December 23, 2014 5:00 PM GMT
Host: iap
First place: blackburn009
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solutions: ekans, hazerider, lunatone
December 24, 2014 9:00 AM GMT
Host: Xylen
First place: Dylas
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: imas234, troIIface.jpg
Solutions: kingsshield, popculture, aurasphere
December 24, 2014 7:00 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
First place: iap
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Weebl
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, ss1234
Solutions: james, trickster, 92250
December 25, 2014 12 PM GMT
Host: AnonymouzLSB
Winner: Gleeb
Second Place: Keldeo-Resonant
Third Place: ILRB
Consolation Prize to: PK Aero, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: islandcave, smeargleartisancave, icirruscity
December 26, 2014 3:30 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: ILRB
Second place: iap
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, Gleeb
Solution: shopnsquirtle, avalugg, wrap
December 26, 2014 10 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: iap
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: ZeZangoose
Solution: pokeparkfishingrallyds, 4211, beatuporb
December 27, 2014 12 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: Keldeo-Resonant
Third place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: spitup, buriedfossil, lilligant
December 28, 2014 6:45 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: Queez
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: ss1234, Regime
Solution: celebi, hardstone, 360
December 28, 2014 11 PM GMT
Host: Queez
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck [BLITZ]
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon [BLITZ]
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Snaquaza, iap
Solution: poison, lost, 39
December 29, 2014 9 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Weebl
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: HeracrossTheGreek, zacjl, iap
Solution: gengar, 26days, vermilionstreets
December 30, 2014 5:40 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Cranham
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Jellal Fernandes, Valiancy
Solution: hydreigon, diglett, kantoroute23
December 31, 2014 6 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: HeracrossTheGreek
Second place: Chauque
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Aardwolf, ChloroFluoroCarbon
Solution: voltorb, battleresort, totodile
January 1st, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: iap
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek
Third place: cutie may~
Consolation prize to: Galom, pokemomdad
Solution: pokkentournament, snowwayout, sentretrunaway
January 2nd, 2015 5 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Jessilina, Garazan
Solution: tabitabi, wheeloffrontier, brickbreak
January 2nd, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: Dylas
Third place: IaP
Consolation prize to: Weebl, kevinrocks
Solution: anglerfish, electabuzz, blaine
January 3rd, 2015 1 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: iap
Second place: Queez
Third place: Swampert
Consolation prize to: SwimKing8, MisCritManage
Solution: seabreakpath, luxio, falseswipe
January 4th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Chupps
Second place: iap
Third place: Aardwolf
Consolation prize to: kevin is nub, Gleeb, DarkShinyGiratina
Solution: noivern, milkdrink, shayminsky
January 6th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: iap
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Gleeb
Solution: pyritetown, gorocksquad, shadowshed
January 6th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: Dylas
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: Trauer, Chauque
Solution: phanpy, stall, koffing
January 8th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Dylas
Second: Gleeb
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: iap, Aeolia
January 9th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Dylas
Second place: GoldAxolotl
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, h9
Solution: shadowtriad, primo, poketch
January 10th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: losedude
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: DarkShinyGiratina, Gleeb
Solution: 6563, venomothstunsporeceruleancave, illumise
January 11th, 2015 6 PM GMT
Host: losedude
Winner: Chauque
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: ILRB, blackburn009
Solution: ada, 40319, focuspunch
January 13, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: zacjl
Consolation prize to: ILRB
Solution: junichimasuda, roomofglory, pocket
January 16th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: blackburn009
Third place: duch n-n
Consolation prize to: losedude, ILRB
Solution: drapion, 45, mauvillegamecorner
January 17th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: losedude
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: MukUsedDrillPeck, Gleeb
Solution: too many
January 19th, 2015 5 AM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: caveofbeing, stonebadge, accelgor
January 20th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Queez
Winner: IaP
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, Dylas
Solution: venus, skitty, mybodyisregi
January 23rd, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: ZeZangoose
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, Zipzapadam
Solution: kelpsyberry, pokemonrangershadowsofalmia, teleportgem
January 26, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: Flying Types Rule
Third place: V4 Bobert
Consolation prize to: Trickster, iap
Solution: secretpotion, bike, nissan
January 27, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Aardwolf
Third place: Chauque
Consolation prize to: Byrne Faraday, social netwerk, Newell’s Rival, iap, ElegantEspeon
Solution: flaaffy, phione, rhydon
January 28, 2015 1 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Keldeo-Resonant
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB
Solution: magikarp, nightdaze, doduo
January 29th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: sparkychild
Third place: Trickster
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, ss1234
Solution: dragonair, 21121995, 739
January 30th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Consolation prize to: iap, blackburn009
Solution:overthecreekinthegreenforesttheredandwhitestripedwonderfullycraftedraikousafewithnocreakingrenownedallovertheworldforconnectingyesterdayandtomorrowandproudlybuiltbynickbridge, crevicecave, aquamole
January 31st, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: Chupps
Second place: pokemonvortex
Third place: jess♥ilina~
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286, DarkShinyGiratina
Solution: pokefloats, v, 252
February 1st, 2015 8:30 PM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Jessilina
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Gargoyle31
Solution: gen1randombattle, jolteon, shuckle
February 2nd, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: HeracrossTheGreek
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Valiancy, ZeZangoose
Solution: psywave, seel, meteordash
February 3rd, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: pokemonvortex
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Jessilina
Solution: goalroll, nathanielirving, heyyoupikachu
February 3rd, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Mr. Wan
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: ZeZangoose
Consolation prize to: iap, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: gateonport, lyraforest, froslass
February 4th, 2015 1 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Valiancy
Second place: PR1030
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: PK Aero, RiverRusher~
Solution: whiteforest, kantoroute24, grotle
February 5th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Angels2002
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, ILRB
Solution: zubat, cloyster, apathweallmustwalk
February 6th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: ILRB
Second place: Dylas
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Chupps, Wan the Avatar
Solution: robobabybuggyberryrobbingswipethesweetsandmakeourowntreatsoctillerybot3, frostheat, 5498
February 6th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Angels2002
Second place: Dylas
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: manytimesanytimecapturemachine, wikstrom, luminousorb
February 7th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Valiancy
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Trauer
Solution: dolceisland, 484, youcantplaywithaneggsilly
February 8th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Gleeb
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Chupps, Aeolia
Solution: lapras, basespeed, moldbreaker
February 9th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Queez
Winner: iap
Second place: DarkShinyGiratina
Third place: anto
Consolation prize to: Chupps, ashiemore
Solution: zelda, suicune, haxiom
February 11th, 2015 12:30 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex, Gargoyle31
Solution: thesneaselninjathefinalcase, treasuresea, victinimanaphyjirachidarkrai
February 11th, 2015 12 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: PK Aero
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: Keldeo-Resonant
Consolation prize to: RiverRusher~, AnonymouzLSB, PR1030
Solution: zapdos, 0448, phione
February 13th, 2015 11:30 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: DarkShinyGiratina
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex, YELLOW♥SKARMORY~☆-
Solution: meowth, flareblitz, wobbuffet
February 14th, 2015 10:30 AM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: ILRB
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Keldeo-Resonant, HeracrossTheGreek
Solution: sneasel, gengar, gardevoir
February 14th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: MechaGoomba
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Weebl
Solution: noivern, stantler, shop
February 15th, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck
Second place: Weebl
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Chupps
Solution: venonat, needlearm, kirby
February 15th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Weebl
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: slayerx725232
Consolation prize to: ILRB, IaP
Answers: suicune, chespin, audiosurfer
February 16th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Zipzapadam
Answers: 50, indigo, 270
February 17th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, iap
Solution: skrelp, shinx, intimidate
February 17th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Valiancy
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Gargoyle31
Consolation prize to: Chupps, Wan the Avatar
Solution: goldteeth, hippopotas, pawniard
February 18th, 2015 8:30 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: angels2002, wantheavatar
Solution: tabitha, alakazam, professorcozmo
February 19th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon [BLITZ]
Second place: Yellow Skarmory
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: no-one
February 20th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: iap
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina
Consolation prize to: Valiancy, Chupps
Answers: beedrill, togepi, noiverntelepathy
February 24th, 2015, 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: wan the avatar
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: rotom, kadabra, drapion
February 25th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: jessilina
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, Aeolia
Solution: furfrou, plusleandminunandtheprincessrescue, prinplup
February 26th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Chupps [BLITZ]
Second place: kevinrocks [BLITZ]
Third place: Manaphy286 [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, GoodMorningEspeon, Dr. Dyl, IaP
Solution: serperior, wurmple, accelgor
February 26th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: Chauque
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: DarkShinyGiratina, Yellow Skarmory
Solution: regigigas, ariados, karrablast
February 27th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Gleeb [BLITZ]
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Trauer, Chupps
Solution: alakazam, dragondance, bellydrum
February 28th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Dylas
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Chupps, ILRB
Solution: defeaterofchobin, riley, sablenite
February 28th, 2015 9 AM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: ILRB
Second place: Dylas
Third place: xfix
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: jessie, altrubuilding, bittercold
February 28th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: xfix
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Gargoyle31
Solution: sunkern, trozeibeamer, jizobadge
March 1st, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, iap
Solution: sableye, fairyshadow, shadowballshadowclawshadowforceshadowpunchshadowsneak
March 1st, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Gargoyle31
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Mr. Wan, Chupps
Solution: porygon2, noctowl, 379
March 2nd, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Threadfin
Second place: Mr. Wan
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Chupps, kevinrocks
Solution: snivy, klang, exploud
March 2rd, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Mr. Wan [BLITZ]
Second place: iap
Third place: Trauer
Consolation prize to: LegendaryPrinplup, Gargoyle31
Solution: altaria, pressure, 5840
March 3th, 2015 11 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: pokemonvortex
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: golurk, felix, squirtle244
March 5th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Painter Espeon
Solution: natu, scizor, marangaberry
March 8th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, social netwerk
Solution: murph, sunsetwing, pokemonsnap
March 9th, 2014 7 PM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Gargoyle31
Solution: mirrorcoat, icebeam, sslibra
March 10th, 2014 2 AM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: Weebl
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, kevinrocks
Solution: pidgeot, loudred, skarmory
March 11th, 2014 12 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Weebl
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Trauer, social netwerk
Solution: 12, xscissor, 925
March 13th, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Weebl
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Trauer
Solution: pokemonmysterydungeonbluerescueteam, tempo, seabreakpath
March 14th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Weebl
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Archipelagoat
Third place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: lampjumpkickdownload, lusterpurge, 3558
March 14th, 2015 9:30 PM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: iap
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: DarkShinyGiratina, Chupps, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: Razz Berry, 29, paused
March 15th, 2015 2 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, iap
Solution: electricguitar, gameboytower, magikarp
March 15th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: iap [BLITZ]
Second place: Weebl [BLITZ]
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: scavenger, games, lol
March 16th, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Gleeb
Solution: Hippopotas, Incredible Machine, Cyndaquil
March 16th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Weebl
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286, 8-bit Luster
Solution: darkgem, redew, 661302
March 18th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: sirDonovan
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Mr. Wan
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, iap, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: pacifidlogtown, xatu, sightseeing
March 18th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: ElegantEspeon
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize: Cattail Prophet, Manaphy286
Solution: reliccrown, 0545026202, petalblizzard
March 19th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Weebl
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Dylas
Solution: glare, figy, trevenant
March 19th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: xfix
Second place: Valiancy
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: duch n-n, iap
Solution: goldeen, ascriptmaster, 269
March 20th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: MukUsedDrillPeck, Painter Espeon
Solution: magnemite, spindasmahjong, ragecrown
March 20th, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: iap
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, MukUsedDrillPeck, Wan Solo
Solution: noivern, marionette, poison jab
March 21st, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: Aeolia
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Cattail Prophet
Solution: wishingbellfestival, focusblastgigaimpactnaturalgiftrockpolish, bugbite
March 22nd, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Trauer
Second place: Freigeist
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: iap, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: tectonix, enlightenup, randomdungeontheme2
March 24th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Cyllage
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, snackismybae
Solution: regigigas, probopass, diphtheria
March 27th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Gleeb
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Professor Wan
Solution: yanma, brycenman, wailordmini
March 28th, 2015 5 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: lovemathboy, Dylas.
Solution: automatichighspeedsuperduperwhatchamacallit, hoennfield, superexpectional
March 29th, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: Aeolia
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Trauer
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet
Solution: growthrateofplants, BrianaCherenKyle, hilda
March 30th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Xylen
Winner: iap [BLITZ]
Second place: xfix
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: Angels2002, Chauque
March 31st, 2015, 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Dylas
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: florges, crawdaunt, clefairy
April 2nd, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Dylas
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven, Chupps, iap
Solution: cradily, froslass, fletchinder
April 4th, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: iap
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: lovemathboy
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar
Solution: propk1, crystacavecrystalcave, doduo
April 4th, 2015 6 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: iap
Third place: RebornPixels
Consolation prize to: Chupps, ILRB
Solution: escapist, orangemail, gg
April 5th, 2015 6 PM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Saints Fan
Solution: kuo berry, lorelei, American Head Charge
April 7th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: Aeolia
Solution: vatonagestyler, safarizone, piplup
April 8th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Chupps
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: iap, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: sigilyph, smog, ponyta
April 8th, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: xfix
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second Place: Chauque
Third Place: blackburn009
Consolation prize to: Chupps, nowear
Solution: raticate, tobias, tm05
April 9th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Chupps
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second Place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third Place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation Prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, Aeolia
Solution: pineco, sunkernleaf, vibrava
April 12, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: lovemathboy
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, Aeolia
Solution: wildcall, microaqualung, probopassmitongaroad
April 13th, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: SergioRules
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, kevinrocks, Dylas
Solution: thedanceofecruteak, aspertiacity, huntail
April 14th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize to: Cyllage, iap
Solution: Mt Avalanche, Lickilicky, sachet
April 15th, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: Aeolia
Winner: AnonymouzLSB
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: PK Aero, iap
Solution: CresseliaDrapionTrapinch, Lock Capsule, Berry Forest
April 17th, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, iap
Solution: mega charizard x, pelipper, ponigiri
April 19th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Valiancy, Queez, Chupps
Solution: polkadotbow, starmierecover, roselia
April 21st, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: SergioRules
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: yanma, 234, pangoro
April 23rd, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, Aeolia
Solution: sea7, probopass, lizardon
April 26th, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: GoodNightEspeon
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: iap, Aeolia
Solution: rainbowstoneship, poketch, wespeon
April 29th, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: lovemathboy
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Manaphy286, Fractals, Chupps.
Solution: 18574, sunscarf, forcryingoutloud
April 30th, 2015
Host: AnonymouzLSB
Winner: Manaphy286
Second place: chechmate
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, iap
Solution: growlithe, dash, caterpie
May 2nd, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: ILRB, Aeolia
Solution: scorchedslab, thesunlightturnedharsh, charizard
May 3rd, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: iap
Third place: goodmorningespeon
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Cyllage
Solution: ambidexter, Shamouti Island, nidoqueen
May 4th, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: TheMightyRaven
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Dylas
Solution: shadowchill, happy, smr2010
May 6th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: shurcis1, Manaphy286
Solution: seaspiritsden, charizardpichu, mysterioussistersscallion
May 7th, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: SergioRules, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: cipherpeonhumah, sven, mantineoverboard
May 9th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Eyan
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Aeolia, Dylas
Solution: ninetythree, recycle, joim
May 10th, 2015
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: flabebemaster
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: GengarPlates, Valiancy, InfinityShadow8
Solution: haunter, traceywest, pickup
May 13th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: mudslap, relocator, darkfightingpsychic
May 16th, 2015
Host: Aeolia
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Dylas
Consolation Prize to: Gleeb, Apink Luv
Solution: Pedra Valley, Moe Howard, Tomio
May 17th, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Gleeb
Second place: Chupps
Third place: adiass
Consolation Prize to: JDude921, kevinrocks
Solution: waywardcave, pichu, mrmime
May 20th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon, Aeolia, sirDonovan
Solution: flygon, ashcatchesapokemon, dragonsden
May 21st, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Chupps
Solution: blastoise, totodilelure, spikyearedpichu
May 22nd, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: focus, cherubi, tour de alto mare
May 23rd, 2015
Host: Zipzapadam
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: Eyan, Valiancy, deadfracture, Zero Visibility
Solution: torkoal, machop, rifurevillage
May 23rd, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: Zipzapadam
Consolation Prize To: ScienceRules, Ben Ohver, kevinrocks, Manaphy286
Solution: elekid, thufizer, rhyhornbodyslam
May 24th, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon [BLITZ]
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: FIREEEE, Valiancy, iap, kevinrocks
Solution: kalospowerplant, magikarp, metapod
May 24th, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: ashiemore
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Hurrycanes, Wan the Avatar
Solution: kalospowerplant, magikarp, metapod
May 26th, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Manaphy286
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Zipzapadam
Consolation prize to: Hurrycanes, Zippy2299, Painter Espeon
Solution: gideon, sleeppowder, zigzagoonliechiberry
May 29th, 2015
Host: ILRB
Winner: Cattail Prophet [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, Painter Espeon, social netwerk
Solution: berserkgene, ragecandybar, blackbelt
May 29th, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Eyan
Second place: Valiancy
Third place: Exeggutor
Consolation prize to: FIREEEE, Gleeb, PyoroLoli
Solution: zigzagdance, darnell, xscissor
May 30th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Eyan, adiass, Zipzapadam, Exeggutor, Gregbraaa, PyoroLoli, Gleeb
Solution: ludicolo, tyrogue, deoxyslifeorb
May 31st, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Zipzapadam, Painter Espeon, GoodMorningEspeon, Chupps
Solution: oak, gorebysshuntail, acrobatics
May 31st, 2015
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: xfix
Second place: Eyan
Third place: Exeggutor
Consolation prize to: HeracrossTheGreek, Aeolia, adiass, Akumeoy
Solution: 439, chinese, nyttyn
June 1st, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: social netwerk [BLITZ]
Third place: Aeolia [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon, Gleeb, Chillie102, Mr. Uncompetitive, RebornPixels, herrrbz, Timbuktu, txnnyo, Hurrycanes
Solution: cranidos, nexon, digimonadventuretri
June 4th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Manaphy286, eevee1400, SirBlastoise
Solution: mirror shot, distortion world, rotom
June 5th, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Dylas
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Painter Espeon
Solution: deoxys, gravelyrock, greatglacierredlandreaches
June 6th, 2015
Host: Shame That
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: iap
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, Catacomb, Painter Espeon, ILRB
Solution: anunderseaplacetocallhome, lobby, seafoamislands
June 6th, 2015 (no points)
Host: ILRB
Winner: Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
Second place: Aneesh12
Third place: Crusader92
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, Eyan, Zipzapadam, Chupps
Solution: magikarp, kantosafarizone, abra
June 7th, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Zipzapadam
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: megaswampert, rarecandy, icefightingpokedex
June 8th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon + Zipzapadam
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second Place: Catacomb
Third Place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, emboar11
Solution: shaloursable, terrakion, tagbattles
June 10, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Eyan, Dylas, devoshi10, cuzzie
Solution: pantyraid, metagamiate, snorlax
June 11, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: iap
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Zipzapadam, Dylas
Solution: agility, iron tail, foresight
June 12, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Sparkl3y, blackburn009, iap, Brrandon
Solution: outskirtstand, seaking, crystalonix
June 14, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, adiass, kevinrocks
Solutions: megarig, 65217, porygon
June 15, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Zipzapadam [BLITZ]
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: ampharoshe
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Gleeb
Solution: dragon ascent, dig, iron tail
June 17, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: Chupps
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Aeolia
Solutions: mewtwo, metronome, murph
June 17, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize: Zodiax, Dylas, social netwerk, Wan the Avatar
Solution: wallace, laverrecity, airlens
June 18, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: Eyan
Second place: iap
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, Chupps, Wan the Avatar, Painter ☆ Espeon, Zipzapadam, Chauque, Archiac
Solution: raikou, blackthorncity, aromaticmisthelpinghand
June 19, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Flerovium
Third place: Silvertabby
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, GoodMorningEspeon, Aeolia
Solution: restaurantleyeah, arbok, meteonite
June 20, 2015
Host: Shame That
Winner: iap
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: Angels2002
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Flerovium, Aeolia, GOoGlE GaNg BrO, hollywood, gOoGlE gAnG 3, gOoGlE gAnG 2, tennis, Colbrushie, Painter Espeon
Solution: jessebelle, route39, frontierpikequeen
June 20, 2015
Host: Aeolia
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: Dylas
Third place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: diamondbadge, rustypokemon, charmanderfriendsdeck
June 21, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: iap, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: lumiosemossdeep, crevicecave, shalourcity
June 21, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: Cyllage
Consolation prize to: Rafooa11, kingpuff.3., Gargoyle31, Eyan, iap
Solution: latias, lapras, anelitecoverup
June 22, 2015
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: adiass
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: electric, pikaka, altcolor
June 23, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Zipzapadam
Solution: lampent, stone edge, gym guide
June 24, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon
Solution: dedenne, kiloudestation, ferriswheelfan
June 24, 2015
Host: Chupps
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, iap
Solution: heavens, pinkanberry, surfboard
June 25, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: iap [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Chupps, ArrowYogurt, Gleeb, Hawkie
Solution: nationalpark, stunfisk, coldbeam
June 26, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Aeolia, kevinrocks, Zipzapadam
Solution: steel, pickapeckofcolorsflowershop, crossingpaths
June 27, 2015
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: iap, Flerovium, adiass, ILRB, eeveeattract
Solution: spheal, yveltal, sandslash
June 27, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Flerovium
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Chupps, kevinrocks, iap, Mellow Jo, White Hair Tester, xXDuongDannyXx
Solution: gabite, bronzor, gengarsunnyday
June 28, 2015
Host: Zipzapadam
Winner: inkyno1
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: FIREEEE
Consolation prize to: Latios n.n, pissKigyouHimeRXY, GoodMorningEspeon, xfix, Flerovium, kevinrocks, MajesticSwablu, Manaphy286, Painter Espeon, McTurbo, eeveeattract
Solution: raticate, rarecandy, spikes
June 28, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, eeveeattract, iap, Brrandon
Solution: vanilluxe, acetrainerlois, viridian
June 29, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: PyoroLoli, hardenmetapod, kevinrocks, duch n-n, Dylas, Gleeb, Painter Espeon
Solution: solidplant, wailord, golem
June 30, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Dylas
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Joilers, Chupps, Gleeb, kevinrocks
Solution: plasma, beedrillmega, thetiesthatbind