Pet Mod Set In Stone (Phase 2: Slate 7)

New slate tomorrow or wait for coding?

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    Votes: 5 100.0%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .


I'd give this a 3.7/5
is a Pre-Contributor
Set In Stone

Set In Stone is a fakemon micrometa set in Generation 9 with no Tera allowed. Set In Stone's submission process will take place in 2 Phases:

Phase 1:
Users submit 2 pokemon sets with the following format: 1 Ability slot & 4 move slots.
For each set,
  • You are allowed to submit up to 2 total slashes for moves and abilities. You cannot use both slashes for abilities (so either 2 move slashes or 1 move slash & 1 ability slash).
  • You are allowed up to 1 custom move or ability per set.
  • Due to the rules, pokemon could be allowed to have up to 4 abilities. Make sure you keep that in mind when creating your sets.

Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:

Every set will be approved barring extreme circumstances, and then randomly paired with a different set in Phase 2.

Phase 2: Users create fakemon with the given information in slate format.

In Phase 1,
One person submits:
Ability: Intimidate
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Earthquake
Move 3: U-Turn
Move 4: Toxic / Knock Off

While another person submits:
Ability: Intimidate
Move 1: Swords Dance
Move 2: Earthquake
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Substitute

These are combined to create a pokemon with the following traits
Viable Abilities: Intimidate
Viable Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, U-Turn, Toxic, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Substitute

In Phase 2, someone could submit something like

Name: Landorus-Therian
Type: Ground/Flying
Viable Ability: Intimidate
Flavor Abilities: ...
Stats: 89/145/90/105/80/91 (BST: 600)
Viable Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, U-Turn, Toxic, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Substitute
Flavor Moves: ...
  • Generally, you should not include any Flavor Moves or Abilities that would outclass moves in the Viable Moves or Abilities sections (for the Example above, adding a Flying STAB such as Brave Bird would not be allowed).
  • Despite this, try to fill out your pokemon's Flavor Movepool as much as possible.
  • You are not allowed to include any customs besides the ones already in the prompt.
Viable Abilities: these will be provided each slate
Flavor Abilities:
Viable Moves: these will be provided each slate
Flavor Moves:

  • Phase 1: There is no voting, all sets will be approved barring extreme circumstances (There will be a short time period to fix any vetoed sets to reduce the chance of this happening)
  • Phase 2: Voting will follow a simple format, vote for 3 subs [3, 2, 1 points] and you can't put your self vote in first place.

copied from svou
Role Compendium (very wip (send help))
1. Utility

Entry Hazards:
  • Spikes: Blunderbass (via Ceaseless Edge), Paleocust, Pollutron, Skadraugr
  • Stealth Rock: Cryolith, Paleocust, Voltergeist (via Stone Axe)
  • Toxic Spikes: Pollutron
Hazard Control:
  • Defog: Pollutron
  • Court Change: Lavahava
  • Rapid Spin / Mortal Spin: Blunderbass, Dirtle, Wrestlspur (all Rapid Spin)
  • Wish: Blunderbass
  • Screens Setters: Cryolith (both), Voltergeist (Light Screen)
  • Knock Off: Blunderbass, Paleocust, Pollutron
  • Encore: Blunderbass, Cryolith, Paleocust
  • Taunt: Blunderbass, Calamander, Lavahava, Skadraugr, Wrestlspur
  • Trick / Switcheroo: Blunderbass, Cryolith, Lavahava
2. Offensive Roles

  • Physical: Paleocust, Voltergeist, Wrestlspur
  • Special: Lavahava
  • Mixed: Calamander, Cryolith
Choice Item Users:
  • Choice Band: Cryolith, Paleocust, Voltergeist, Wrestlspur
  • Choice Scarf: Paleocust, Voltergeist, Wrestlspur
Setup Sweepers:
  • Agility: Voltergeist
  • Bulk Up: Paleocust
  • Swords Dance: Cryolith, Paleocust
  • Aqua Jet: Blunderbass
  • Bullet Punch: Wrestlspur
  • Ice Shard: Cryolith
  • Quick Attack: Wrestlspur
  • Shadow Sneak: Voltergeist
  • Sucker Punch: Blunderbass, Paleocust, Voltergeist
  • Prankster: Paleocust
3. Defensive Roles

  • Physically Defensive: Pollutron, Dirtle, Blunderbass
  • Specially Defensive:
  • Mixed:
  • Offensive: Lavahava, Wrestlspur, Calamander, Cryolith
  • Defensive: Blunderbass
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:Houndstone: Phase 1: Creating the Sets :Houndstone:

copypasted from op-
Users submit 2 pokemon sets with the following format: 1 Ability slot & 4 move slots.
For each set,
  • You are allowed to submit up to 2 total slashes for moves and abilities. You cannot use both slashes for abilities (so either 2 move slashes or 1 move slash & 1 ability slash).
  • You are allowed up to 1 custom move or ability per set.
  • Due to the rules, pokemon could be allowed to have up to 4 abilities. Make sure you keep that in mind when creating your sets.

Set #1
Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:

Set #2
Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:

You have a week to complete your two sets! Good Luck!
Set #1
Ability: Poison Heal
Move 1: Octolock
Move 2: Scald
Move 3: Ice Beam
Move 4: Taunt

Set #2
Ability: Rising Sun (This Pokemon’s Attack is raised by 1 when using a special move, and vice versa.)
Move 1: Morning Sun
Move 2: Flamethrower
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Taunt
Set #1
Ability: Levitate
Move 1: Overheat
Move 2: Fire Blast
Move 3: Trick
Move 4: Volt Switch

Set #2
Ability: Unaware
Move 1: Earthquake
Move 2: Discharge
Move 3: Spikes / Protect
Move 4: Soft Boiled / Wish
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Set #1
Ability: Regenerator
Move 1: Sludge Bomb
Move 2: Recover
Move 3: Toxic / Thunder Wave
Move 4: Spikes / Toxic Spikes

Set #2
Ability: Ice Skate: Its speed is raised by one stage after using an Ice-type move.
Move 1: Freeze-Dry
Move 2: Ice Beam
Move 3: Focus Blast
Move 4: Rapid Spin / Calm Mind
Ability: Regenerator
Move 1: Rapid Spin
Move 2: Lava Plume
Move 3: Poison Fang
Move 4: U-Turn

Ability: Purifying Salt
Move 1: Swords Dance
Move 2: Triple Axel
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Earthquake
Set #1
Ability: Toxic Boost
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Close Combat/Sacred Sword
Move 3: Flower Trick
Move 4: Shadow Sneak

Set #2
Ability: Moxie
Move 1: Victory Dance
Move 2: Headlong Rush
Move 3: Kowtow Cleave
Move 4: U-Turn
Set #1
Ability: Rattled / Justified
Move 1: Stored Power
Move 2: Work Up
Move 3: Protect
Move 4: Liquidation

Set #2
Ability: Illusion
Move 1: Fell Stinger
Move 2: Swords Dance
Move 3: Liquidation
Move 4: Ice Shard / U-Turn
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Set #1
Ability: Regenerator
Move 1: Wicked Blow
Move 2: Shell Side Arm
Move 3: Ice Beam
Move 4: Volt Switch

Set #2
Ability: Loose Cannon (moves increase in power by however much lower than 100% accuracy they are. Moves that can’t miss are unboosted)
Move 1: Precipice Blades
Move 2: Stone Edge
Move 3: Stealth Rock
Move 4: Shore Up
Set #1
Ability: Inner Focus
Move 1: Glare
Move 2: Short Circuit - 65 BP, 15 PP, 100% Accuracy, Physical, Electric, Double Power if target is Paralyzed
Move 3: Knock Off
Move 4: U-Turn

Set #2
Ability: Sheer Force
Move 1: Slack Off
Move 2: Defog
Move 3: Focus Blast
Move 4: Fire Blast / Blizzard
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Set 1
Ability: Merciless
Move 1: Barb Barrage
Move 2: Toxic Spikes
Move 3: Stomping Tantrum
Move 4: Taunt

Set 2
Ability: Bullying
Using a contact move on an opposing Pokémon has a 30% chance to inflict a taunt.
Move 1: Poison Jab
Move 2: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch
Move 3: Parting Shot
Move 4: Ice Shard
Set #1
Ability: Technician
Move 1: Fake Out
Move 2: Storm Throw
Move 3: U-Turn
Move 4: Body Slam

Set #2
Ability: Prankster
Move 1: Encore
Move 2: Parting Shot
Move 3: Knock Off
Move 4: Drain Punch

EDIT: It appears as if I missed the indicator that this mod is set in Gen 9! Therefore, Return has been replaced with Body Slam.
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