Scavenger Hunts

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stardust heart
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Very long ago, Joim had the fantastic idea to make use of Pokemon Showdown's room feature and design something fun for the whole of Showdown to take part in, separate from battling. The general idea is this: you join a room dedicated to scavenger hunts, where the room staff will create and host a hunt. You then use searching skills and prior knowledge to find the answers to the scavenger hunt; the first user to find all three answer is the winner! Casual hunts can be hosted at any time and made by anyone; official hunts, for which the winners receive points, are held 1-2 times a day by the room's staff.

How to Play

Type /join scavengers to join the scavengers room. When a scavenger hunt is active, you can join by using the command /joinhunt. When you think you know the answer, enter using /scavenge [solution] (e.g /scavenge magikarp). The system automatically announces winners and people who finish. You may display the current hint at any time using /scavengerhint.

The first place winner in an official hunt will receive 25 points on the below leaderboard. Second and third place winners will receive 10 and 5 points respectively, while fourth and fifth place winners will receive 1 point each. First, second, and third place winners who win within 60 seconds of the hunt starting will receive an additional 10 [BLITZ] points.

Currently these points do not earn you anything (apart from bragging rights) but they may in the future, so stay tuned!

The times of the official hunts are not set in stone, and whether an official will happen on a specific day is entirely up to the Room Owners/Mods.

Shoutouts to Darnell and Spydreigon, they are both nerds but have done lots for scavengers in the past and begged for shoutouts!


iap: 621 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 530 points
kevinrocks: 466 points
Chupps: 430 points
Aeolia: 414 points
Cattail Prophet: 360 points
Dylas: 358 points
Gleeb: 303 points
Painter Espeon: 279 points
social netwerk: 232 points
Catacomb: 220 points
Zipzapadam: 193 points
Manaphy286: 174 points
Flerovium: 155 points
blackburn009: 147 points
Snaquaza: 146 points
MukUsedDrillPeck: 130 points
DarkShinyGiratina: 124 points
Weebl: 123 points
ILRB: 115 points
Trickster: 96 points
xfix: 91 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 91 points
AnonymouzLSB: 86 points
Chauque: 78 points
Eyan: 74 points
Gargoyle31: 66 points
pokemonvortex: 62 points
Jessilina: 58 points
Angels2002: 57 points
SergioRules: 56 points
anto: 55 points
Keldeo-Resonant: 51 points
sirDonovan: 46 points
Trauer: 45 points
adiass: 44 points
Xylen: 40 points
losedude: 36 points
Cyllage: 32 points
PK Aero: 28 points
Cranham: 25 points
Threadfin: 25 points
flabebemaster: 25 points
inkyno1: 25 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 21 points
Queez: 21 points
lovemathboy: 21 points
Aardwolf: 16 points
zacjl: 16 points
ZeZangoose: 12 points
Yellow Skarmory: 12 points
Exeggutor: 11 points
GoldAxolotl: 10 points
Flying Types Rule: 10 points
sparkychild: 10 points
PR1030: 10 points
Archipelagoat: 10 points
ElegantEspeon: 10 points
Freigeist: 10 points
chechmate: 10 points
FIREEEE: 7 points
duch n_n: 7 points
The Raven: 6 points
RebornPixels: 6 points
cutie may~: 5 points
Swampert: 5 points
V4 Bobert: 5 points
MechaGoomba: 5 points
slayerx725232: 5 points
ampharoshe: 5 points
Silvertabby: 5 points
PyoroLoli: 3 points
ss1234: 3 points
Hurrycanes: 3 points
eeveeattract: 3 points
RiverRusher~: 2 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 2 points
Mellow Jo: 2 points
Brrandon: 2 points
imas234: 1 point
troIIface.jpg: 1 point
Regime: 1 point
Jellal Fernandez: 1 point
ChloroFlouroCarbon: 1 point
Galom: 1 point
pokemomdad: 1 point
Garazan: 1 point
SwimKing8: 1 point
MisCritManage: 1 point
h9: 1 point
Byrne Faraday: 1 point
LegendaryPrinplup: 1 point
8-bit Luster: 1 point
snackismybae: 1 point
Saints Fan: 1 point
shurcis1: 1 point
GengarPlates: 1 point
InfinityShadow8: 1 point
Apink Luv: 1 point
JDude921: 1 point
deadfracture: 1 point
Zero Visibility: 1 point
ScienceRules: 1 point
Ben Ohver: 1 point
Zippy2299: 1 point
Gregbraaa: 1 point
Akumeoy: 1 point
Chille102: 1 point
herrrbz: 1 point
Timbuktu: 1 point
txnnyo: 1 point
eevee1400: 1 point
SirBlastoise: 1 point
emboar11: 1 point
devoshi10: 1 point
cuzzie: 1 point
Sparkl3y: 1 point
Zodiax: 1 point
Archiac: 1 point
hollywood: 1 point
tennis: 1 point
Colbrushie: 1 point
Rafooa11: 1 point
kingpuff3: 1 point
ArrowYogurt: 1 point
Hawkie: 1 point
Latios n.n: 1 point
pissKigyouHimeRXY: 1 point
MajesticSwablu: 1 point
McTurbo: 1 point
White Hair Tester: 1 point
xXDuongDannyXx: 1 point
hardenmetapod: 1 point
Last update: July 4th, 2015

The old ladder was reset on December 22, 2014, and the ladder for it can be found here.
Last edited:
December 23, 2014 5:00 PM GMT
Host: iap
First place: blackburn009
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solutions: ekans, hazerider, lunatone

December 24, 2014 9:00 AM GMT
Host: Xylen
First place: Dylas
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: imas234, troIIface.jpg
Solutions: kingsshield, popculture, aurasphere

December 24, 2014 7:00 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
First place: iap
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Weebl
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, ss1234
Solutions: james, trickster, 92250

December 25, 2014 12 PM GMT
Host: AnonymouzLSB
Winner: Gleeb
Second Place: Keldeo-Resonant
Third Place: ILRB
Consolation Prize to: PK Aero, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: islandcave, smeargleartisancave, icirruscity

December 26, 2014 3:30 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: ILRB
Second place: iap
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, Gleeb
Solution: shopnsquirtle, avalugg, wrap

December 26, 2014 10 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: iap
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: ZeZangoose
Solution: pokeparkfishingrallyds, 4211, beatuporb

December 27, 2014 12 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: Keldeo-Resonant
Third place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: spitup, buriedfossil, lilligant

December 28, 2014 6:45 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: Queez
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: ss1234, Regime
Solution: celebi, hardstone, 360

December 28, 2014 11 PM GMT
Host: Queez
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck [BLITZ]
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon [BLITZ]
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Snaquaza, iap
Solution: poison, lost, 39

December 29, 2014 9 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Weebl
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: HeracrossTheGreek, zacjl, iap
Solution: gengar, 26days, vermilionstreets

December 30, 2014 5:40 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Cranham
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Jellal Fernandes, Valiancy
Solution: hydreigon, diglett, kantoroute23

December 31, 2014 6 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: HeracrossTheGreek
Second place: Chauque
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Aardwolf, ChloroFluoroCarbon
Solution: voltorb, battleresort, totodile

January 1st, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: iap
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek
Third place: cutie may~
Consolation prize to: Galom, pokemomdad
Solution: pokkentournament, snowwayout, sentretrunaway

January 2nd, 2015 5 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Jessilina, Garazan
Solution: tabitabi, wheeloffrontier, brickbreak

January 2nd, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: Dylas
Third place: IaP
Consolation prize to: Weebl, kevinrocks
Solution: anglerfish, electabuzz, blaine

January 3rd, 2015 1 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: iap
Second place: Queez
Third place: Swampert
Consolation prize to: SwimKing8, MisCritManage
Solution: seabreakpath, luxio, falseswipe

January 4th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Chupps
Second place: iap
Third place: Aardwolf
Consolation prize to: kevin is nub, Gleeb, DarkShinyGiratina
Solution: noivern, milkdrink, shayminsky

January 6th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: iap
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Gleeb
Solution: pyritetown, gorocksquad, shadowshed

January 6th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: Dylas
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: Trauer, Chauque
Solution: phanpy, stall, koffing

January 8th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Dylas
Second: Gleeb
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: iap, Aeolia

January 9th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Dylas
Second place: GoldAxolotl
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, h9
Solution: shadowtriad, primo, poketch

January 10th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: losedude
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: DarkShinyGiratina, Gleeb
Solution: 6563, venomothstunsporeceruleancave, illumise

January 11th, 2015 6 PM GMT
Host: losedude
Winner: Chauque
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: ILRB, blackburn009
Solution: ada, 40319, focuspunch

January 13, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: zacjl
Consolation prize to: ILRB
Solution: junichimasuda, roomofglory, pocket

January 16th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: blackburn009
Third place: duch n-n
Consolation prize to: losedude, ILRB
Solution: drapion, 45, mauvillegamecorner

January 17th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: losedude
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: MukUsedDrillPeck, Gleeb
Solution: too many

January 19th, 2015 5 AM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: caveofbeing, stonebadge, accelgor

January 20th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Queez
Winner: IaP
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, Dylas
Solution: venus, skitty, mybodyisregi

January 23rd, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: ZeZangoose
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, Zipzapadam
Solution: kelpsyberry, pokemonrangershadowsofalmia, teleportgem

January 26, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: Flying Types Rule
Third place: V4 Bobert
Consolation prize to: Trickster, iap
Solution: secretpotion, bike, nissan

January 27, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Aardwolf
Third place: Chauque
Consolation prize to: Byrne Faraday, social netwerk, Newell’s Rival, iap, ElegantEspeon
Solution: flaaffy, phione, rhydon

January 28, 2015 1 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Keldeo-Resonant
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB
Solution: magikarp, nightdaze, doduo

January 29th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: sparkychild
Third place: Trickster
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, ss1234
Solution: dragonair, 21121995, 739

January 30th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Consolation prize to: iap, blackburn009
Solution:overthecreekinthegreenforesttheredandwhitestripedwonderfullycraftedraikousafewithnocreakingrenownedallovertheworldforconnectingyesterdayandtomorrowandproudlybuiltbynickbridge, crevicecave, aquamole

January 31st, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: Chupps
Second place: pokemonvortex
Third place: jess♥ilina~
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286, DarkShinyGiratina
Solution: pokefloats, v, 252

February 1st, 2015 8:30 PM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Jessilina
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Gargoyle31
Solution: gen1randombattle, jolteon, shuckle

February 2nd, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: HeracrossTheGreek
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Valiancy, ZeZangoose
Solution: psywave, seel, meteordash

February 3rd, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: pokemonvortex
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Jessilina
Solution: goalroll, nathanielirving, heyyoupikachu

February 3rd, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Mr. Wan
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: ZeZangoose
Consolation prize to: iap, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: gateonport, lyraforest, froslass

February 4th, 2015 1 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Valiancy
Second place: PR1030
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: PK Aero, RiverRusher~
Solution: whiteforest, kantoroute24, grotle

February 5th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Angels2002
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, ILRB
Solution: zubat, cloyster, apathweallmustwalk

February 6th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: ILRB
Second place: Dylas
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Chupps, Wan the Avatar
Solution: robobabybuggyberryrobbingswipethesweetsandmakeourowntreatsoctillerybot3, frostheat, 5498

February 6th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Angels2002
Second place: Dylas
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: manytimesanytimecapturemachine, wikstrom, luminousorb

February 7th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Valiancy
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Trauer
Solution: dolceisland, 484, youcantplaywithaneggsilly

February 8th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Gleeb
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Chupps, Aeolia
Solution: lapras, basespeed, moldbreaker

February 9th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Queez
Winner: iap
Second place: DarkShinyGiratina
Third place: anto
Consolation prize to: Chupps, ashiemore
Solution: zelda, suicune, haxiom

February 11th, 2015 12:30 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex, Gargoyle31
Solution: thesneaselninjathefinalcase, treasuresea, victinimanaphyjirachidarkrai

February 11th, 2015 12 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: PK Aero
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: Keldeo-Resonant
Consolation prize to: RiverRusher~, AnonymouzLSB, PR1030
Solution: zapdos, 0448, phione

February 13th, 2015 11:30 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: DarkShinyGiratina
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex, YELLOW♥SKARMORY~☆-
Solution: meowth, flareblitz, wobbuffet

February 14th, 2015 10:30 AM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: ILRB
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Keldeo-Resonant, HeracrossTheGreek
Solution: sneasel, gengar, gardevoir

February 14th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: MechaGoomba
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Weebl
Solution: noivern, stantler, shop

February 15th, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck
Second place: Weebl
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Chupps
Solution: venonat, needlearm, kirby

February 15th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Weebl
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: slayerx725232
Consolation prize to: ILRB, IaP
Answers: suicune, chespin, audiosurfer

February 16th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Zipzapadam
Answers: 50, indigo, 270

February 17th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, iap
Solution: skrelp, shinx, intimidate

February 17th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: Valiancy
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Gargoyle31
Consolation prize to: Chupps, Wan the Avatar
Solution: goldteeth, hippopotas, pawniard

February 18th, 2015 8:30 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: angels2002, wantheavatar
Solution: tabitha, alakazam, professorcozmo

February 19th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon [BLITZ]
Second place: Yellow Skarmory
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: no-one

February 20th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Psywaves
Winner: iap
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina
Consolation prize to: Valiancy, Chupps
Answers: beedrill, togepi, noiverntelepathy

February 24th, 2015, 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: wan the avatar
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: rotom, kadabra, drapion

February 25th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner: jessilina
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, Aeolia
Solution: furfrou, plusleandminunandtheprincessrescue, prinplup

February 26th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Chupps [BLITZ]
Second place: kevinrocks [BLITZ]
Third place: Manaphy286 [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, GoodMorningEspeon, Dr. Dyl, IaP
Solution: serperior, wurmple, accelgor

February 26th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: Chauque
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: DarkShinyGiratina, Yellow Skarmory
Solution: regigigas, ariados, karrablast

February 27th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Gleeb [BLITZ]
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Trauer, Chupps
Solution: alakazam, dragondance, bellydrum

February 28th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Dylas
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Chupps, ILRB
Solution: defeaterofchobin, riley, sablenite

February 28th, 2015 9 AM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: ILRB
Second place: Dylas
Third place: xfix
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: jessie, altrubuilding, bittercold

February 28th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: xfix
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Gargoyle31
Solution: sunkern, trozeibeamer, jizobadge

March 1st, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, iap
Solution: sableye, fairyshadow, shadowballshadowclawshadowforceshadowpunchshadowsneak

March 1st, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Gargoyle31
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Mr. Wan, Chupps
Solution: porygon2, noctowl, 379

March 2nd, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Threadfin
Second place: Mr. Wan
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Chupps, kevinrocks
Solution: snivy, klang, exploud

March 2rd, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Mr. Wan [BLITZ]
Second place: iap
Third place: Trauer
Consolation prize to: LegendaryPrinplup, Gargoyle31
Solution: altaria, pressure, 5840

March 3th, 2015 11 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: pokemonvortex
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: golurk, felix, squirtle244

March 5th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Painter Espeon
Solution: natu, scizor, marangaberry

March 8th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, social netwerk
Solution: murph, sunsetwing, pokemonsnap

March 9th, 2014 7 PM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Gargoyle31
Solution: mirrorcoat, icebeam, sslibra

March 10th, 2014 2 AM GMT
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: Weebl
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, kevinrocks
Solution: pidgeot, loudred, skarmory

March 11th, 2014 12 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Weebl
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Trauer, social netwerk
Solution: 12, xscissor, 925

March 13th, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Weebl
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Trauer
Solution: pokemonmysterydungeonbluerescueteam, tempo, seabreakpath

March 14th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Weebl
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Archipelagoat
Third place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: lampjumpkickdownload, lusterpurge, 3558

March 14th, 2015 9:30 PM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: iap
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: DarkShinyGiratina, Chupps, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: Razz Berry, 29, paused

March 15th, 2015 2 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: Dylas
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, iap
Solution: electricguitar, gameboytower, magikarp

March 15th, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: iap [BLITZ]
Second place: Weebl [BLITZ]
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: scavenger, games, lol

March 16th, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Gleeb
Solution: Hippopotas, Incredible Machine, Cyndaquil

March 16th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: Weebl
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286, 8-bit Luster
Solution: darkgem, redew, 661302

March 18th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: sirDonovan
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Mr. Wan
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, iap, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: pacifidlogtown, xatu, sightseeing

March 18th, 2015 10 PM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: ElegantEspeon
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize: Cattail Prophet, Manaphy286
Solution: reliccrown, 0545026202, petalblizzard

March 19th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Weebl
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Dylas
Solution: glare, figy, trevenant

March 19th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: xfix
Second place: Valiancy
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: duch n-n, iap
Solution: goldeen, ascriptmaster, 269

March 20th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: iap
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: MukUsedDrillPeck, Painter Espeon
Solution: magnemite, spindasmahjong, ragecrown

March 20th, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: iap
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, MukUsedDrillPeck, Wan Solo
Solution: noivern, marionette, poison jab

March 21st, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: Aeolia
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Cattail Prophet
Solution: wishingbellfestival, focusblastgigaimpactnaturalgiftrockpolish, bugbite

March 22nd, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Trauer
Second place: Freigeist
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: iap, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: tectonix, enlightenup, randomdungeontheme2

March 24th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Cyllage
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, snackismybae
Solution: regigigas, probopass, diphtheria

March 27th, 2015 4 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Gleeb
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Professor Wan
Solution: yanma, brycenman, wailordmini

March 28th, 2015 5 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: lovemathboy, Dylas.
Solution: automatichighspeedsuperduperwhatchamacallit, hoennfield, superexpectional

March 29th, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: Aeolia
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Trauer
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet
Solution: growthrateofplants, BrianaCherenKyle, hilda

March 30th, 2015 8 PM GMT
Host: Xylen
Winner: iap [BLITZ]
Second place: xfix
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: Angels2002, Chauque

March 31st, 2015, 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Dylas
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: florges, crawdaunt, clefairy

April 2nd, 2015 9 PM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Dylas
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven, Chupps, iap
Solution: cradily, froslass, fletchinder

April 4th, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: iap
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: lovemathboy
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar
Solution: propk1, crystacavecrystalcave, doduo

April 4th, 2015 6 PM GMT
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: iap
Third place: RebornPixels
Consolation prize to: Chupps, ILRB
Solution: escapist, orangemail, gg

April 5th, 2015 6 PM GMT
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Saints Fan
Solution: kuo berry, lorelei, American Head Charge

April 7th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: Aeolia
Solution: vatonagestyler, safarizone, piplup

April 8th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Chupps
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: iap, MukUsedDrillPeck
Solution: sigilyph, smog, ponyta

April 8th, 2015 7 PM GMT
Host: xfix
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second Place: Chauque
Third Place: blackburn009
Consolation prize to: Chupps, nowear
Solution: raticate, tobias, tm05

April 9th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Chupps
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second Place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third Place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation Prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, Aeolia
Solution: pineco, sunkernleaf, vibrava

April 12, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: lovemathboy
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, Aeolia
Solution: wildcall, microaqualung, probopassmitongaroad

April 13th, 2014 3 AM GMT
Host: ILRB
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: SergioRules
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, kevinrocks, Dylas
Solution: thedanceofecruteak, aspertiacity, huntail

April 14th, 2015 3 AM GMT
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize to: Cyllage, iap
Solution: Mt Avalanche, Lickilicky, sachet

April 15th, 2015 2 AM GMT
Host: Aeolia
Winner: AnonymouzLSB
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: PK Aero, iap
Solution: CresseliaDrapionTrapinch, Lock Capsule, Berry Forest

April 17th, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, iap
Solution: mega charizard x, pelipper, ponigiri

April 19th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Valiancy, Queez, Chupps
Solution: polkadotbow, starmierecover, roselia

April 21st, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: SergioRules
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: yanma, 234, pangoro

April 23rd, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, Aeolia
Solution: sea7, probopass, lizardon

April 26th, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: GoodNightEspeon
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: iap, Aeolia
Solution: rainbowstoneship, poketch, wespeon

April 29th, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: lovemathboy
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Manaphy286, Fractals, Chupps.
Solution: 18574, sunscarf, forcryingoutloud

April 30th, 2015
Host: AnonymouzLSB
Winner: Manaphy286
Second place: chechmate
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, iap
Solution: growlithe, dash, caterpie

May 2nd, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: blackburn009
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: ILRB, Aeolia
Solution: scorchedslab, thesunlightturnedharsh, charizard

May 3rd, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: iap
Third place: goodmorningespeon
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Cyllage
Solution: ambidexter, Shamouti Island, nidoqueen

May 4th, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: TheMightyRaven
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Dylas
Solution: shadowchill, happy, smr2010

May 6th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: shurcis1, Manaphy286
Solution: seaspiritsden, charizardpichu, mysterioussistersscallion

May 7th, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: SergioRules, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: cipherpeonhumah, sven, mantineoverboard

May 9th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Eyan
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, Aeolia, Dylas
Solution: ninetythree, recycle, joim

May 10th, 2015
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: flabebemaster
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: GengarPlates, Valiancy, InfinityShadow8
Solution: haunter, traceywest, pickup

May 13th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: mudslap, relocator, darkfightingpsychic

May 16th, 2015
Host: Aeolia
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Dylas
Consolation Prize to: Gleeb, Apink Luv
Solution: Pedra Valley, Moe Howard, Tomio

May 17th, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Gleeb
Second place: Chupps
Third place: adiass
Consolation Prize to: JDude921, kevinrocks
Solution: waywardcave, pichu, mrmime

May 20th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Manaphy286
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon, Aeolia, sirDonovan
Solution: flygon, ashcatchesapokemon, dragonsden

May 21st, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Chupps
Solution: blastoise, totodilelure, spikyearedpichu

May 22nd, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: focus, cherubi, tour de alto mare

May 23rd, 2015
Host: Zipzapadam
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: Eyan, Valiancy, deadfracture, Zero Visibility
Solution: torkoal, machop, rifurevillage

May 23rd, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: Zipzapadam
Consolation Prize To: ScienceRules, Ben Ohver, kevinrocks, Manaphy286
Solution: elekid, thufizer, rhyhornbodyslam

May 24th, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon [BLITZ]
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: FIREEEE, Valiancy, iap, kevinrocks
Solution: kalospowerplant, magikarp, metapod

May 24th, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: ashiemore
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Hurrycanes, Wan the Avatar
Solution: kalospowerplant, magikarp, metapod

May 26th, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Manaphy286
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Zipzapadam
Consolation prize to: Hurrycanes, Zippy2299, Painter Espeon
Solution: gideon, sleeppowder, zigzagoonliechiberry

May 29th, 2015
Host: ILRB
Winner: Cattail Prophet [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, Painter Espeon, social netwerk
Solution: berserkgene, ragecandybar, blackbelt

May 29th, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Eyan
Second place: Valiancy
Third place: Exeggutor
Consolation prize to: FIREEEE, Gleeb, PyoroLoli
Solution: zigzagdance, darnell, xscissor

May 30th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: Eyan, adiass, Zipzapadam, Exeggutor, Gregbraaa, PyoroLoli, Gleeb
Solution: ludicolo, tyrogue, deoxyslifeorb

May 31st, 2015
Host: Manaphy286
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: Zipzapadam, Painter Espeon, GoodMorningEspeon, Chupps
Solution: oak, gorebysshuntail, acrobatics

May 31st, 2015
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: xfix
Second place: Eyan
Third place: Exeggutor
Consolation prize to: HeracrossTheGreek, Aeolia, adiass, Akumeoy
Solution: 439, chinese, nyttyn

June 1st, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: social netwerk [BLITZ]
Third place: Aeolia [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon, Gleeb, Chillie102, Mr. Uncompetitive, RebornPixels, herrrbz, Timbuktu, txnnyo, Hurrycanes
Solution: cranidos, nexon, digimonadventuretri

June 4th, 2015
Host: ashiemore
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Manaphy286, eevee1400, SirBlastoise
Solution: mirror shot, distortion world, rotom

June 5th, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Dylas
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Painter Espeon
Solution: deoxys, gravelyrock, greatglacierredlandreaches

June 6th, 2015
Host: Shame That
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: iap
Third place: Valiancy
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, Catacomb, Painter Espeon, ILRB
Solution: anunderseaplacetocallhome, lobby, seafoamislands

June 6th, 2015 (no points)
Host: ILRB
Winner: Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
Second place: Aneesh12
Third place: Crusader92
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, Eyan, Zipzapadam, Chupps
Solution: magikarp, kantosafarizone, abra

June 7th, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Zipzapadam
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Chupps
Solution: megaswampert, rarecandy, icefightingpokedex

June 8th, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon + Zipzapadam
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second Place: Catacomb
Third Place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, emboar11
Solution: shaloursable, terrakion, tagbattles

June 10, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Eyan, Dylas, devoshi10, cuzzie
Solution: pantyraid, metagamiate, snorlax

June 11, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: iap
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Zipzapadam, Dylas
Solution: agility, iron tail, foresight

June 12, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Sparkl3y, blackburn009, iap, Brrandon
Solution: outskirtstand, seaking, crystalonix

June 14, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: Chupps
Third place: iap
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, adiass, kevinrocks
Solutions: megarig, 65217, porygon

June 15, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: Zipzapadam [BLITZ]
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: ampharoshe
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Gleeb
Solution: dragon ascent, dig, iron tail

June 17, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: Chupps
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Aeolia
Solutions: mewtwo, metronome, murph

June 17, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize: Zodiax, Dylas, social netwerk, Wan the Avatar
Solution: wallace, laverrecity, airlens

June 18, 2015
Host: Xylen
Winner: Eyan
Second place: iap
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: blackburn009, Chupps, Wan the Avatar, Painter ☆ Espeon, Zipzapadam, Chauque, Archiac
Solution: raikou, blackthorncity, aromaticmisthelpinghand

June 19, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Catacomb
Second place: Flerovium
Third place: Silvertabby
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, GoodMorningEspeon, Aeolia
Solution: restaurantleyeah, arbok, meteonite

June 20, 2015
Host: Shame That
Winner: iap
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: Angels2002
Consolation prize to: Dylas, Flerovium, Aeolia, GOoGlE GaNg BrO, hollywood, gOoGlE gAnG 3, gOoGlE gAnG 2, tennis, Colbrushie, Painter Espeon
Solution: jessebelle, route39, frontierpikequeen

June 20, 2015
Host: Aeolia
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: Dylas
Third place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: diamondbadge, rustypokemon, charmanderfriendsdeck

June 21, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Cattail Prophet
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: iap, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: lumiosemossdeep, crevicecave, shalourcity

June 21, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: Cyllage
Consolation prize to: Rafooa11, kingpuff.3., Gargoyle31, Eyan, iap
Solution: latias, lapras, anelitecoverup

June 22, 2015
Host: Snaquaza
Winner: Zipzapadam
Second place: adiass
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: electric, pikaka, altcolor

June 23, 2015
Host: Cattail Prophet
Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Zipzapadam
Solution: lampent, stone edge, gym guide

June 24, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon
Solution: dedenne, kiloudestation, ferriswheelfan

June 24, 2015
Host: Chupps
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, iap
Solution: heavens, pinkanberry, surfboard

June 25, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: iap [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: adiass
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Chupps, ArrowYogurt, Gleeb, Hawkie
Solution: nationalpark, stunfisk, coldbeam

June 26, 2015
Host: iap
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Aeolia, kevinrocks, Zipzapadam
Solution: steel, pickapeckofcolorsflowershop, crossingpaths

June 27, 2015
Host: kevinrocks
Winner: Snaquaza
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: iap, Flerovium, adiass, ILRB, eeveeattract
Solution: spheal, yveltal, sandslash

June 27, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Flerovium
Consolation prize to: social netwerk, Chupps, kevinrocks, iap, Mellow Jo, White Hair Tester, xXDuongDannyXx
Solution: gabite, bronzor, gengarsunnyday

June 28, 2015
Host: Zipzapadam
Winner: inkyno1
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: FIREEEE
Consolation prize to: Latios n.n, pissKigyouHimeRXY, GoodMorningEspeon, xfix, Flerovium, kevinrocks, MajesticSwablu, Manaphy286, Painter Espeon, McTurbo, eeveeattract
Solution: raticate, rarecandy, spikes

June 28, 2015
Host: Wan the Avatar
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, eeveeattract, iap, Brrandon
Solution: vanilluxe, acetrainerlois, viridian

June 29, 2015
Host: GoodMorningEspeon
Winner: Chupps
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: PyoroLoli, hardenmetapod, kevinrocks, duch n-n, Dylas, Gleeb, Painter Espeon
Solution: solidplant, wailord, golem

June 30, 2015
Host: Painter Espeon
Winner: Aeolia
Second place: Dylas
Third place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Joilers, Chupps, Gleeb, kevinrocks
Solution: plasma, beedrillmega, thetiesthatbind
Last edited:
23/12/14 GMT +0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: blackburn009
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: ekans, hazerider, lunatone

(no blitz)

1) This Pokemon's English species name is an anagram of its own name
2) This user attatched the first file to a post on Smogon
3) [Psywaves Q: Answer is a Pokemon] Fool + Letter + Attitude

3) Loon + A + Tone

#firstofficial :toast:

Last edited:
24/12/14 GMT +0 (Christmas Eve)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: IaP
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Weebl
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, ss1234
Solution: james, trickster, 92250

(no blitz)

1) In the English dub of the Pokémon anime which character was given a Pokémon as a Christmas present?
2) Pokémon move + Mix [Answer is the name of a Pokémon Showdown staff member]
3) Take the last letter of the move with the highest Base Power that Lysandre's Gyarados knows. Convert it into the corresponding number (A = 1; B = 2 etc). Now find the first Pokémon in National Pokédex order (that has evolutionary relatives and didn't debut in Generation III) and doesn't have a single base stat divisible by that. Cube the latter's National Pokédex number and divide the answer you get by the Generation III hexidemical index number of ashiemore's favourite Pokémon. Take the first three digits of your answer. Find the Pokémon whose National Dex number corresponds to it. From this Pokémon's BST subtract the base Defense stat of Darnell's favourite Pokémon. Finally, multiply this by the base Speed stat of the Mega Evolution of Psywaves' favourite Pokémon. What number do you get?

2) Trick + stir = Trickster
Take the last letter of the move with the highest Base Power that Lysandre's Gyarados knows. Convert it into the corresponding number (A = 1; B = 2 etc).
Outrage, the last letter of which is "e". E = 5
Now find the first Pokémon in National Pokédex order (that has evolutionary relatives and didn't debut in Generation III) and doesn't have a single base stat divisible by that.
This Pokémon is Chimchar.
Cube the latter's National Pokédex number and divide the answer you get by the Generation III hexidemical index number of ashiemore's favourite Pokémon.
390³ = 59319000
59319000 divided by 092 (the index number of Moltres, ashiemore's favourite Pokémon)
= 644771.739130438

Take the first three digits of your answer. Find the Pokémon whose National Dex number corresponds to it.
Pokémon #644 is Zekrom
From this Pokémon's BST subtract the base Defense stat of Darnell's favourite Pokémon.
Zekrom's BST is 680
680 - 65 (Togepi's base Defense) = 615

Finally, multiply this by the base Speed stat of the Mega Evolution of Psywaves' favourite Pokémon. What number do you get?
615 x 150 (Mega Alakazam's base Speed) = 92250

Note: My sincere apologies for the confusion with the last question which I reset and amended accordingly.

Have a good Christmas tomorrow everyone! n_n
Last edited:
25/12/14 GMT +0 (Christmas)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ILRB
Second place: IaP
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: AnonymouzLSB, Gleeb
Solution: shopnsquirtle, avalugg, wrap

(no blitz)

1) Delibird is the delivery boy on this program of Pokemon Channel
2) Consume in french+Kind of shoe(answer is a pokemon)
3) You may be using this move a lot before Christmas time

2) Avale is swallow in French, and "uggs" are a type of boots/shoes
Last edited:
12 PM GMT±0 - 25/12/14

Second Place: Keldeo-Resonant
Third Place: ILRB
Consolation Prize to: PK Aero, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: islandcave, smeargleartisancave, icirruscity

Get the average of the Dex numbers of all Pokemon (including formes) who yield 3 Speed EVs (round down). The Pokemon corresponding to the result is found where in Hoenn?
2. "Santa Came Legs Arrive" is an anagram of which Pokemon and a location it can be caught in? (Format as PokemonLocation)
3. Where can one listen to the music of Unova Route 10 in Black 2 and White 2?
Last edited:
GMT +8 12/24/14

Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: imas234, troIIface.jpg
Solution: kingsshield, popculture, aurasphere

This is the only Steel-type move introduced in Gen 6
What was the room TV Books and Films previously known as?
Which was the first move used in the Sinnoh Grand Festival Finals?
Last edited:
26/12/14 GMT +0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: iap
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: ZeZangoose
Solution: pokeparkfishingrallyds, 4211, beatuporb

(no blitz)

1) This was the first PokéPark game (format é as e)
2) What is the combined BST of all Pokémon debuting in Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown?
3) This PMD exclusive item is a “synthesis item”

hunt made by GoodMorningEspeon
Last edited:
12/27/14 GMT+0

Second place: Keldeo-Resonant
Third place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: spitup, buriedfossil, lilligant

Which damage-inflicting move is able to lower the user’s stats by a total of six stages?
Which Pokemon card in the Pokemon Trading Card Game is not really a Pokemon?
This Pokemon is much sought-after despite it being very difficult to raise and take care of.
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26/12/14 GMT +0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: mr. iap
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: ZeZangoose
Solution: pokeparkfishingrallyds, 4211, beatuporb

(no blitz)

1) This was the first PokéPark game (format é as e)
2) What is the combined BST of all Pokémon debuting in Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown?
3) This PMD exclusive item is a “synthesis item”

hunt made by GoodMorningEspeon

*We’ve determined that mr. iap is not actually iap. We can confirm that it is Wan the Avatar but he is a nerd and decided that he wanted to retire from officials hunts. Our next action regarding this is undecided.
you've determined nothing pfft

Now, people clearly think this because my alt "iap ayy fk" was on at the same time as mr. iap finished. However if I may point you to exhibit A:
as you can see here I am on my well-known alt "Blintz" just a half an hour before the official was launched. At that very same time my same alt "iap ayy fk" was also on. Now, turning to the next piece of evidence is when I had just gotten back from my grandparents house:
at the time this was said user "iap ayy fk" wasn't there. That is because I came back to my regular computer and logged onto my regular account. If you still don't believe me here is the last piece of evidence:
Here you can see mr. iap finishing the hunt and only seconds after, asking for his name to be changed to "iap" (my username). Why would anyone do that unless they were directing it at themselves, as that would be just giving me free points? Here is where most users suspect it to be user "Wan the Avatar" as he has retired from champion of the scavengers ladder and therefor has no need for points. Well ladies and gentlefish, I have closed this theory as well. I will now show you an extensive interview I had with user "Wan the Avatar" talking about this incident.
... Please stand by as we transport Wan to a medical facility. beep boop bop (or was it Beep beep boop boop bop, boop boop bop?) Anyway, as you can see, here is user: Wan the Avatar admitting to, in fact not be mr. iap. Thank you for listening

Case Closed
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28/12/14 GMT +0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wynatu (DarkShinyGiratina)
Second place: Queez
Third place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: ss1234, Regime
Solution: celebi, hardstone, 360

(no blitz)

1) Out of all the Pokémon that can know Leaf Storm which one has the highest Base Stat Total? (Excluding Mega Evolutions and alternate formes)
2) According to the Unova horoscope what is the lucky item for those born in March?
3) In Super Smash Bros. Brawl Pokémon Trainer's Final Smash is Triple Finish. Calculate the total base power of the moves used in said Final Smash (use the respective base powers that the moves had back when Brawl was released)

I guess this official hunt was akin to those of the first scavengers ladder. ;]
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28/12/14 GMT +0

Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck [BLITZ]
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon [BLITZ]
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: Snaquaza, IaP
Solution: poison, lost, 39

1. The two pokémon shown battling against each other in the opening sequence of Fire Red & Leaf Green share what type?
2. The term "Nuzlocke" originated from a combination of Nuzleaf and a character named John from which television show?
3. What is the average level of all shadow pokémon in Pokémon Colosseum? (round to the nearest whole number)

Forgot that number spamming was a thing, didn't expect any blitzes. oops
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29/12/14 GMT -1

Winner: Weebl
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: HeracrossTheGreek, zacjl, iap
Solution: gengar, 26days, vermilionstreets

(no blitz)

1) The human in the Ninetales Legend of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team was transformed into this Pokemon
2) How many days passed between kevinrocks’ post in the second Scavengers Thread stating that one day he will get first in an official hunt and the first time that he got first place in an official hunt? (format as numberdays)
3) Red Field is to Vermilion Seaside as Blue Field is to…?

hunt made by GoodMorningEspeon
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29/12/14 GMT -1

Winner: Weebl
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: HeracrossTheGreek, zacjl, iap
Solution: gengar, 26days, vermilionstreets

(no blitz)

1) The human in the Ninetales Legend of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team was transformed into this Pokemon
2) How many days passed between kevinrocks’ post in the second Scavengers Thread stating that one day he will get first in an official hunt and the first time that he got first place in an official hunt? (format as numberdays)
3) Red Field is to Vermilion Seaside as Blue Field is to…?

hunt made by GoodMorningEspeon

> Second place: kevinrocks still cant get 1st place i see
Friendly Reminder from previous thread

I'd just like to say that we really need to limit the shitposting on this thread (luckily most of the creators have deleted them). Funny posts/posts with actually substance are fine, but stupid posts with no value that make the reader cringe reading it is unacceptable.
29/12/14 GMT +0

Winner: Cranham
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: IaP
Consolation prize to: Jellal Fernandes, Valiancy
Solution: hydreigon, diglett, kantoroute23

(no blitz)

1) According to an interview with Ken Sugimori which Pokémon (and its pre-evolutions) were supposed to be cyborg and tank-like?
2) Which Little Cup Pokémon is unique in that it does not jump between bushes in Poké Transfer? (the same applies to its evolution)
3) What is the only location in Kanto or Johto without a map description at all? (give the region and the route e.g hoennroute101)
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31/12/14 GMT +0

Winner: HeracrossTheGreek
Second place: Chauque
Third place: iAp
Consolation prize to: Aardwolf, ChloroFluoroCarbon
Solution: voltorb, battleresort, totodile

(no blitz)

1) Which Pokémon rendered Ash's Kingler unable to compete in a match at the Johto League Silver Conference?
2) In what location is the player character given a Pokémon holding a Passho Berry as a gift?
3) Which Pokémon know Brine illegally in when fought in the Battle Hall? (said move cannot normally be known by the Pokémon)
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