Scrap Leftovers

How should I start? Well the team is made up by many bulky attackers, with lots of Spikes stacking and annoying PP stalling. I've made it to a decent rating with 1308, and while it is in the top 30s, it means nothing as the better ladder players will easily be able to reach that point and I really would like some advice to some of the decision making problems I've been having with the team. And the team name is scrap leftovers because all the members carry Leftovers.


Scolipede @Leftovers
Poison Point
252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spe
Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)
Toxic Spikes

Scolipede is usually what I lead off with each match. About 60% of the time I will lead with it. Whenever I see something like a Blastoise on their team, I try to set up the Toxic Spikes first in hopes of getting it Toxiced. If they carry a Poison (they usually do), I have Earthquake to do some damage to them. Otherwise, keep Spike stacking until it does down. Although I sometimes keep it for later in the match if I need speed, which is something this team lacks.


Rhyperior @Leftovers
Solid Rock
160 HP, 252 Atk, 96 Spe
Adamant (+Atk, -Spe)
Rock Blast

So after realizing that my (once upon a time) offensive team was weak to Stoutland, I went to the analysis page for Stoutland to look for counters. Found that Rhyperior was pretty much a dead stop to Stoutland, and it was a nice check against SubRoost Zapdos, and has a nice Electric Immunity when I sometimes have use for it. Rhyperior is my strongest attacker in this team, and it's usually here to come and and break a Pokemon, then switch out. I have no use to having Stealth Rock, so I used Substitute and I've used that move quiet a lot when playing this team.


Empoleon @Leftovers
252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpDef (0 Atk IVs)
Calm (+SpDef, -Atk)
Stealth Rock
Ice Beam

Empoleon is a pretty important member to my team. It is my bulky water (the only bulky water that has ever worked for me in UU) and it's secondary Steel typing is nice against Outrage locked Flygon that does nothing to Empoleon. Empoleon is vital due to it's ability to easily set up Stealth Rocks, and Roar away troublesome Pokemon such as Suicune or Kingdra if it get's out of hand. Ice Beam is there to hit Xatu on the switch, and Scald for the STAB and Burn chance that never happens.


Zapdos @Leftovers
192 HP, 64 Def, 252 Spe (0 Atk IVs)
Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
Heat Wave

Perhaps my favorite set on this team, probably my favorite Pokemon out of everything in UU. This thing is so fun to use (for me, not for the opponent) as it slowly takes away from their health and PP stalling away those Stone Edges. So many rage quits has happened, but it's free points for me so what should I complain about. I ran Heat Wave over Toxic because I really wanted to hit Steels and Roserade that thinks they'll wall Zapdos, only to be 2HKOd. I use it in conjunction with Toxic Spikes and Spikes to rack up damage and force switches out with Zapdos. It serves as my Physical Wall of sorts, and checks Heracross somewhat well so long as they don't Stone Edge (which Zapdos will live and all it has to do is switch out.)


Snorlax @Leftovers
Thick Fat
80 HP, 252 Atk, 176 SpDef
Adamant (+Atk, -Spe)
Body Slam

My Special sponge, and traps and KOs Ghosts without Will-O-Wisp, as well as a solid counter to Raikou. I ran Thick Fat, although at times I get Toxiced and that's never fun. However, I believe I've had more times where I enjoyed Thick Fat over Immunity. Crunch because there's not much else to put over it. Earthquake is for Raikou and other Ground weak foes that never sees it coming for some odd reason. Body Slam is there for that nice paralysis that always happens when I use it on Togekiss, and sometimes it allows Snorlax to outspeed the foe and KO it to get more Leftovers recovery.


Sableye @Leftovers
252 HP, 112 Def, 136 SpDef, 8 Spe (0 Atk IVs)
Calm (+SpDef, -Atk)
Foul Play

Sableye is somewhat of a glue to my team. It's handy Ghost typing allows for Spin Blocking and Taunt+W-o-W wrecks havoc on the opposing team if played right. Spreading Burn around also makes it easier to beat opponents using Zapdos. Priority Taunt is simply awesome, and it helps opponents using an obvious lead so I Taunt and they won't be able to set up Entry Hazards, as there's no Rapid Spin on this team. Foul Play so Sableye can actually do something against Heracross (only about 30% though) and allows to hit Xatu hard on the switch.

And overall, I'm pleased with the team. Only thing is, I'm having massive headaches (not really) over whether to have a Rapid Spinner or not, and whether to use Roserade instead of Scolipede. I'm also annoyed at how I can't do anything to Gligar. Any ideas and critiques will be appreciated.
Hey, nice team, I've got a few suggestions for you.

Overall, this team is very solid, and there aren't too many threats that can cause a problem for you. Although I can see Life Orb Zapdos / Life Orb Roserade giving you some grief. A Zapdos can run through your whole team if Snorlax is weakened, because it can do around 40% to it with a Life Orb Thunderbolt. Life Orb Roserade can do massive damage to your team too, and even put something out with Sleep Powder (If Empoleon gets put to sleep, you're in trouble.) To fix this, I suggest changing Snorlax to a RestTalk variant:

Snorlax (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 208 HP / 124 Def / 176 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Body Slam
- Whirlwind / Pursuit

With some reliable recovery, Snorlax will be able to take on offensive powerhouses like Roserade and Zapdos much more efficiently. Snorlax can shrug off their attacks and Rest off any damage taken. Body Slam does quite a bit to offensive Pokemon, and threatens to paralyze them. Whirlwind is good for phazing Pokemon that try to set up like Raikou and Mismagius, but you can use Pursuit if you really want to trap Ghost-types and kill them.

On Scolipede, try using a Focus Sash. It'll let you get as many hazards up as possible, which is his job, or maybe even get a free attack in on something that would normally KO you. Getting more hazards up will definetily benefit your team, and even if your opponent doesnt break your sash, that just means you'll get another layer up anyway, so you won't be missing out too much from the lack of Leftovers.

Good luck with the team, I hope I helped!