As... wonderful, as Lily's post is, I'd like to draw some attention to some names in the player pool for prospecting managers. Fully aware that most of you guys won't need my help to pick your starters, but maybe y'all are blind or dumb who knows.
fakenagol - Mainstay. Recently qualified for olt with record setting gxe and has won stour and ost. nagoL has won more official games than just about anyone in this pool and always has a solid record. may need support? unsure. not much to say here though, nagoL knows what he's doing and has for years.
devin - Sad that all of smogon's protagonists got banned? Well Yuji Itadori is right here. The dude is basically Kmart ABR.
Empo - Empo has been living in the shadow of nagoL's greatness for his entire smogon life, but I think this is finally his year. He's a bit shy, needs a lot of reassurance, and may ramble about his arch nemesis on discord for 4 months straight, but he has a lot of potential.
Monai - This dude is like 25-3 on the dave's sheet lol. A hard worker and already has spl experience under his belt.
Kebab mlml
Ox the Fox - After being mid in OU for the better half of a decade he has decided to retreat to pu. Will either farm or get farmed absolutely no in-between.
spellcaster - Will talk... a lot! She builds UU too I think and will make scouts and shit for any of the lazy managers out there. Definitely worth buying.
I think that's everyone, but I could've missed some signups. That's a LOT of people. They obviously won't all get drafted, but this post was never supposed to be a "draft my friends" type of thing; I just want to put some people on your radar who may not already be there. It's up to managers to do their own research ofc, and maybe this post will just be me yelling into the wind because you all have your plans already, but if this is helpful to any of you then that's more than enough for me. nonetheless all the players i listed have the official Beef stamp of approval:tm:.
fakenagol - Mainstay. Recently qualified for olt with record setting gxe and has won stour and ost. nagoL has won more official games than just about anyone in this pool and always has a solid record. may need support? unsure. not much to say here though, nagoL knows what he's doing and has for years.
devin - Sad that all of smogon's protagonists got banned? Well Yuji Itadori is right here. The dude is basically Kmart ABR.
Empo - Empo has been living in the shadow of nagoL's greatness for his entire smogon life, but I think this is finally his year. He's a bit shy, needs a lot of reassurance, and may ramble about his arch nemesis on discord for 4 months straight, but he has a lot of potential.
Monai - This dude is like 25-3 on the dave's sheet lol. A hard worker and already has spl experience under his belt.
Kebab mlml
Ox the Fox - After being mid in OU for the better half of a decade he has decided to retreat to pu. Will either farm or get farmed absolutely no in-between.
spellcaster - Will talk... a lot! She builds UU too I think and will make scouts and shit for any of the lazy managers out there. Definitely worth buying.
I think that's everyone, but I could've missed some signups. That's a LOT of people. They obviously won't all get drafted, but this post was never supposed to be a "draft my friends" type of thing; I just want to put some people on your radar who may not already be there. It's up to managers to do their own research ofc, and maybe this post will just be me yelling into the wind because you all have your plans already, but if this is helpful to any of you then that's more than enough for me. nonetheless all the players i listed have the official Beef stamp of approval:tm:.