<p>Shedinja is at once the most blessed and the most cursed Pokemon to ever exist, thanks to access to the best ability in the game, Wonder Guard. Despite being blessed with immunities to any type that cannot hit Shedinja super effectively, it is cursed with wielding only a single hit point, and it is around this hit point that any strategy regarding Shedinja revolves. For Shedinja to even hit the playing field, extreme team support is needed, as any form of passive damage will immediately KO it. Furthermore, Shedinja's stats are exceptionally mediocre, its meager Attack stat is the only stat that crosses base 40. Fortunately, it does have Shadow Sneak to alleviate its speed. That said, Shedinja carries weaknesses to only Dark-, Ghost-, Rock-, Fire-, and Flying-type attacks, and is thus able to wall many of the metagame's deadly attackers, including dangerous threats such as Gorebyss and Jynx. Additionally, Shedinja carries a nice immunity to every priority attack bar Shadow Sneak and the predictable Sucker Punch, which ensures that it can't be picked off at will. Although Shedinja is devilishly difficult to use successfully, and nigh impossible to bring in safely, when played to its strengths it can be an unstoppable force, slicing through helpless opposition.</p>
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: X-Scissor
move 3: Shadow Sneak / Sucker Punch
move 4: Protect / Will-O-Wisp
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry
nature: Lonely
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Def
<p>With great immunities comes...one set you can viably use. Shedinja makes the most out of the little it has available to it, with Swords Dance giving Shedinja a way of actually threatening the opponent. X-Scissor is the requisite STAB option, and hits a large number of Pokemon for neutral damage. Shadow Sneak is one of the key factors that make Shedinja viable, the STAB priority being crucial in outspeeding opposing Pokemon that can hit Shedinja super effectively. Sucker Punch is also a viable option due to its higher base power, but it also suffers from failing against any non-damaging attack—quite costly given that many status moves OHKO Shedinja. Protect is another crucial move, allowing Shedinja to scout an opponent's moveset for surprise Toxics that would kill it, as well as random Hidden Powers from the opponent. Will-O-Wisp is also usable to support the team, but Shedinja will rarely find an occasion to use it to great effect.</p>
<p>As any investment in Shedinja's defenses is ultimately useless, all efforts are put into maximizing its offensive power, with full investment in Attack and a boosting nature ensuring that Shedinja hits as hard as it can, while maximum investment goes into Speed because, well, there's really not much else to do with it. The remaining changes are used for the benefit of Porygon—with a 0 Defense IV and a Lonely nature, Shedinja's Defense becomes lower than its Special Defense, ensuring that Porygon does not receive a favorable Special Attack boost from Download. Focus Sash is almost always the preferred item, guaranteeing Shedinja a second lease on life if the opponent hits it super effectively, but Lum Berry can be used in conjunction with Sucker Punch, granting Shedinja a temporary respite from surprise status attacks.</p>
<p>The single most important teammate Shedinja can have is a Pokemon capable of using Rapid Spin. As Shedinja is vulnerable to every type of entry hazard, any one of them will immediately KO it, and as such, Rapid Spin support is necessary to allow Shedinja to come into play. Cryogonal, Armaldo, and Wartortle are all excellent candidates to fill this role. Cryogonal is the best overall partner, but shares weaknesses with Shedinja; Armaldo is the best offensively, weakening checks and counters to Shedinja while Wartortle is the best defensive partner, taking all of Shedinja's weaknesses, especially Fire-type moves, with ease. Sandstorm and Hail, while almost never seen in NU, will also immediately kill Shedinja. As such, Shedinja can use Sunny Day in the fourth slot to remove the aforementioned weathers, although this is a very situational use.</p>
<p>Shedinja is also notorious for drawing in status attacks of all kinds, especially poison and burn, and therefore a good teammate is a status absorber or healer. Pokemon using RestTalk or a cleric will nullify Shedinja's weakness to status. Stealth Rock support is very beneficial for Shedinja as well, breaking enemy Focus Sashes that would allow an opponent a second chance to defeat Shedinja. Teammates with resistances to Fire-, Flying-, Rock-, Dark-, and Ghost-type moves are also a good choice, with Pokemon such as Golem and Absol standing out as Pokemon that can switch into Shedinja's weaknesses.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Shedinja has many devastating options it can use to demolish an opponent outside of those listed above. Final Gambit is an unholy wave of destruction, turning Sheindja's terrifying health into pure anathema for the opposition. When equipped with a Life Orb, Shedinja puts all its force into one annihilating blow, smiting any fool that gets in its way. Sandstorm blinds Shedinja's foes, allowing it to behead them with extreme prejudice. As everyone knows, to use Shedinja you need confidence, and so Swagger should always be considered on Shedinja. Finally, despite not carrying any sleep-inducing moves, Nightmare is a fine choice on Shedinja, as a Nightmare is the embodiment of what an opponent is feeling when they realize they have no means of damaging Shedinja.</p>
<p>In addition to the above options, Shedinja can also utilize a Choice Band set to some effectiveness, although without Focus Sash it really is a one chance Pokemon. Confuse Ray has the chance to grant Shedinja an extra turn to set up, while Grudge will leave whichever Pokemon defeated Shedinja crippled with the loss of all the PP of a move. Hone Claws can be used to boost Shedinja's Attack but has almost no merit over Swords Dance. Finally, Trick can be useful with a Choice item equipped, potentially locking a dangerous opponent into an advantageous move.
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Although Shedinja does sport 12 immunities, its single hit point is easily taken advantage of. Any entry hazard will immediately kill Shedinja, as will Leech Seed, stripping it of its lone HP. For the same reason, Toxic and Will-O-Wisp are efficient methods of removing it. Pursuit is possibly the most efficient way to defeat Shedinja, catching it even if it tries to switch. However, most Pursuit users are weak to Shedinja's STAB, which can cause problems should Shedinja stay in. Cincinno is the best check overall to Shedinja, being immune to Shadow Sneak, and KOing it through the Sash with Rock Blast. Basically, anything that carries a Fire-, Flying-, Rock-, Dark-, or Ghost-type move and can outspeed Shedinja (not hard when it has only a base 30 Speed stat) is able to check it.</p>
<p>Shedinja is at once the most blessed and the most cursed Pokemon to ever exist, thanks to access to the best ability in the game, Wonder Guard. Despite being blessed with immunities to any type that cannot hit Shedinja super effectively, it is cursed with wielding only a single hit point, and it is around this hit point that any strategy regarding Shedinja revolves. For Shedinja to even hit the playing field, extreme team support is needed, as any form of passive damage will immediately KO it. Furthermore, Shedinja's stats are exceptionally mediocre, its meager Attack stat is the only stat that crosses base 40. Fortunately, it does have Shadow Sneak to alleviate its speed. That said, Shedinja carries weaknesses to only Dark-, Ghost-, Rock-, Fire-, and Flying-type attacks, and is thus able to wall many of the metagame's deadly attackers, including dangerous threats such as Gorebyss and Jynx. Additionally, Shedinja carries a nice immunity to every priority attack bar Shadow Sneak and the predictable Sucker Punch, which ensures that it can't be picked off at will. Although Shedinja is devilishly difficult to use successfully, and nigh impossible to bring in safely, when played to its strengths it can be an unstoppable force, slicing through helpless opposition.</p>
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: X-Scissor
move 3: Shadow Sneak / Sucker Punch
move 4: Protect / Will-O-Wisp
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry
nature: Lonely
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Def
<p>With great immunities comes...one set you can viably use. Shedinja makes the most out of the little it has available to it, with Swords Dance giving Shedinja a way of actually threatening the opponent. X-Scissor is the requisite STAB option, and hits a large number of Pokemon for neutral damage. Shadow Sneak is one of the key factors that make Shedinja viable, the STAB priority being crucial in outspeeding opposing Pokemon that can hit Shedinja super effectively. Sucker Punch is also a viable option due to its higher base power, but it also suffers from failing against any non-damaging attack—quite costly given that many status moves OHKO Shedinja. Protect is another crucial move, allowing Shedinja to scout an opponent's moveset for surprise Toxics that would kill it, as well as random Hidden Powers from the opponent. Will-O-Wisp is also usable to support the team, but Shedinja will rarely find an occasion to use it to great effect.</p>
<p>As any investment in Shedinja's defenses is ultimately useless, all efforts are put into maximizing its offensive power, with full investment in Attack and a boosting nature ensuring that Shedinja hits as hard as it can, while maximum investment goes into Speed because, well, there's really not much else to do with it. The remaining changes are used for the benefit of Porygon—with a 0 Defense IV and a Lonely nature, Shedinja's Defense becomes lower than its Special Defense, ensuring that Porygon does not receive a favorable Special Attack boost from Download. Focus Sash is almost always the preferred item, guaranteeing Shedinja a second lease on life if the opponent hits it super effectively, but Lum Berry can be used in conjunction with Sucker Punch, granting Shedinja a temporary respite from surprise status attacks.</p>
<p>The single most important teammate Shedinja can have is a Pokemon capable of using Rapid Spin. As Shedinja is vulnerable to every type of entry hazard, any one of them will immediately KO it, and as such, Rapid Spin support is necessary to allow Shedinja to come into play. Cryogonal, Armaldo, and Wartortle are all excellent candidates to fill this role. Cryogonal is the best overall partner, but shares weaknesses with Shedinja; Armaldo is the best offensively, weakening checks and counters to Shedinja while Wartortle is the best defensive partner, taking all of Shedinja's weaknesses, especially Fire-type moves, with ease. Sandstorm and Hail, while almost never seen in NU, will also immediately kill Shedinja. As such, Shedinja can use Sunny Day in the fourth slot to remove the aforementioned weathers, although this is a very situational use.</p>
<p>Shedinja is also notorious for drawing in status attacks of all kinds, especially poison and burn, and therefore a good teammate is a status absorber or healer. Pokemon using RestTalk or a cleric will nullify Shedinja's weakness to status. Stealth Rock support is very beneficial for Shedinja as well, breaking enemy Focus Sashes that would allow an opponent a second chance to defeat Shedinja. Teammates with resistances to Fire-, Flying-, Rock-, Dark-, and Ghost-type moves are also a good choice, with Pokemon such as Golem and Absol standing out as Pokemon that can switch into Shedinja's weaknesses.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Shedinja has many devastating options it can use to demolish an opponent outside of those listed above. Final Gambit is an unholy wave of destruction, turning Sheindja's terrifying health into pure anathema for the opposition. When equipped with a Life Orb, Shedinja puts all its force into one annihilating blow, smiting any fool that gets in its way. Sandstorm blinds Shedinja's foes, allowing it to behead them with extreme prejudice. As everyone knows, to use Shedinja you need confidence, and so Swagger should always be considered on Shedinja. Finally, despite not carrying any sleep-inducing moves, Nightmare is a fine choice on Shedinja, as a Nightmare is the embodiment of what an opponent is feeling when they realize they have no means of damaging Shedinja.</p>
<p>In addition to the above options, Shedinja can also utilize a Choice Band set to some effectiveness, although without Focus Sash it really is a one chance Pokemon. Confuse Ray has the chance to grant Shedinja an extra turn to set up, while Grudge will leave whichever Pokemon defeated Shedinja crippled with the loss of all the PP of a move. Hone Claws can be used to boost Shedinja's Attack but has almost no merit over Swords Dance. Finally, Trick can be useful with a Choice item equipped, potentially locking a dangerous opponent into an advantageous move.
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Although Shedinja does sport 12 immunities, its single hit point is easily taken advantage of. Any entry hazard will immediately kill Shedinja, as will Leech Seed, stripping it of its lone HP. For the same reason, Toxic and Will-O-Wisp are efficient methods of removing it. Pursuit is possibly the most efficient way to defeat Shedinja, catching it even if it tries to switch. However, most Pursuit users are weak to Shedinja's STAB, which can cause problems should Shedinja stay in. Cincinno is the best check overall to Shedinja, being immune to Shadow Sneak, and KOing it through the Sash with Rock Blast. Basically, anything that carries a Fire-, Flying-, Rock-, Dark-, or Ghost-type move and can outspeed Shedinja (not hard when it has only a base 30 Speed stat) is able to check it.</p>