Since the meta is getting fixed, here is my theorymon take on stall:
Not really sure how beneficial leftovers + Heavy Duty boots are on Chansey, but it seems cool. Has Two Sticky hold mons to help protect from Knock Off and Trick. Protect + Disable is to have some defenses against Choice items. Light Clay allows every any mon to set up 7 turn screens. I'm expecting removing Heavy Duty Boots to be difficult, so there is less usage of hazards. Utility Umbrella seems to be one of the only defensive items I could think of that might help.
Considering that Protect is probably going to be a good move with choice locks running around, here is Black Sludge + Leftovers team:
Regen spam + healing during protect. Not sure how good it will be, but seems fun. Grassy Surge might have been a smart option to add extra recovery and protect against EQ, did not think of it at the time.
I'm wondering if the likes of

can find a place with the combo of Boots + Eviolite.
Iron Ball + Trick to Support Ground types sounds cool, though I realized that you could probably intentionally KO the mon with Iron Ball, so I don't really know how to work with it atm.
Can't figure out how to make use of Harvest yet. Perhaps a Pseudo Heal Bell sort of thing with Lum Berry could work. Maybe Something for resistances, or the berry that lets you move first.
Too bad

might be the only worthwhile user of Magician. It already has Knock Off anyway, so I'm unsure it is worth it to try to give it a consumable item such as Eject Pack, so it can steal an item later.