Sandstorm Invocation

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Introduction :

Hello Guys, I want you to improve my team. So, don't waste our time and let's go.

Trait : Sand Stream
Ev: 252 HP / 64 Sp Attack / 192 Sp Def
Nature : Sassy (+Sp def - Speed)
- Stealth Rock => Entry Hazards
- Crunch => Main Stab move + Latios/Latias.
- Fire Blast => Ferrothorn / Skarmory / Forretress
- Ice Beam => Gliscor / Landorus

This is the main Pokemon of the team because he summons sandstorm. Standard Tyranitar set.

Trait : Sand Force
Ev : 252 attk / 252 speed / 4 def
Nature : Naive
- Earthquake => type coverage + stab
- Stone Edge => type coverage
- U-Turn => Keep Pression against opponment.
- Hidden Power [Ice] => Gliscor

The pokémon of the Sandstorm combo.

Trait : Levitation
Ev : 112 HP / 252 Sp Attack / 144 Speed
Nature : Modest
- Hydro Pump => Stab
- Volt Switch => Keep pressure
- Will o Wisp => burn physical treats
- Pain Split => recover move.

I needed a free counter to Gliscor and covers my double water weakness.

Trait : Serene Grace
Ev : 4 HP / 252 Sp Attack / 252 Speed
Nature : Timid
-Calm Mind => boost
-Psyshock => Blissey because it hit on defense and not sp.defense
-Energy Ball => Rotom-W
-Hidden Power [Fire] => Scizor / Ferrothorn / Skarmory / Forretress.

Jirachi covers my double grass weakness and is my resistance to dragon types.

Trait : Magic Guard
Ev : 252 HP / 252 def / 4 sp def
Nature : Bold
- Calm Mind => boost
- Focus Blast => coverage
- Recover => regain of HP
- Psyshock => stab

Trait : Guts
Ev : 120 HP / 252 Attk / 200 sp def
Nature : Adamant
- Drain Punch => Sort of Recover Move + Stab
- Mach Punch => Priority Move + Stab
- Payback => against fighting resistance
- Bulk Up => Boost Move.


Banned deucer.
RMT rules said:
3. Have some actual words in your post beyond your six Pokemon and their moves. Not following this makes your post quite boring to read and rate. All Pokemon should have a good reason for being in your team anyway, so why not post that reason? If you are having trouble with this one, start by giving an explanation for each team member. Why are they there? What role do they serve? How do you get them in? Then, give an explanation of how you would open with the team and how you would go about using it. All of these things help people rate your team and allow us to offer more helpful advice.

This does not mean add one sentence saying "Standard x" or "all-around awesome" after each Pokemon. If you put thought into making the team, you can put thought into posting it.
Take a look at the RMT archive to see what kind of descriptions we are looking for. PM me the fixed descriptions and I'll unlock this thread.
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