few know about. This small park, as verdant and clean as if it had been plucked straight from an unspoiled forest, harbors thick beds of fragrant flowers that attract floral Pokemon looking for a pleasant respite in the shade. Rumor has it an especially beautiful flower hides within, but so far it's been very elusive...

Habitat Info:
This habitat is linear. Treks 1 through 3 are explored in sequence.
2v1 Singles
Level 1
10-item Backpack
Arenas are specified by each trek.
All other match rules are default.​

Trek 1: Lumiose City Street
Amidst the fumes of the taxis and the chatter of the passerby, you can feel yourself approaching the location you had been given. It should not take much time to explore, but even the street leading to your destination is teeming with wild Pokemon...

No arena effects.​

Secret Power: Lower the defender's Accuracy by one (1) for their next three (3) turns.​

Conservation Reward: 1x:nest ball:Nest Ball (Release a Wayfinder caught in this Trek to obtain this.)​

Wild Items (unlimited supply):
  • :cell battery:Cell Battery
  • :zoom lens:Zoom Lens
  • :loaded dice:Loaded Dice
  • :blunder policy:Blunder Policy

The marked Hypno appears, holding a Zoom Lens!
:sv/hypno:@:zoom lens:

Level 1

Typing: Psychic
Abilities: Insomnia, Forewarn Hidden Ability: Inner Focus (Locked)

Field Assist: Stealth
The Pokemon can help others move quietly through the environment and sneak passed unwanted battles.
The explorer can Escape without discarding any items, once per Trek.​
Battle Assist: Psychic Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the esoterica of Psychic-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Synchronize and Forewarn, in addition to their other abilities.​

Capture Tracker: [ O O ]

EP: 70
Attack: 5
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 5
Sp.Def: 8
Speed: 67
Size: 3
Weight: 4

Level 0:
Brick Break
Calm Mind
Dazzling Gleam
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Punch
Light Screen
Nasty Plot
Poison Gas
Psycho Cut
Shadow Ball
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk
Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave
Tri Attack
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Confuse Ray
Double Team
Helping Hand
Mega Punch
Night Shade
Power-Up Punch
Psychic Terrain
Rain Dance
Role Play
Scary Face
Seismic Toss
Sunny Day

ChronoCritical to send out, equip and order
Sending Kasumi the Shedinja :shedinja: @ Nothing

X-Scissor -> X-Scissor
At the start of your turn, if Hypno has a Decoy: use Bug Buzz.
At the start of your turn, if you are Confused and Hypno's team does not have Safeguard and you are not Taunted: use Toxic on first instance and Will-o-Wisp on other instances.
At the start of your turn, if Hypno's team has Reflect: use Bug Buzz.
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Trek 1, Round 1

Team ChronoCritical
HP: 65/65 EN: 100/100 Stats: 7/4/3/3/40 Typing: Bug / Ghost Abilities: Wonder Guard
Status: Clear Field: Clear
:revive: Revive
:full heal: Full Heal
:ether: Ether

:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:heal ball: Heal Ball

:fluffy tail: Fluffy Tail
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:poke toy: Poke Toy
:gholdengo: OK
Field Assist: Contempt
The Pokemon's icy glare displays their disapproval of items they find barbarous.
When the explorer's Pokemon equip an item from the backpack, 80% of the time: Destroy that item, even if it is an immutable item.​
Battle Assist: Correction
The Pokemon barrages the explorer's team with unsolicited and denigrating advice.
The explorer's Pokemon know the following moves as borrowed moves, based on the Habitat Level:​
Lv1+: Encore​
Lv2+: Disable​
Lv3+: Torment​
Lv4: Imprison​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Hypno :zoom lens: Zoom Lens
[ O O ]
EP: 70 Stats: 5/5/5/8/67 Typing: Psychic Abilities: Insomnia, Forewarn
Mood: Curious Status: Clear Field: Clear​
Step 1
Hypno used Barrier!
Hypno's defence rose greatly!

Shedinja used X-Scissor! -6EN
Crit (10, d240): 217 (No)
(8+3+(7-5))*1.5 -6 = 14 DMG

Step 2
Hypno used Nasty Plot!
Hypno's special attack rose greatly!

Shedinja use X-Scissor! -6EN
Crit (10, d240): 101 (No)
(8+3+(7-5))*1.5 -6 = 14 DMG

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:shedinja: HP: -0
:shedinja: EN: -6-6 = -12
:hypno: EP: -14-14 = -28
Team ChronoCritical
HP: 65/65 EN: 88/100 Stats: 7/4/3/3/40 Typing: Bug / Ghost Abilities: Wonder Guard
Status: Clear Field: Clear
:revive: Revive
:full heal: Full Heal
:ether: Ether

:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:heal ball: Heal Ball

:fluffy tail: Fluffy Tail
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:poke toy: Poke Toy
:gholdengo: OK
Field Assist: Contempt
The Pokemon's icy glare displays their disapproval of items they find barbarous.
When the explorer's Pokemon equip an item from the backpack, 80% of the time: Destroy that item, even if it is an immutable item.​
Battle Assist: Correction
The Pokemon barrages the explorer's team with unsolicited and denigrating advice.
The explorer's Pokemon know the following moves as borrowed moves, based on the Habitat Level:​
Lv1+: Encore​
Lv2+: Disable​
Lv3+: Torment​
Lv4: Imprison​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Hypno :zoom lens: Zoom Lens
[ O O ]
EP: 42 (60%) Stats: 5/5/5/8/67 Typing: Psychic Abilities: Insomnia, Forewarn
Mood: Irritated Status: +2 Def(3), +2 SpAtk(5) Field: Clear​

Mamoswindle to order
ChronoCritical to order
Mamoswindle to ref
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball
At start of turn IF Shedinja has Protection THEN use Calm Mind
At start of turn IF Shedinja has a Decoy THEN use Night Shade
Toxic -> Toxic

At the start of your turn, if Hypno has between 40% and 30% EP: throw a Quick Ball.
At the start of your turn, if Hypno has between 30% and 20% EP: throw a Great Ball.
At the start of your turn, if Hypno has between 20% and 10% EP: throw a Poke Ball.
Trek 1, Round 2

Team ChronoCritical
HP: 65/65 EN: 88/100 Stats: 7/4/3/3/40 Typing: Bug / Ghost Abilities: Wonder Guard
Status: Clear Field: Clear
:revive: Revive
:full heal: Full Heal
:ether: Ether

:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:heal ball: Heal Ball

:fluffy tail: Fluffy Tail
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:poke toy: Poke Toy
:gholdengo: OK
Field Assist: Contempt
The Pokemon's icy glare displays their disapproval of items they find barbarous.
When the explorer's Pokemon equip an item from the backpack, 80% of the time: Destroy that item, even if it is an immutable item.​
Battle Assist: Correction
The Pokemon barrages the explorer's team with unsolicited and denigrating advice.
The explorer's Pokemon know the following moves as borrowed moves, based on the Habitat Level:​
Lv1+: Encore​
Lv2+: Disable​
Lv3+: Torment​
Lv4: Imprison​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Hypno :zoom lens: Zoom Lens
[ O O ]
EP: 42 (60%) Stats: 5/5/5/8/67 Typing: Psychic Abilities: Insomnia, Forewarn
Mood: Irritated Status: +2 Def(3), +2 SpAtk(5) Field: Clear​
Step 1
Hypno used Shadow Ball!
Crit (10, d240): 215 (No)
Effect (48, d240): 36 (Yes)
(8+(5-3))*1.5 +8 = 23 DMG
Shedinja's special defence fell!

Shedinja used Toxic! -7EN
Hit (216, d240): 29 (Yes)
Hypno was badly poisoned! -20EP

:hypno::toxic orb:
Hypno was hurt by it's poison! -1EP

Step 2
:great ball:
Chrono threw a Great Ball!
Great Ball was added to Hypno's Capture Tracker

Hypno used Shadow Ball!
Crit (10, d240): 132 (No)
Effect (48, d240): 165 (No)
(8+(5-3))*1.5 +12 = 27 DMG

:hypno::toxic orb:
Hypno was hurt by it's poison! -2EP

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:shedinja: HP: -23-27 = -50
:shedinja: EN: -7
:hypno: EP: -20-1-2 = -23
Team ChronoCritical
HP: 15/65 EN: 81/100 Stats: 7/4/3/3/40 Typing: Bug / Ghost Abilities: Wonder Guard
Status: -1 SpDef (1) Field: Clear
:revive: Revive
:full heal: Full Heal
:ether: Ether

:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:quick ball: Quick Ball
:heal ball: Heal Ball

:fluffy tail: Fluffy Tail
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:poke toy: Poke Toy
:gholdengo: OK
Field Assist: Contempt
The Pokemon's icy glare displays their disapproval of items they find barbarous.
When the explorer's Pokemon equip an item from the backpack, 80% of the time: Destroy that item, even if it is an immutable item.​
Battle Assist: Correction
The Pokemon barrages the explorer's team with unsolicited and denigrating advice.
The explorer's Pokemon know the following moves as borrowed moves, based on the Habitat Level:​
Lv1+: Encore​
Lv2+: Disable​
Lv3+: Torment​
Lv4: Imprison​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Hypno :zoom lens: Zoom Lens
[ :great ball: O ]
EP: 19 (27.1%) Stats: 5/5/5/8/67 Typing: Psychic Abilities: Insomnia, Forewarn
Mood: Irritated Status: Poison(3), Toxin, +2 Def(1), +2 SpAtk(3) Field: Clear​

ChronoCritical to order
Mamoswindle to order
Mamoswindle to ref