NU Sandslash


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LCPL Champion

Sandslash @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Leech Life / Rock Slide
- Swords Dance

Sorry, did you want another fast hedgehog? Believe it or not, Sandslash outspeeds most of NU after Gigalith sets sand. Sandslash gets dangerous quickly, breaking through even the sturdiest of walls such as Vaporeon and Mudsdale after a Swords Dance. Sandslash's increased speed means that even fast Ground-type answers such as Talonflame, Xatu, and Choice Scarf Rotom-C can't catch up to it. However, Sandslash often needs a Swords Dance to sweep, and even with one, physical walls such as Weezing and Quagsire shut it down very effectively. Leech Life hits common Grass-types like Tsareena, Exeggutor-A, and Rotom-C. Sandslash can use Rock Slide instead to hit Flying-types, although this is often best left for its partner, Lycanroc, which works with Sandslash to wear down checks and clean up. Sandslash also appreciates partners that beat bulky Water- and Grass-types, making Exeggutor-A, Heliolisk, and Toxicroak solid teammates.

Characters (including spaces)1250
Characters (without spaces)1057
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Although not the hedgehog you'd expect to have such amazing speed, Sandslash finds itself faster than a majority of NU while Sandstorm set by Gigalith is active. With Swords Dance to double its attack and Sand Rush to double its speed, (the start here is fluff; just dex info) Sandslash can become very dangerous very fast, breaking through even the sturdiest of walls such as Vaporeon and Mudsdale with very little effort after Swords Dance boosts (this highlights the wallbreaking relationship with SD and these mons; more concise, less fluff). Sandslash's increased speed means that it not only is very difficult to manage defensively (the relationship between more speed and less walls being able to handle Sandslash isn't one-to-one / immediately obvious. It's true that under Sand, defensive Pokemon like Xatu and Talonflame won't work as checks, but the reader likely won't infer that if they're new to NU. Try rewriting this point to say that Sand Rush allows Sandslash to target faster threats like Talonflame and Aerodactyl, and even common Choice Scarf users "like Rotom-C and Indeedee-F fail to catch up to it."), but even the fastest Pokemon of tier such as Aerodactyl and Choice Scarf-users like Rotom-C and Indeedee-F fail to catch up to it.

(See below)

Sandslash is not unstoppable, though, as it often needs a Swords Dance to accomplish any kind of breaking or sweeping, and even despite a Swords Dance, physical walls such as Weezing and Quagsire shut down Sandslash very effectively. Stalling out Sandstorm turns with smart pivoting and Protect users such as Vaporeon and Sylveon also make Sandslash much more manageable. Sandslash also boasts very potent coverage coupled with its STAB Earthquake, with Leech Life hitting the plethora of Grass-types NU has to offer such as Tsareena, Rotom-C, and Exeggutor-A, and nailing Flying-types such as Mantine and Talonflame with Rock Slide, although dispatching Flying-types is often best left to a fellow Sand Rush sweeper and common Sand team partner, Lycanroc. Lycanroc and more importantly Gigalith, are near-essential teammates for Sandslash, as Gigalith sets the Sandstorm that Sandslash relies on to do its job, and Lycanroc both benefits from and helps Sandslash wear down their checks or clean up after the other wears down their checks. Sandslash also appreciates partners that threaten bulky Water- and Grass-types as well as physical walls in general, making Exeggutor-A, Heliolisk, and Toxicroak solid teammates for Sand teams.

Because you're over the character limit a tad bit, try cutting down this last portion. I trust you can do this fine, and I would stress three of your points here in particular:
1. The tradeoff between Rock Slide and Leech Life
2. The physical walls and Ground-types that shutdown Sandslash
3. The Water- and Grass-types that handle these threats for both Sandslash and its usual teammates like Gigalith and Lycanroc.

If you need help condensing this a lil lmk!

Great work! QC 1/1 after implementation. Note that you hit 1549 characters without spaces; that's over x1.5 greater than the soft limit. I tried to cut some of that down and keep that character count in mind when implementing (here's what I use if u need it). Lastly, keep in mind basic dex info like how SD doubles attack isn't worth mentioning in these posts.
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Sandslash @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Leech Life / Rock Slide
- Swords Dance

Although not the hedgehog you'd expect to have such amazing speed, Sandslash finds itself faster than a majority of NU while Sandstorm set by Gigalith is active. Sorry, did you want another fast hedgehog? Believe it or not, Sandslash outspeeds most of NU after Gigalith sets sand. (tried to make the delivery a bit tighter. open to changes & suggestions) Sandslash can become gets dangerous quickly, breaking through even the sturdiest of walls such as Vaporeon and Mudsdale after a Swords Dance. Sandslash's increased speed means that After that, (can be changed) even fast Ground-type answers such as Talonflame, Xatu, and Choice Scarf Rotom-C fail to can't catch up to it. Sandslash is not unstoppable, though, as it often needs a However, Sandslash often needs that Swords Dance to sweep, and even with one, physical walls such as Weezing and Quagsire shut down Sandslash it down very effectively. Leech Life hits common Grass-types like Tsareena, Exeggutor-A, and Rotom-C. Sandslash can use Rock Slide instead to hit Flying-types, although this is often best left for Lycanroc, a common partner for Sandslash. Lycanroc and more importantly Gigalith, are near-essential teammates for Sandslash, as Gigalith sets the Sandstorm that Sandslash relies on to do its job, and Lycanroc both benefits from and helps Sandslash wear down their checks or clean up after each other. its partner, Lycanroc, which works with Sandslash to wear down checks and clean up. (if you're as much of a dork as me, eg "...for Tails. I mean, Lycanroc, which..." is another option) Sandslash also appreciates partners that beat bulky Water- and Grass-types, making Exeggutor-A, Heliolisk, and Toxicroak solid teammates for Sand teams.
GP Team done
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Sandslash @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Leech Life / Rock Slide
- Swords Dance

Although not the hedgehog you'd expect to have such amazing speed, Sandslash finds itself faster than a majority of NU while Sandstorm set by Gigalith is active. Sorry, did you want another fast hedgehog? Believe it or not, Sandslash outspeeds most of NU after Gigalith sets sand. (tried to make the delivery a bit tighter. open to changes & suggestions) Sandslash can become gets dangerous quickly, breaking through even the sturdiest of walls such as Vaporeon and Mudsdale after a Swords Dance. Sandslash's increased speed means that After that, (can be changed) even fast Ground-type answers such as Talonflame, Xatu, and Choice Scarf Rotom-C fail to can't catch up to it. Sandslash is not unstoppable, though, as it often needs a However, Sandslash often needs that Swords Dance to sweep, and even with one, physical walls such as Weezing and Quagsire shut down Sandslash it down very effectively. Leech Life hits common Grass-types like Tsareena, Exeggutor-A, and Rotom-C. Sandslash can use Rock Slide instead to hit Flying-types, although this is often best left for Lycanroc, a common partner for Sandslash. Lycanroc and more importantly Gigalith, are near-essential teammates for Sandslash, as Gigalith sets the Sandstorm that Sandslash relies on to do its job, and Lycanroc both benefits from and helps Sandslash wear down their checks or clean up after each other. its partner, Lycanroc, which works with Sandslash to wear down checks and clean up. (if you're as much of a dork as me, eg "...for Tails. I mean, Lycanroc, which..." is another option) Sandslash also appreciates partners that beat bulky Water- and Grass-types, making Exeggutor-A, Heliolisk, and Toxicroak solid teammates for Sand teams.
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GP Team done
done, ty :)

Didn't wanna go too hard on the sonic references but I like the idea