Hello friends, welcome to the official smack talk thread of scRUb League 4! After a bit of a slow start to signups, we were greeted by like 15 people signing up right before the draft, which definitely caused a bit of a stir. Luckily, our wonderful administrative team was able to accommodate all of these players into a highly successful and efficient draft.
There are only a couple of things left to do before you guys can get started playing. First, we need to actually make the teams. This will largely be handled by the hosts, but there is one way that you, the people of scRUb League, can decide. Somehow, every team ended up drafting Finchinator , so please let us know which team he actually is on by voting in the poll. We believe in democracy here in scRUb League, so we fully intend to listen to will of the people here.
Secondly, none of the 4 teams currently have names. So, please use this thread to suggest some names, although keep in mind the hosts have the final say on all team names. Again, there are only 4 teams, so we want only the highest-quality names possible for this final edition of scRUb League.
Other than that, this thread is a smack talk thread, so get to it. The best posters in this thread may gain advantages in their matchups.