SCL III - Commencement

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As... wonderful, as Lily's post is, I'd like to draw some attention to some names in the player pool for prospecting managers. Fully aware that most of you guys won't need my help to pick your starters, but maybe y'all are blind or dumb who knows.

fakenagol - Mainstay. Recently qualified for olt with record setting gxe and has won stour and ost. nagoL has won more official games than just about anyone in this pool and always has a solid record. may need support? unsure. not much to say here though, nagoL knows what he's doing and has for years.

devin - Sad that all of smogon's protagonists got banned? Well Yuji Itadori is right here. The dude is basically Kmart ABR.

Empo - Empo has been living in the shadow of nagoL's greatness for his entire smogon life, but I think this is finally his year. He's a bit shy, needs a lot of reassurance, and may ramble about his arch nemesis on discord for 4 months straight, but he has a lot of potential.

Monai - This dude is like 25-3 on the dave's sheet lol. A hard worker and already has spl experience under his belt.

Kebab mlml

Ox the Fox - After being mid in OU for the better half of a decade he has decided to retreat to pu. Will either farm or get farmed absolutely no in-between.

spellcaster - Will talk... a lot! She builds UU too I think and will make scouts and shit for any of the lazy managers out there. Definitely worth buying.

I think that's everyone, but I could've missed some signups. That's a LOT of people. They obviously won't all get drafted, but this post was never supposed to be a "draft my friends" type of thing; I just want to put some people on your radar who may not already be there. It's up to managers to do their own research ofc, and maybe this post will just be me yelling into the wind because you all have your plans already, but if this is helpful to any of you then that's more than enough for me. nonetheless all the players i listed have the official Beef stamp of approval:tm:.
They literally have SCL trophy on their badgeset...

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 9.48.10 AM.png
first scl mock happened today! huge s/o to Floss for setting it all up and keeping things running smoothly!


Thiago Nunes31500
mind gaming26000
Storm Zone20000
Ox the Fox18000
Gilbert arenas18000
Ash KetchumGamer16500
Eternal Spirit15000
Fogbound Lake14000
hariyana grande12000
M Dragon10000
Sylveon used calm mind8000
Ciro napoli7000
Mimikyu Stardust7000
London Beats7000
Grandmas Cookin5000
bb skarm5000
Kebab mlml4500
Queen of Bean4000
sir jelloton3000
AtraX Madara3000
Dj Breloominati♬3000
Yellow Paint3000

OU Storm Zone
OU AshKetchumGamer
OU Raizen1704
Ubers Fc
UU Cam
RU umbry
NU S1nnohC0nfirm3d
PU Ox the Fox
LC Collette

Subs: Freezai, Irene-2002, Clementine, estrogenprince

OU: Xrn
OU: Isza
Ubers: fade
UU: pdt
RU: Piyush25
NU: zS
PU: Excal
LC: RaJ.Shoot
DOU: bage1

Subs: sir jelloton, Queen of Bean, AtraX Madara, udongirl

OU Sylveon used calm mind
OU booty
OU mael
Ubers Soulwind
UU Sage
RU Eifo
NU bb skarm
PU Ishtar
LC Laroxyl
DOU Z0mog

Subs: TonhãodoUno, Grandmas Cookin, MrAldo, Tony, Chaitanya, NHelioX7, Guille, HANTSUKI, BluBirD

OU - mind gaming
OU - michaelderbeste2
OU - ciro napoli
Ubers - situm
UU - meru
RU - expulso
NU - kushalos
PU - askov
LC - hacker
DOU - frania

Subs: tsunami, slip, vivalospride, bea, scarfire, kate, gondra, actuarily, dj breloominati

OU: mncmt
OU: Nat
OU: M Dragon
Ubers: Inder
UU: Prodigezz
RU: Floss
NU: Thiago Nunes
PU: gum
LC: Drifting
DOU: Meminger21

Subs: Taka, starbitstorm, oldspicemike, btboy

OU: Finchinator
OU: watashi
Ubers: Aberforth
DOU: Tenzai
UU: Accel
RU: Ajna
NU: Danny
PU: Mana
LC: dcae
DOU: Tenzai

Subs: Shaneghoul, Lunar, GoldCat, Mimikyu Stardust, babyboyblues

OU Separation
OU Eternal Spirit
OU Eeveeto
Ubers TDK
UU hariyana grande
RU robjr
PU lax
LC tazz
DOU Tman

Subs: tko zee QWILY tlenit

OU: malekith
OU: lily
OU: jytcampbell
Ubers: icemaster
UU: xiri
RU: thefranklin
NU: bouff
PU: gilbert arenas
LC: hsowa
DOU: toxigen

Subs: 691, velvet, femboy, qsns

OU: Santu
OU: Kebab mlml
Ubers: FatFighter2
UU: Avarice
RU: Feliburn
PU: Dugza
LC: Acehunter1
DOU: YellowPaint

Subs: CTC, elodin, justdrew, London Beats, Carkoala, spellcaster, Edgar, ox04

OU: xavgb
OU: Sylvi
OU: Savouras
Ubers: Fogbound Lake
UU: pokemonisfun
RU: Beraldo
NU: Togkey
PU: sensei axew
LC: Elfuseon
DOU: Nails

Subs: LpZ, Jisoo, Baloor, siras, Mimilucha, Micciu, fakenagol, BlazingDark
Last edited:
With the new generation and a growing community we've seen both familiar faces and new talent, not limited to just those mentioned in this post, emerge as strong candidates claim an LC roster slot in this year's SCL. Therefore I'd like to share some insights from the LC community on the current pool, and hopefully help managers construct their draft plan when it comes to little cup.

Returning faces: dcae / Scottie / tazz / Wail Wailord / Acehunter1 - Don’t need much of an introduction, each has succeeded in previous SCLs and should be solid picks for most any team. I’d just be careful about drafting dcae with no backup plan. Wail Wailord talked about potentially not wanting to start, but said that he may reconsider before the draft. If he ends up deciding that he's okay with starting I'll edit this post.

the most promising newcomer thus far, putting up amazing SV performances in every tournament he’s entered. He’s said that he may prefer supporting, so if your plan is to start him it would be smart to shoot him a message. Even as pure support he should be a no brainer buy: his building and playing skills are both renowned.

Laro was unfortunately snubbed last year, even though he went 4-5 in SCL I—pretty decent for a debut. It’s certainly time for him to come back this year, as he’s looked terrific in LCPL against a tough schedule and has a proven track record against other SCL level players.

Hacker’s ribbon win was no fluke—his SS LC skills are top notch. He’s transitioned to SV LC pretty well, and though his LCPL record is only even, he had by far the most brutal schedule of any player in the tournament. He’s shown multiple times that he can go toe-to-toe with the best, and is likely ready for the big stage.

Ghost has taken very well to the new generation, looking absolutely fantastic in LCPL. He did go 1-6 in SCL 1, but given his recent performance I think that it’s time to give him another chance. Even if you’re not comfortable starting him, he would be well worth it as a 3k support slot: his only rival for current best builder is babyboyblues.

The following players might not be completely ready to be the sole LCer on their teams, but would definitely bolster any team they’re on.

I think that Lokifan has one of the highest ceilings of any LC player, but he’s shown with some unfortunate execution errors in LCPL that his game isn’t without flaws. Still, of the players in this category I would be most comfortable with him as a sole starter, as his mid game skill is easily one of the most impressive on this list. For a 3k pick he would solidify most any LC slot very well.

Collette picked up a handy 2-0 last season and has an extremely impressive overall record. Her support skills were famous in SS—everyone feared her counterteams. If she is highly motivated she is a no brainer for a starting slot. That could be a big if though: she’s said that she’s motivated for SCL, but she’s had significant activity issues in LCPL and in the past. She should definitely be included on one of the teams, but not without someone else capable of starting

Elfuseon looked amazing in LCWL, and has long been capable of doing well against SCL caliber players. Unfortunately he’s had a disappointing LCPL, and doesn’t quite have the results to start. He still should be considered as a 3k sub pick, as he's a very solid backup plan for LC and could probably sub in other tiers if needed.

Tournament players
Tournament players have done statistically worse than mainers for quite a few years now, but there are certainly exceptions to the rule: S1nn0hC0nfirm3d, for example, did very well last year with the support of freezai. If you’re going to draft a tournament player to start in LC, I highly recommend drafting someone on this list to support them. The two that have signed up for LC with the most results are the aforementioned S1nn0hC0nfirm3d and Sylveon used calm mind . With the proper support either is likely capable of doing well.
With the new generation and a growing community we've seen both familiar faces and new talent, not limited to just those mentioned in this post, emerge as strong candidates claim an LC roster slot in this year's SCL. Therefore I'd like to share some insights from the LC community on the current pool, and hopefully help managers construct their draft plan when it comes to little cup.

Returning faces: dcae / Scottie / tazz / Wail Wailord / Acehunter1 - Don’t need much of an introduction, each has succeeded in previous SCLs and should be solid picks for most any team. I’d just be careful about drafting dcae with no backup plan. Wail Wailord talked about potentially not wanting to start, but said that he may reconsider before the draft. If he ends up deciding that he's okay with starting I'll edit this post.

the most promising newcomer thus far, putting up amazing SV performances in every tournament he’s entered. He’s said that he may prefer supporting, so if your plan is to start him it would be smart to shoot him a message. Even as pure support he should be a no brainer buy: his building and playing skills are both renowned.

Laro was unfortunately snubbed last year, even though he went 4-5 in SCL I—pretty decent for a debut. It’s certainly time for him to come back this year, as he’s looked terrific in LCPL against a tough schedule and has a proven track record against other SCL level players.

Hacker’s ribbon win was no fluke—his SS LC skills are top notch. He’s transitioned to SV LC pretty well, and though his LCPL record is only even, he had by far the most brutal schedule of any player in the tournament. He’s shown multiple times that he can go toe-to-toe with the best, and is likely ready for the big stage.

Ghost has taken very well to the new generation, looking absolutely fantastic in LCPL. He did go 1-6 in SCL 1, but given his recent performance I think that it’s time to give him another chance. Even if you’re not comfortable starting him, he would be well worth it as a 3k support slot: his only rival for current best builder is babyboyblues.

The following players might not be completely ready to be the sole LCer on their teams, but would definitely bolster any team they’re on.

I think that Lokifan has one of the highest ceilings of any LC player, but he’s shown with some unfortunate execution errors in LCPL that his game isn’t without flaws. Still, of the players in this category I would be most comfortable with him as a sole starter, as his mid game skill is easily one of the most impressive on this list. For a 3k pick he would solidify most any LC slot very well.

Collette picked up a handy 2-0 last season and has an extremely impressive overall record. Her support skills were famous in SS—everyone feared her counterteams. If she is highly motivated she is a no brainer for a starting slot. That could be a big if though: she’s said that she’s motivated for SCL, but she’s had significant activity issues in LCPL and in the past. She should definitely be included on one of the teams, but not without someone else capable of starting

Elfuseon looked amazing in LCWL, and has long been capable of doing well against SCL caliber players. Unfortunately he’s had a disappointing LCPL, and doesn’t quite have the results to start. He still should be considered as a 3k sub pick, as he's a very solid backup plan for LC and could probably sub in other tiers if needed.

Tournament players
Tournament players have done statistically worse than mainers for quite a few years now, but there are certainly exceptions to the rule: S1nn0hC0nfirm3d, for example, did very well last year with the support of freezai. If you’re going to draft a tournament player to start in LC, I highly recommend drafting someone on this list to support them. The two that have signed up for LC with the most results are the aforementioned S1nn0hC0nfirm3d and Sylveon used calm mind . With the proper support either is likely capable of doing well.
drifting snubbed
Hello, I'm making this post to improve my chance of getting picked by one of the following team
Arena Spartans: Hayburner + Vulpix03
Circuit Breakers: Garay oak + Lunala
Indigo Platoon: Star + Z Strats
Mt. Silver Foxes: Raptor + njnp
Orange Islanders: Stone Cold + Leru
Power Plant Dynamos: Luthier + Tricking
Showdown Shoguns: ima + Vert
Studio Gible: false + Sjneider
Technical Machines: Amaranth + -Howkings
Uncharted Terrors: shiloh + Gingy
I would like to join this tour in SV OU, my goal is to join a team with a better builder than me to improve my own teambuilding, I recognize myself as a better player than a builder. I don't have any achievements except on ladder, I've made 2006 before olt with lilligant sun
it's just RkOtaku team but with lilligant>hatte actually not a consistent team cause the lead is never easy with this team. I also usually peak and test my teams at least to 1960-1990 area. I made 1960~, 1985 and 2010 respectively in cycle2,3,4 during Olt and tilted after(lost vs mike at 2030 on a double flinch). My goal before next olt is to be able to peak at 2100 elo and top5 ideally with my own builds, rn i've done before olt 2006 corresponding to #26 and 2010 during cycle4 corresponding to #10.
My timezone is GMT+2
I don't like voice calls
I should be available consistently during the week around 8-9pm (gmt+2) till 2am, i can be available before 8 but it depends of the days. Obviously available during weekends.
Hello, I'm making this post to improve my chance of getting picked by one of the following team
Arena Spartans: Hayburner + Vulpix03
Circuit Breakers: Garay oak + Lunala
Indigo Platoon: Star + Z Strats
Mt. Silver Foxes: Raptor + njnp
Orange Islanders: Stone Cold + Leru
Power Plant Dynamos: Luthier + Tricking
Showdown Shoguns: ima + Vert
Studio Gible: false + Sjneider
Technical Machines: Amaranth + -Howkings
Uncharted Terrors: shiloh + Gingy
I would like to join this tour in SV OU, my goal is to join a team with a better builder than me to improve my own teambuilding, I recognize myself as a better player than a builder. I don't have any achievements except on ladder, I've made 2006 before olt with lilligant sun View attachment 546252 it's just RkOtaku team but with lilligant>hatte actually not a consistent team cause the lead is never easy with this team. I also usually peak and test my teams at least to 1960-1990 area. I made 1960~, 1985 and 2010 respectively in cycle2,3,4 during Olt and tilted after(lost vs mike at 2030 on a double flinch). My goal before next olt is to be able to peak at 2100 elo and top5 ideally with my own builds, rn i've done before olt 2006 corresponding to #26 and 2010 during cycle4 corresponding to #10.
My timezone is GMT+2
I don't like voice calls
I should be available consistently during the week around 8-9pm (gmt+2) till 2am, i can be available before 8 but it depends of the days. Obviously available during weekends.
i can relate, he is good he lost on a very tight game (zapdos thunder wave yk)
Me and Fc are organising an Uberscast to do a bit more of a full version of this post as well as covering some other topics in general, but I thought I should make this anyway. Tier Leaders bigging up upcoming players is almost part of the annual tradition in SCL now, although I wont be going into as much detail as Lily did. I wont be talking about players who have played Ubers in Officials before, managers should probably know who they are anyway. What I will say is that this Ubers pool is wide this SCL, both in terms of players and supporters. I am roughly listing these players as they appear in the Ubers Circuit sheet, unless something makes me want to talk about them sooner.

Entrocefalo: Frankly if any managers have been scouting Ubers and havent seen him, they should probably resign before the tour starts and pass the team onto someone else. He sits at nearly double the number of points of anyone else in the Ubers Circuit, including winning the ladder tour and finishing (joint) runner up in Ubers Open, AND he finished 8-1 in UPL. He is a dark horse to have the best SV Ubers record in the entire tournament, and is almost guaranteed to go neutral at worst.

RichardMillePlain: While his UPL was unspectacular, Richard has been a high level Ubers player since the end of gen8, currently second in the circuit behind only Entro, and with a seasonal win against someone else I will be mentioning later in this list to end gen8. Richardd was more comfortable in prehome compared to posthome, but he is still a good player and capable of both playing and supporting a player like Soulwind with good teams.

DAHLI: I mention them as I feel like I should after talking about being joint Ubers open runner up, however I believe they prefer to play OU this SCL. A very capable pilot, they would be a good player in this ubers pool, but given the relative strength of the pool and Dahli's own capabilities in OU and PU, I would be surprised to see them starting in Ubers in week 1, especially as they would likely need a supporting player to help them build anyway. There's a shiny red SPL trophy in their badgeset, managers should know all about them.

ox04: Ox is an enigma. He simultaneously has some of the worst ideas I've ever heard of in an Ubers team, and yet he has a tendency to win with them anyway. Whether it is spamming Tera-Steel in a Koraidon-overran metagame, or thinking Scarf Genesect is an A+ rank mon in SS Ubers (its borderline unviable), he backs up his controversial opinions with wins most of the time, including in Ubers Homefield. His teambuilding tendencies have never been tested at the highest level yet, and while I wouldnt pick him as a teambuilding support option for a tour player, he could start and either do incredibly well, or really badly. It really feels like there will be no middle-ground with him.

Inder: The victim to Richard's seasonal win, Inder has been grinding away at SV and has emerged ready to play in this SCL. He has just managed a team that won UPL, despite losing their retain and starting bo3 slot in week 2, while on the way guiding his team to a combined SV record of 22 wins and 8 losses throughout the tour. While this was helped by having Entro as a starting slot, even removing him the team went 14-7 in current gen, which speaks well to his read of the SV meta.

GeniusfromHoenn: A player I would recommend as a supporter for a starting player and backup in case the ubers starter does not work out so well or needs to be moved elsewhere. I worked well with him last SCL as a general helper, and he comanaged the winning UPL team along with Inder, although he did not self-buy. He is a hard worker, and can read opponents tendencies in the teambuilder well, but I would like to see more from him before recommending he start.

Taka: Taka, Giannis and DAHLI are the only 3 people so far who have managed to make entrocefalo not have his name bolded by the end of the week in SV Ubers specific tours since Pokemon Home released, and the other two were both in finals of Ubers Open (where they did it). He also beat Inder in the semi finals of UPL, making him responsible for a quarter of the Melmetal's SV losses the entire season, and has gone under the radar while having a quite successful year himself. I would probably say this is a year too soon for Taka, but he could be a risk worth taking, especially if he is paired up with ox04, as a backup in case ox sinks rather than swims.

Mashing: Mashing has been working hard to get a slot on an SCL team, and now that they have been unbanned, they will likely get drafted no matter what I say here. I heard she was providing teams to several people who had good runs in the Ubers Open, and while the Durians flopped in UPL, that didnt stop me from endorsing Richard. Also has experience in World Cup and helping out in OU for SPL, so seems a safe bet as a team player in general.

Lasen: The last player I will mention as it is starting to get into the low numbers on the circuit sheet, Lasen does not enjoy playing SV Ubers, but has a history of building well in Ubers tiers, having been a part of the teambuilding group that helped byronthewellwell go 7-3 in 2021, and is a fantastic chat presence no matter what the team. Lasen provides endless entertainment as he is a naturally very funny guy, but pairs this well with his experience and expertise in Ubers, and can provide very capable teambuilding support should you draft a tour player to start. I dont think he wants to touch the starting slots out of fear that I or Fc will triple freeze his Clodsire, Arceus-Grass, Miraidon combo with last-mon Scarf Kyogre to win the game, but a good pickup nonetheless.

A few others deserve mention here, but I had to put a cutoff somewhere and I like to be somewhat objective about it. If any managers have any questions about particular player they might have their eye on that I did not mention, I'm happy to chat about it over discord, this is not an exhaustive list. Overall I'm really happy with the new blood that we are potentially getting in the Ubers Pool this season, and think that managers have a plethora of choices to go with too.
Could we delay the first round to post-1st of October so every lowtiers can play with the DLC (quick)drops when the tournament starts?
Theia maroon Vertigo ken

I might have gotten some info wrong and the drops currently will impact week 3 onwards only? This is unsalvageable loul

In fact we should star the tour on Monday, so Tiers are completely different on Week 1, 2, 4 and 9 (+possible quick bans and Suspects in between). Embrace the chaos, let the world burn!
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