Resource Series 9 Sample Teams

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With many of the major tournaments now over in Series 8, it's time to turn our attention to Series 9. The purpose of this thread is not just to compile the best possible teams, but a wide variety of different teams from different sources (be that from user submission, tours, or notable ladder teams).

You can click on a team's title to redirected to the Twitter page of the player that popularized the teams below. Click on the sprites to access the Pokepaste of the team.

Liakos's Smogon Major Winning Regieleki + Clefairy Offense
:glastrier: :celesteela: :urshifu-gmax::regieleki: :rillaboom-gmax: :clefairy:

Entei Metagross balance, popularized by Giulio Tarlao [multiple Mt. Silver wins]
:metagross: :entei: :grimmsnarl: :porygon2: :rotom-wash: :moltres-galar:

Mao and North's Regirock sun
:venusaur-gmax: :torkoal: :grimmsnarl: :porygon2: :regirock: :zapdos:

Munkey and Deishu's Support Thundurus Bulky Offense [Top 16 in Smogon Major]
:garchomp: :thundurus: :urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax: :incineroar: :kartana: :togekiss:

zeefable's Landorus-T Offense [Top 16 in Rose Tower]
:landorus-therian: :clefairy: :incineroar: :regieleki: :urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax: :moltres-galar:

Modern Coalossal
:coalossal-gmax: :dragapult: :urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax: :incineroar: :rillaboom-gmax: :togekiss:

:Dragapult: :Moltres-Galar: :Rillaboom-Gmax: :Coalossal-Gmax: :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike-Gmax: :Incineroar: Wolfey's 1st Place Player's Cup II Team

:Weezing: :Regigigas: :Regieleki: :Urshifu: :Venusaur-Gmax: :Torkoal: Davide's 2nd Place Player's Cup II Team

:Amoonguss: :Incineroar: :Moltres-Galar: :Spectrier: :Regieleki: :Landorus-Therian: Jean Paul's 3rd Place Player's Cup II Team

:KIngdra: :Politoed: :Celesteela: :Entei: :Raichu: :Rillaboom: Juan's 4th Place Player's Cup II Team

:Regieleki: :Urshifu: :Tapu Fini: :Incineroar: :Glastrier: :Dusclops: Kyle's Top 8 Player's Cup II NA Team

:Urshifu-Gmax: :Heatran: :Grimmsnarl: :Rillaboom-Gmax: :Landorus-Therian: :Zapdos: Zeen's #1 BSD Ladder Team

:Moltres-Galar: :Regieleki: :Entei: :Regirock: :Garchomp: :Kartana: yuki's Top 20 BSD Ladder Team
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