Floette-E's orders:
Grassy Terrain -> Tearful Look
Typing: Poison / Psychic
Abilities: Quick Draw / Own Tempo / Synchronize / Forewarn
HP: 89/95
Energy: 82%
Atk: 7
Def: 7
SpA: 7
SpD: 5
Spe: 30
Size / Weight: 3 / 4
Recoveries / Chills: 3 / 3
Smeraldo- 75/80 HP, 70% EN
Wide Lens
Quick Ball
Luxury Ball
Poke Doll
Poke Toy

Typing: Fairy
Abilities: Flower Veil
Capture Tracker: [ O O O ]
EP: 90/90 (100%)
Attack: 5
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 9
Speed: 92
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Mood: Curious
Typing: Poison / Psychic
Abilities: Quick Draw / Own Tempo / Synchronize / Forewarn
HP: 93/95
Energy: 70%
Atk: 7
Def: 7
SpA: 7
SpD: 5
Spe: 30
Size / Weight: 3 / 4
Recoveries / Chills: 3 / 3
-1 Attack Stage (4 more turns)
-1 Special Attack Stage (4 more turns)
Smeraldo- 75/80 HP, 70% EN
Wide Lens
Quick Ball
Luxury Ball
Poke Doll
Poke Toy

Typing: Fairy
Abilities: Flower Veil
Capture Tracker: [ O O O ]
EP: 51/90 (57%)
Attack: 5
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 9
Speed: 92
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Mood: Irritated
Floette's orders:
Energy Ball -> Energy Ball
IF Slowbro is to use a Poison-type attack, then use Substitute on the first instance and Protect on the second instance.
Grassy Terrain -> Tearful Look

Typing: Poison / Psychic
Abilities: Quick Draw / Own Tempo / Synchronize / Forewarn
HP: 89/95
Energy: 82%
Atk: 7
Def: 7
SpA: 7
SpD: 5
Spe: 30
Size / Weight: 3 / 4
Recoveries / Chills: 3 / 3

Typing: Fairy
Abilities: Flower Veil
Capture Tracker: [ O O O ]
EP: 90/90 (100%)
Attack: 5
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 9
Speed: 92
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Mood: Curious
Step 1[/B]
Floette used Grassy Terrain!
Terrain set.
Shale used Shell Side Arm! (-6 EN)
Crit? (1d24, 24) - No (20)
Effect cannot activate due to Flower Veil.
Damage: (9+3+11-5)*1.5 = 27.0
Grassy Terrain!
+2 HP/EP
Floette's Leftovers!
+6 EP
Step 2
Floette used Tearful Look!
Shale's Attack and Special Attack decreased.
Shale used Shell Side Arm! (-6 EN)
Crit? (1d24, 24) - No (20)
Effect cannot activate due to Flower Veil.
Damage: (9+3+11-5)*1.5 = 27.0-3=24.0
Grassy Terrain!
+2 HP/EP
Floette's Leftovers!
+2 EP

Terrain set.

Crit? (1d24, 24) - No (20)
Effect cannot activate due to Flower Veil.
Damage: (9+3+11-5)*1.5 = 27.0
Grassy Terrain!
+2 HP/EP

+6 EP
Step 2

Crit? (1d24, 24) - No (20)
Effect cannot activate due to Flower Veil.
Damage: (9+3+11-5)*1.5 = 27.0-3=24.0
Grassy Terrain!
+2 HP/EP

+2 EP

Typing: Poison / Psychic
Abilities: Quick Draw / Own Tempo / Synchronize / Forewarn
HP: 93/95
Energy: 70%
Atk: 7
Def: 7
SpA: 7
SpD: 5
Spe: 30
Size / Weight: 3 / 4
Recoveries / Chills: 3 / 3
-1 Attack Stage (4 more turns)
-1 Special Attack Stage (4 more turns)

Typing: Fairy
Abilities: Flower Veil
Capture Tracker: [ O O O ]
EP: 51/90 (57%)
Attack: 5
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 9
Speed: 92
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Mood: Irritated
Grassy Terrain (4 more rounds)
Floette's orders:
Energy Ball -> Energy Ball
IF Slowbro is to use a Poison-type attack, then use Substitute on the first instance and Protect on the second instance.