Monotype Seismitoad (Water)

Rio Vidal

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Monotype Leader
name: Swift Swim
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Focus Blast / Grass Knot
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Seismitoad is the premier Stealth Rock setter for Swift Swim teams while also providing an Electric-type immunity for the team. Hydro Pump is hard to switch into under rain, and Earth Power is strong Ground-type STAB move for Seismitoad to use. Focus Blast allows Seismitoad to 2HKO Ferrothorn. Grass Knot will enable Seismitoad to take on opposing rain teams with more ease as well as Water immune Pokemon such as Gastrodon and opposing Seimsitoad, with Hydro Pump being able to take on Ground teams in the rain easily. However, Ferrothorn is harder to break past for the team without Focus Blast. Seismitoad's EV spread allows it to take advantage of the rain to its best ability by being as strong and as fast as possible.

Barraskewda and Gyarados appreciate Seismitoad's ability to set up Stealth Rock as well as help them break past physical walls such as Ferrothorn and Corviknight by wearing them down. Gyarados can also take on Grass-type Pokemon such as Ludicolo for Seismitoad with Max Airstream. Gyarados is also a check to Choice Scarf Gardevoir on rain teams, which poses a considerable threat to Swift Swim Water teams through outspeeding every Pokemon on the type by obtaining Swift Swim through Trace. Seismitoad pairs well with Crunch Choice Band Barraskweda as it can take on Ghost's defensive core of Eviolite Galarian Corsola and Jellicent which can be hard for Seismitoad to break past

- Written by: [[maroon, 305839 ]]
- Water analysis by: [[maroon, 305839 ]]
- Quality checked by: [[Izaya, 311872] , [Moosical, 215618]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732]]
Last edited:
- Remove Sludge Wave mentions.
- You don't talk about Grass Knot anywhere so just quickly mention the opportunity cost of Grass Knot vs Focus Blast
- Grouping the Gyarados mentions together would help with the readability of the second paragraph imo. After the line about wallbreakers appreciating Stealth Rock, I'd recommend something like "Specifically, Gyarados can do x, y, and z" rather than separately writing out each one at different points in the paragraph.

"Barraskewda being able to revenge kill Gardevoir with Aqua Jet"
- Since Aqua Jet isn't actually on Barraskewda's set I'd rather not mention it here.

"Ghost's defensive core of Eviolite Corsola-Galar and Jellicent can dampen Water's ability to power through the type, however, they can be stopped by Choice Band Crunch Barraskewda if weakened beforehand."
- This sentence feels really out of place in this analysis. It's not something specific to Seismitoad and would probably appear on Barraskewda's analysis instead.

- Make Focus Blast/Grass Knot the fourth move. Optional moves like that (slashes) generally should go in the last slot in my opinion.
- The second sentence doesn't really say anything that the first doesn't. Either expand on its capabilities as a SS user or remove it.
- Grass Knot also hits Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, Gastrodon, and Jellicent besides being useful in the mirror.

Rephrase this sentence as follows:
"Gyarados is also thea check to Choice Scarf Gardevoir on rain teams, which. It poses a considerable threat to Swift Swim Water teams as nothing wants to take Energy Ball and Psychic, as well it can outspeed every Pokemon on the type withafter tracing Swift Swim. "

This sentence is nonspecific enough to not be worth including:
"All its offensive teammates on rain teams appreciate each other being able to wear down their shared checks to allow them to clean through the team in the rain. "

Rephrase this sentence for clarity as follows:
"Seismitoad pairs well with Crunch Choice Band Barraskweda as it can take on Ghost's defensive core of Eviolite Corsola-Galar and Jellicent which can be hard for Seismitoad to break past. However, they can be stopped by Choice Band Crunch Barraskewda if weakened beforehand."

QC 2/2
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name: Swift Swim
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Focus Blast / Grass Knot
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Seismitoad is the premier Stealth Rock setter for Swift Swim teams while also providing an Electric-type immunity for the team. Hydro Pump is hard to switch into under rain, and Earth Power is strong Ground-type STAB move for Seismitoad to use. Focus Blast allows Seismitoad to 2HKO Ferrothorn. Grass Knot will enable Seismitoad to take on opposing rain teams with more ease as well as Water immune Pokemon such as Gastrodon and opposing Seimsitoad, and in tandem with Hydro Pump being able to take on Ground teams in the rain easily, however, then. (AP) However, Ferrothorn is harder to break past for the team without Focus Blast. Seismitoad's EV spread allows it to take advantage of the rain to its best ability by being as strong and as fast as possible.

Barraskewda and Gyarados appreciate Seismitoad's ability to set up Stealth Rock as well as help them break past physical walls such as Ferrothorn and Corviknight by wearing them down. Gyarados can also take on Grass-type Pokemon, (RC) such as Ludicolo, (RC) for Seismitoad with Max Airstream. Gyarados is also a check to Choice Scarf Gardevoir on rain teams, which poses a considerable threat to Swift Swim Water teams as it can through outspeeding every Pokemon on the type with tracing by obtaining Swift Swim through Trace. Ghost's defensive core of Eviolite Galarian Corsola-Galar and Jellicent can be hard for Seismitoad to break past. (the way you word this last sentence sounds like you're leading up to something, it's fine to keep but if you'd like you can add on to it so it doesn't sound so abrupt)

- Written by: [[maroon, 305839 ]]
- Water analysis by: [[maroon, 305839 ]]
- Quality checked by: [[Izaya, 311872] , [Moosical, 215618]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
1/1 :blobthumbsup:


I removed Corviknight as an example for what Seismitoad breaks. It requires rain to 2HKO, and Corviknight can just Roost spam until rain is gone. Also, Pressure fucks up Hydro Pump PP too.