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Programming Showdex - An Auto-Updating Damage Calculator Built into Showdown!

I've actually been having this exact same issue. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the extension multiple times but still have the same issue. I last reinstalled probably a couple months ago. I've been playing on the main showdown client and have had the issue using it on chrome.

Yikes, sorry about that. Wasn't sure if magically fixed itself, but guess it didn't.

I forget if I asked you to do this before, but can you allow Showdex on Incognito (in Chrome's extensions page at the URL chrome://extensions) and try using it in Incognito? Just so we can rule out other extensions you may have installed (e.g., Adblock Plus/Ublock Origin, Tampermonkey, etc.) that could be interfering with Calcdex's initialization process.
Yikes, sorry about that. Wasn't sure if magically fixed itself, but guess it didn't.

I forget if I asked you to do this before, but can you allow Showdex on Incognito (in Chrome's extensions page at the URL chrome://extensions) and try using it in Incognito? Just so we can rule out other extensions you may have installed (e.g., Adblock Plus/Ublock Origin, Tampermonkey, etc.) that could be interfering with Calcdex's initialization process.
I might be missing something, but I can't get the extension (or any extensions for that matter) to load on Incognito. Is there a specific method to get it onto incognito?
I might be missing something, but I can't get the extension (or any extensions for that matter) to load on Incognito. Is there a specific method to get it onto incognito?
Click on "Details" under the extension menu then click the toggle on for "Allow in Incognito".


Yikes, sorry about that. Wasn't sure if magically fixed itself, but guess it didn't.

I forget if I asked you to do this before, but can you allow Showdex on Incognito (in Chrome's extensions page at the URL chrome://extensions) and try using it in Incognito? Just so we can rule out other extensions you may have installed (e.g., Adblock Plus/Ublock Origin, Tampermonkey, etc.) that could be interfering with Calcdex's initialization process.
Ok, I've done it now, and the results are the same.
The damage calculator doesn't take Leech Seed into account, is it possible for you to add that as a feature?

Also, could you somehow enable the extension while watching replays? This tool is very useful for quickly calc'ing things that you or your opponent could do at any given moment, and I think it'd be useful for learning purposes to be able to use that in replays of yourself or other people. Even though you don't get information about either party in a replay, as far as I can tell this is the same amount of information that you get if you just join a random game and watch, which does enable the calculator to be used. Hopefully you can implement it, thank you very much!
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The damage calculator doesn't take Leech Seed into account, is it possible for you to add that as a feature?

Also, could you somehow enable the extension while watching replays? This tool is very useful for quickly calc'ing things that you or your opponent could do at any given moment, and I think it'd be useful for learning purposes to be able to use that in replays of yourself or other people. Even though you don't get information about either party in a replay, as far as I can tell this is the same amount of information that you get if you just join a random game and watch, which does enable the calculator to be used. Hopefully you can implement it, thank you very much!
Not sure about Leech Seed, but we'll look into it and add it to our list of future features! Glad you've been enjoying it, and I totally agree, it's really great for learning purposes. Assuming the replay you want to watch is yours or public, you can follow the following steps to enable Calcdex while watching replays.

How to use Calcdex for replays:
  1. Go to https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ & find the replay you want.
  2. Copy the link URL once you've clicked into the replay. The URL should look something like this: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9randombattle-1764321902-8w68oum0wnyh8hoxmj1le9xa9lh7yb3pw
  3. Replace "replay" in "replay.pokemonshowdown.com" with "play" & add "battle-" before the "gen9randombattle": https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/ba...-1764321902-8w68oum0wnyh8hoxmj1le9xa9lh7yb3pw
  4. ???
  5. Profit!
Let me know if you have any questions, it might be a bit confusing. Thanks for the suggestion, we love getting feedback like that :)
Not sure about Leech Seed, but we'll look into it and add it to our list of future features! Glad you've been enjoying it, and I totally agree, it's really great for learning purposes. Assuming the replay you want to watch is yours or public, you can follow the following steps to enable Calcdex while watching replays.

How to use Calcdex for replays:
  1. Go to https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ & find the replay you want.
  2. Copy the link URL once you've clicked into the replay. The URL should look something like this: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9randombattle-1764321902-8w68oum0wnyh8hoxmj1le9xa9lh7yb3pw
  3. Replace "replay" in "replay.pokemonshowdown.com" with "play" & add "battle-" before the "gen9randombattle": https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/ba...-1764321902-8w68oum0wnyh8hoxmj1le9xa9lh7yb3pw
  4. ???
  5. Profit!
Let me know if you have any questions, it might be a bit confusing. Thanks for the suggestion, we love getting feedback like that :)

Thanks for the answer! This is super useful information; I didn't realize that the battle would still exist, since rooms normally vanish after the battle is over.

For everyone's convenience, I've made a bookmarklet that should work for most people. I can't just make an easy link for people to drag into their bookmarks bar because it will automatically be blocked, but here's the code:

javascript:replayURL = document.URL.replace('replay.pokemonshowdown','play.pokemonshowdown'); document.location = replayURL.replace('pokemonshowdown.com/','pokemonshowdown.com/battle-');

Make a new bookmark, call it whatever you want, and copy all that code into the URL of the bookmark. After you've got that bookmarklet set up, just go to any replay and click it. It'll replace "play.pokemonshowdown" with "replay.pokemonshowdown" and "pokemonshowdown.com/" with "pokemonshowdown.com/battle-". Since all replays have the same sort of URL, this should automatically put you into a "real" battle where Showdex works.
Thanks for the answer! This is super useful information; I didn't realize that the battle would still exist, since rooms normally vanish after the battle is over.

For everyone's convenience, I've made a bookmarklet that should work for most people. I can't just make an easy link for people to drag into their bookmarks bar because it will automatically be blocked, but here's the code:

javascript:replayURL = document.URL.replace('replay.pokemonshowdown','play.pokemonshowdown'); document.location = replayURL.replace('pokemonshowdown.com/','pokemonshowdown.com/battle-');

Make a new bookmark, call it whatever you want, and copy all that code into the URL of the bookmark. After you've got that bookmarklet set up, just go to any replay and click it. It'll replace "play.pokemonshowdown" with "replay.pokemonshowdown" and "pokemonshowdown.com/" with "pokemonshowdown.com/battle-". Since all replays have the same sort of URL, this should automatically put you into a "real" battle where Showdex works.
This is genius, thank you! I'm gonna be using it :)
Would it be possible for Showdex to calculate and show how much damage Pain Split would do? It knows your own Pokemon's health and if your set assessment of the opponent is correct, it should be able to give the difference right?
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Hey! I've been using the extension for some months and I love it, not having to open the calc for 2 minutes every time I wanna calc something is lovely, one problem that I have is when I import a custom set (a set with a custom ability) every time the pokemon leaves the field the ability gets automatically set to the default ability of the mon, and it is a problem for tiers like AAA or Custom Game, that's the only problem I've encountered, Great extension!
Transforming into another pokemon in some modded Hackmons Cup formats apparently completely crashes PS until you get out of the game. Only occurs for the person with imposter/clicking transform. The people who said this happened to them, including me, all used showdex so I'm reporting here.

The two codes used are below.

-allpokemon, -allabilities, -allitems, -allmoves, +EternatusEternamax, +10000000voltthunderbolt, +ArenaTrap, +custapberry, +aguavberry, +Rayquazamega, +accelerock, +Comatose, +assaultvest, +MegaMewtwoY, +aeroblast, +Contrary, +choiceband, +MegaMewtwoX, +airslash, +Fluffy, +choicescarf, +GroudonPrimal, +anchorshot, +FurCoat, +choicespecs, +KyogrePrimal, +appleacid, +GorillaTactics, +expertbelt, +UltraNecrozma, +aquastep, +HugePower, +figyberry, +ZygardeComplete, +armorcannon, +IceScales, +focussash, +ZamazentaCrowned, +aromatherapy, +Illusion, +heavydutyboots, +ZacianCrowned, +astralbarrage, +Imposter, +iapapaberry, +DiancieMega, +attackorder, +InnardsOut, +leftovers, +KyuremBlack, +aurasphere, +IntrepidSword, +lifeorb, +KyuremWhite, +axekick, +Libero, +magoberry, +GarchompMega, +baddybad, +magicbounce, +mentalherb, +LatiosMega, +banefulbunker, +moody, +rockyhelmet, +LatiasMega, +batonpass, +neutralizinggas, +salacberry, +MetagrossMega, +beakblast, +parentalbond, +wikiberry, +SalamenceMega, +behemothbash, +poisonheal, +airballoon, +TyranitarMega, +behemothblade, +protean, +fistplate, +Eternatus, +bellydrum, +purepower, +dreadplate, +CalyrexShadow, +bitterblade, +shadowtag, +blunderpolicy, +CalyrexIce, +bittermalice, +brightpowder, +NecrozmaDawnWings, +blazingtorque, +speedboost, +flameplate, +NecrozmaDuskMane, +bleakwindstorm, +stakeout, +chestoberry, +Lunala, +blizzard, +unburden, +chilanberry, +Solgaleo, +blueflare, +waterbubble, +clearamulet, +HoopaUnbound, +bodypress, +wonderguard, +covertcloak, +Yveltal, +bodyslam, +adaptability, +ejectpack, +Xerneas, +boltbeak, +beadsofruin, +stoneplate, +Zekrom, +boltstrike, +beastboost, +dracoplate, +Reshiram, +boomburst, +desolateland, +kingsrock, +GiratinaOrigin, +bouncybubble, +primordialsea, +liechiberry, +Giratina, +bravebird, +drought, +zapplate, +PalkiaOrigin, +bugbuzz, +drizzle, +lumberry, +Palkia, +bulletpunch, +electricsurge, +ironplate, +DialgaOrigin, +buzzybuzz, +psychicsurge, +item:metronome, +Dialga, +calmmind, +grassysurge, +meadowplate, +Rayquaza, +catastropika, +muscleband, +Hooh, +ceaselessedge, +filter, +splashplate, +Lugia, +chatter, +solidrock, +icicleplate, +Mewtwo, +chillyreception, +goodasgold, +petayaberry, +Miraidon, +circlethrow, +hadronengine, +toxicplate, +Koraidon, +clangingscales, +orichalcumpulse, +quickclaw, +Regigigas, +clangoroussoul, +wellbakedbody, +razorclaw, +Groudon, +clangoroussoulblaze, +levitate, +redcard, +Kyogre, +closecombat, +scopelens, +Slaking, +coil, +magicguard, +silkscarf, +Zamazenta, +collisioncourse, +unaware, +insectplate, +Zacian, +combattorque, +multiscale, +skyplate, +Kyurem, +coreenforcer, +prankster, +sitrusberry, +PalafinHero, +corrosivegas, +triage, +earthplate, +AshGreninja, +cosmicpower, +purifyingsalt, +spookyplate, +GyaradosMega, +cottonguard, +regenerator, +throatspray, +SwampertMega, +courtchange, +serenegrace, +mindplate, +CharizardMegaY, +crabhammer, +shadowshield, +weaknesspolicy, +CharizardMegaX, +darkpulse, +turboblaze, +whiteherb, +AggronMega, +darkestlariat, +teravolt, +widelens, +BlazikenMega, +defendorder, +sheerforce, +wiseglasses, +SceptileMega, +defog, +simple, +mirrorherb, +BlastoiseMega, +diamondstorm, +swordofruin, +leppaberry, +LucarioMega, +direclaw, +tabletsofruin, +normaliumz, +VenusaurMega, +disable, +tintedlens, +wateriumz, +WishiwashiSchool, +discharge, +toughclaws, +firiumz, +GalladeMega, +doomdesire, +vesselofruin, +grassiumz, +GardevoirMega, +doubleironbash, +soulheart, +buginiumz, +AerodactylMega, +dracometeor, +voltabsorb, +fightiniumz, +SteelixMega, +dragonascent, +lightningrod, +ghostiumz, +AmpharosMega, +dragondance, +waterabsorb, +fairiumz, +Baxcalibur, +dragondarts, +sapsipper, +poisoniumz, +Zarude, +dragonenergy, +stormdrain, +darkiniumz, +Dragapult, +dragonhammer, +intimidate, +dragoniumz, +Melmetal, +dragonpulse, +roughskin, +electriumz, +Zeraora, +dragontail, +ironbarbs, +groundiumz, +Marshadow, +drainpunch, +mistysurge, +iciumz, +Magearna, +drillpeck, +eartheater, +rockiumz, +Necrozma, +drumbeating, +compoundeyes, +psychiumz, +Kommoo, +dynamaxcannon, +download, +steeliumz, +Volcanion, +earthpower, +analytic, +flyiniumz, +Hoopa, +earthquake, +berserk, +pixieplate, +Diancie, +eeriespell, +supremeoverlord, +splinteredstormshards, +Zygarde50%, +electrodrift, +dryskin, +splishysplash, +GoodraHisui, +encore, +shielddust, +spore, +Goodra, +energyball, +anticipation, +springtidestorm, +Genesect, +eruption, +forewarn, +stealthrock, +MeloettaPirouette, +esperwing, +moldbreaker, +steameruption, +MeloettaAria, +expandingforce, +sandsearstorm, +stickyweb, +LandorusTherian, +explosion, +sappyseed, +stokedsparksurfer, +LandorusIncarnate, +extremeevoboost, +scald, +stoneaxe, +Hydreigon, +extremespeed, +searingshot, +stoneedge, +Victini, +fakeout, +searingsunrazesmash, +storedpower, +ShayminSky, +fierywrath, +secretsword, +stormthrow, +Shaymin, +fireblast, +seedflare, +strangesteam, +Darkrai, +firelash, +seismictoss, +strengthsap, +Manaphy, +firstimpression, +shadowball, +suckerpunch, +Heatran, +fishiousrend, +shadowbone, +sunsteelstrike, +Garchomp, +flamecharge, +shadowsneak, +superfang, +DeoxysSpeed, +flamethrower, +shadowstrike, +superpower, +DeoxysDefense, +flareblitz, +shedtail, +surf, +DeoxysAttack, +flashcannon, +shellsidearm, +surgingstrikes, +DeoxysNormal, +fleurcannon, +shellsmash, +swordsdance, +Jirachi, +flipturn, +shiftgear, +synthesis, +Latios, +floatyfall, +silktrap, +tailglow, +Latias, +flowertrick, +sinisterarrowraid, +taunt, +Metagross, +focusblast, +sizzlyslide, +technoblast, +Salamence, +foulplay, +slackoff, +teleport, +Celebi, +freezedry, +sleeppowder, +terablast, +Tyranitar, +freezingglare, +sludgebomb, +thousandarrows, +HoundoomMega, +freezyfrost, +sludgewave, +thousandwaves, +HeracrossMega, +frostbreath, +snarl, +thunder, +ScizorMega, +fusionbolt, +snipeshot, +thundercage, +Mew, +fusionflare, +softboiled, +thunderwave, +Dragonite, +futuresight, +soulstealing7starstrike, +thunderbolt, +PinsirMega, +GMaxCannonade, +spacialrend, +thunderouskick, +GengarMega, +sparklyswirl, +tidyup, +AlakazamMega, +spectralthief, +torchsong, +AbomasnowMega, +spikes, +toxic, +IronValiant, +GMaxResonance, +spikyshield, +toxicspikes, +RoaringMoon, +GMaxSteelsurge, +spinout, +triattack, +AltariaMega, +GMaxStonesurge, +spiritbreak, +triplearrows, +KangaskhanMega, +GMaxSweetness, +spiritshackle, +tripleaxel, +SlowbroMega, +GMaxVineLash, +uturn, +EnamorusTherian, +GMaxVolcalith, +powertrip, +vcreate, +Enamorus, +GMaxWildfire, +powerwhip, +victorydance, +Spectrier, +GMaxWindRage, +precipiceblades, +voltswitch, +Glastrier, +geargrind, +psychic, +volttackle, +Regidrago, +genesissupernova, +psychicfangs, +watershuriken, +Regieleki, +geomancy, +psychoboost, +waterspout, +KeldeoResolute, +gigadrain, +psyshieldbash, +waterfall, +KeldeoOrdinary, +gigatonhammer, +psystrike, +wavecrash, +ThundurusTherian, +glaciallance, +pulverizingpancake, +wickedblow, +ThundurusIncarnate, +glaiverush, +pursuit, +wickedtorque, +TornadusTherian, +glare, +pyroball, +wildcharge, +TornadusIncarnate, +glitzyglow, +quiverdance, +wildboltstorm, +Virizion, +gravapple, +ragefist, +willowisp, +Terrakion, +ragingbull, +wish, +Cobalion, +guardianofalola, +ragingfury, +woodhammer, +Cresselia, +gunkshot, +rapidspin, +yawn, +Azelf, +hammerarm, +recover, +zingzap, +Mesprit, +haze, +reflect, +zippyzap, +Uxie, +headcharge, +rest, +maxguard, +LopunnyMega, +headsmash, +revelationdance, +megahorn, +Registeel, +headlongrush, +revivalblessing, +memento, +Regice, +healbell, +roost, +menacingmoonrazemaelstrom, +Regirock, +healorder, +ruination, +meteorbeam, +GlalieMega, +healingwish, +sacredfire, +meteormash, +Suicune, +heartswap, +sacredsword, +milkdrink, +Entei, +heatcrash, +saltcure, +minimize, +Raikou, +heatwave, +Armarouge, +mistyexplosion, +MoltresGalar, +highhorsepower, +Wyrdeer, +moonblast, +Moltres, +highjumpkick, +Centiskorch, +moongeistbeam, +ZapdosGalar, +hornleech, +Sylveon, +moonlight, +Zapdos, +hurricane, +Dusknoir, +morningsun, +ArticunoGalar, +hyperdrill, +Probopass, +mortalspin, +Articuno, +icebeam, +Glaceon, +mountaingale, +PidgeotMega, +icehammer, +Leafeon, +mysticalfire, +ManectricMega, +iceshard, +Hippowdon, +mysticalpower, +ChiYu, +icespinner, +Lucario, +nastyplot, +TingLu, +ironhead, +Torterra, +naturesmadness, +ChienPao, +jetpunch, +Umbreon, +nightdaze, +WoChien, +judgment, +Espeon, +nightshade, +IronThorns, +kingsshield, +Meganium, +noretreat, +IronMoth, +knockoff, +Flareon, +noxioustorque, +IronJugulis, +lastrespects, +Jolteon, +nuzzle, +IronHands, +lavaplume, +Vaporeon, +oblivionwing, +IronBundle, +leafblade, +Cloyster, +obstruct, +IronTreads, +leafstorm, +Venusaur, +oceanicoperetta, +SandyShocks, +leechlife, +Cinderace, +octolock, +SlitherWing, +leechseed, +Rillaboom, +originpulse, +FlutterMane, +letssnuggleforever, +Golisopod, +outrage, +BruteBonnet, +lightofruin, +Primarina, +overdrive, +ScreamTail, +lightscreen, +Incineroar, +overheat, +GreatTusk, +lightthatburnsthesky, +DecidueyeHisui, +partingshot, +Blacephalon, +liquidation, +Decidueye, +photongeyser, +Stakataka, +lovelykiss, +Greninja, +Guzzlord, +lowkick, +Chesnaught, +plasmafists, +Kartana, +luminacrash, +Mamoswine, +playrough, +Celesteela, +lunarblessing, +Empoleon, +pollenpuff, +Xurkitree, +lunardance, +Walrein, +poltergeist, +Pheromosa, +lunge, +Aggron, +populationbomb, +Buzzwole, +machpunch, +Blaziken, +powergem, +Nihilego, +magicaltorque, +Sceptile, +Naganadel, +TapuFini, +magmastorm, +Feraligatr, +Haxorus, +TapuBulu, +makeitrain, +ExeggutorAlola, +DarmanitanGalarZen, +TapuLele, +maliciousmoonsault, +Exeggutor, +DarmanitanZen, +TapuKoko, +PorygonZ, +Blastoise, +Magmortar, +Silvally, +Tangrowth, +SamurottHisui, +Skeledirge, +Archeops, +Rhyperior, +Samurott, +Meowscarada, +AbsolMega, +Magnezone, +Emboar, +Basculegionf, +CameruptMega, +Swampert, +Serperior, +Basculegion, +SharpedoMega, +Crobat, +Glimmora, +Inteleon, +BanetteMega, +Lapras, +Ceruledge, +Annihilape, +ArcanineHisui, +Type:Null, +Electivire, +Duraludon, +Arcanine, +Delphox, +Milotic, +Noivern, +Florges, +Infernape, +Blissey, +Vanilluxe, +Gholdengo, +TyphlosionHisui, +Kingdra, +Dondozo, +Kingambit, +Typhlosion, +Snorlax, +Quaquaval, +Ursaluna, +Charizard, +Gyarados, +Togekiss, +UrshifuRapidStrike, +Gogoat, +AudinoMega, +Volcarona, +UrshifuSingleStrike, +AcidSpray, +defiant, +competitive, +flamebody, +effectspore, +gooey, +moxie, +perishbody, +stamina, +thickfat, +angershell, +opportunist, +barbbarrage, +protect

There could possibly be more situations where this crash occurs but these are the confirmed ones.
Just had the same happen in this blitz game, only happens if the Showdex plugin is enabled (it kept happening whenever I rejoined too). It was a completely vanilla gen9 blitz ladder, and the opponent was the person who transformed. It happened even if CalcDex wasn't open (loading the game in half-sized view), and I haven't had any other issues with transform the few times it's happened recently.
Transforming into another pokemon in some modded Hackmons Cup formats apparently completely crashes PS until you get out of the game. Only occurs for the person with imposter/clicking transform. The people who said this happened to them, including me, all used showdex so I'm reporting here.

The two codes used are below.

-allpokemon, -allabilities, -allitems, -allmoves, +EternatusEternamax, +10000000voltthunderbolt, +ArenaTrap, +custapberry, +aguavberry, +Rayquazamega, +accelerock, +Comatose, +assaultvest, +MegaMewtwoY, +aeroblast, +Contrary, +choiceband, +MegaMewtwoX, +airslash, +Fluffy, +choicescarf, +GroudonPrimal, +anchorshot, +FurCoat, +choicespecs, +KyogrePrimal, +appleacid, +GorillaTactics, +expertbelt, +UltraNecrozma, +aquastep, +HugePower, +figyberry, +ZygardeComplete, +armorcannon, +IceScales, +focussash, +ZamazentaCrowned, +aromatherapy, +Illusion, +heavydutyboots, +ZacianCrowned, +astralbarrage, +Imposter, +iapapaberry, +DiancieMega, +attackorder, +InnardsOut, +leftovers, +KyuremBlack, +aurasphere, +IntrepidSword, +lifeorb, +KyuremWhite, +axekick, +Libero, +magoberry, +GarchompMega, +baddybad, +magicbounce, +mentalherb, +LatiosMega, +banefulbunker, +moody, +rockyhelmet, +LatiasMega, +batonpass, +neutralizinggas, +salacberry, +MetagrossMega, +beakblast, +parentalbond, +wikiberry, +SalamenceMega, +behemothbash, +poisonheal, +airballoon, +TyranitarMega, +behemothblade, +protean, +fistplate, +Eternatus, +bellydrum, +purepower, +dreadplate, +CalyrexShadow, +bitterblade, +shadowtag, +blunderpolicy, +CalyrexIce, +bittermalice, +brightpowder, +NecrozmaDawnWings, +blazingtorque, +speedboost, +flameplate, +NecrozmaDuskMane, +bleakwindstorm, +stakeout, +chestoberry, +Lunala, +blizzard, +unburden, +chilanberry, +Solgaleo, +blueflare, +waterbubble, +clearamulet, +HoopaUnbound, +bodypress, +wonderguard, +covertcloak, +Yveltal, +bodyslam, +adaptability, +ejectpack, +Xerneas, +boltbeak, +beadsofruin, +stoneplate, +Zekrom, +boltstrike, +beastboost, +dracoplate, +Reshiram, +boomburst, +desolateland, +kingsrock, +GiratinaOrigin, +bouncybubble, +primordialsea, +liechiberry, +Giratina, +bravebird, +drought, +zapplate, +PalkiaOrigin, +bugbuzz, +drizzle, +lumberry, +Palkia, +bulletpunch, +electricsurge, +ironplate, +DialgaOrigin, +buzzybuzz, +psychicsurge, +item:metronome, +Dialga, +calmmind, +grassysurge, +meadowplate, +Rayquaza, +catastropika, +muscleband, +Hooh, +ceaselessedge, +filter, +splashplate, +Lugia, +chatter, +solidrock, +icicleplate, +Mewtwo, +chillyreception, +goodasgold, +petayaberry, +Miraidon, +circlethrow, +hadronengine, +toxicplate, +Koraidon, +clangingscales, +orichalcumpulse, +quickclaw, +Regigigas, +clangoroussoul, +wellbakedbody, +razorclaw, +Groudon, +clangoroussoulblaze, +levitate, +redcard, +Kyogre, +closecombat, +scopelens, +Slaking, +coil, +magicguard, +silkscarf, +Zamazenta, +collisioncourse, +unaware, +insectplate, +Zacian, +combattorque, +multiscale, +skyplate, +Kyurem, +coreenforcer, +prankster, +sitrusberry, +PalafinHero, +corrosivegas, +triage, +earthplate, +AshGreninja, +cosmicpower, +purifyingsalt, +spookyplate, +GyaradosMega, +cottonguard, +regenerator, +throatspray, +SwampertMega, +courtchange, +serenegrace, +mindplate, +CharizardMegaY, +crabhammer, +shadowshield, +weaknesspolicy, +CharizardMegaX, +darkpulse, +turboblaze, +whiteherb, +AggronMega, +darkestlariat, +teravolt, +widelens, +BlazikenMega, +defendorder, +sheerforce, +wiseglasses, +SceptileMega, +defog, +simple, +mirrorherb, +BlastoiseMega, +diamondstorm, +swordofruin, +leppaberry, +LucarioMega, +direclaw, +tabletsofruin, +normaliumz, +VenusaurMega, +disable, +tintedlens, +wateriumz, +WishiwashiSchool, +discharge, +toughclaws, +firiumz, +GalladeMega, +doomdesire, +vesselofruin, +grassiumz, +GardevoirMega, +doubleironbash, +soulheart, +buginiumz, +AerodactylMega, +dracometeor, +voltabsorb, +fightiniumz, +SteelixMega, +dragonascent, +lightningrod, +ghostiumz, +AmpharosMega, +dragondance, +waterabsorb, +fairiumz, +Baxcalibur, +dragondarts, +sapsipper, +poisoniumz, +Zarude, +dragonenergy, +stormdrain, +darkiniumz, +Dragapult, +dragonhammer, +intimidate, +dragoniumz, +Melmetal, +dragonpulse, +roughskin, +electriumz, +Zeraora, +dragontail, +ironbarbs, +groundiumz, +Marshadow, +drainpunch, +mistysurge, +iciumz, +Magearna, +drillpeck, +eartheater, +rockiumz, +Necrozma, +drumbeating, +compoundeyes, +psychiumz, +Kommoo, +dynamaxcannon, +download, +steeliumz, +Volcanion, +earthpower, +analytic, +flyiniumz, +Hoopa, +earthquake, +berserk, +pixieplate, +Diancie, +eeriespell, +supremeoverlord, +splinteredstormshards, +Zygarde50%, +electrodrift, +dryskin, +splishysplash, +GoodraHisui, +encore, +shielddust, +spore, +Goodra, +energyball, +anticipation, +springtidestorm, +Genesect, +eruption, +forewarn, +stealthrock, +MeloettaPirouette, +esperwing, +moldbreaker, +steameruption, +MeloettaAria, +expandingforce, +sandsearstorm, +stickyweb, +LandorusTherian, +explosion, +sappyseed, +stokedsparksurfer, +LandorusIncarnate, +extremeevoboost, +scald, +stoneaxe, +Hydreigon, +extremespeed, +searingshot, +stoneedge, +Victini, +fakeout, +searingsunrazesmash, +storedpower, +ShayminSky, +fierywrath, +secretsword, +stormthrow, +Shaymin, +fireblast, +seedflare, +strangesteam, +Darkrai, +firelash, +seismictoss, +strengthsap, +Manaphy, +firstimpression, +shadowball, +suckerpunch, +Heatran, +fishiousrend, +shadowbone, +sunsteelstrike, +Garchomp, +flamecharge, +shadowsneak, +superfang, +DeoxysSpeed, +flamethrower, +shadowstrike, +superpower, +DeoxysDefense, +flareblitz, +shedtail, +surf, +DeoxysAttack, +flashcannon, +shellsidearm, +surgingstrikes, +DeoxysNormal, +fleurcannon, +shellsmash, +swordsdance, +Jirachi, +flipturn, +shiftgear, +synthesis, +Latios, +floatyfall, +silktrap, +tailglow, +Latias, +flowertrick, +sinisterarrowraid, +taunt, +Metagross, +focusblast, +sizzlyslide, +technoblast, +Salamence, +foulplay, +slackoff, +teleport, +Celebi, +freezedry, +sleeppowder, +terablast, +Tyranitar, +freezingglare, +sludgebomb, +thousandarrows, +HoundoomMega, +freezyfrost, +sludgewave, +thousandwaves, +HeracrossMega, +frostbreath, +snarl, +thunder, +ScizorMega, +fusionbolt, +snipeshot, +thundercage, +Mew, +fusionflare, +softboiled, +thunderwave, +Dragonite, +futuresight, +soulstealing7starstrike, +thunderbolt, +PinsirMega, +GMaxCannonade, +spacialrend, +thunderouskick, +GengarMega, +sparklyswirl, +tidyup, +AlakazamMega, +spectralthief, +torchsong, +AbomasnowMega, +spikes, +toxic, +IronValiant, +GMaxResonance, +spikyshield, +toxicspikes, +RoaringMoon, +GMaxSteelsurge, +spinout, +triattack, +AltariaMega, +GMaxStonesurge, +spiritbreak, +triplearrows, +KangaskhanMega, +GMaxSweetness, +spiritshackle, +tripleaxel, +SlowbroMega, +GMaxVineLash, +uturn, +EnamorusTherian, +GMaxVolcalith, +powertrip, +vcreate, +Enamorus, +GMaxWildfire, +powerwhip, +victorydance, +Spectrier, +GMaxWindRage, +precipiceblades, +voltswitch, +Glastrier, +geargrind, +psychic, +volttackle, +Regidrago, +genesissupernova, +psychicfangs, +watershuriken, +Regieleki, +geomancy, +psychoboost, +waterspout, +KeldeoResolute, +gigadrain, +psyshieldbash, +waterfall, +KeldeoOrdinary, +gigatonhammer, +psystrike, +wavecrash, +ThundurusTherian, +glaciallance, +pulverizingpancake, +wickedblow, +ThundurusIncarnate, +glaiverush, +pursuit, +wickedtorque, +TornadusTherian, +glare, +pyroball, +wildcharge, +TornadusIncarnate, +glitzyglow, +quiverdance, +wildboltstorm, +Virizion, +gravapple, +ragefist, +willowisp, +Terrakion, +ragingbull, +wish, +Cobalion, +guardianofalola, +ragingfury, +woodhammer, +Cresselia, +gunkshot, +rapidspin, +yawn, +Azelf, +hammerarm, +recover, +zingzap, +Mesprit, +haze, +reflect, +zippyzap, +Uxie, +headcharge, +rest, +maxguard, +LopunnyMega, +headsmash, +revelationdance, +megahorn, +Registeel, +headlongrush, +revivalblessing, +memento, +Regice, +healbell, +roost, +menacingmoonrazemaelstrom, +Regirock, +healorder, +ruination, +meteorbeam, +GlalieMega, +healingwish, +sacredfire, +meteormash, +Suicune, +heartswap, +sacredsword, +milkdrink, +Entei, +heatcrash, +saltcure, +minimize, +Raikou, +heatwave, +Armarouge, +mistyexplosion, +MoltresGalar, +highhorsepower, +Wyrdeer, +moonblast, +Moltres, +highjumpkick, +Centiskorch, +moongeistbeam, +ZapdosGalar, +hornleech, +Sylveon, +moonlight, +Zapdos, +hurricane, +Dusknoir, +morningsun, +ArticunoGalar, +hyperdrill, +Probopass, +mortalspin, +Articuno, +icebeam, +Glaceon, +mountaingale, +PidgeotMega, +icehammer, +Leafeon, +mysticalfire, +ManectricMega, +iceshard, +Hippowdon, +mysticalpower, +ChiYu, +icespinner, +Lucario, +nastyplot, +TingLu, +ironhead, +Torterra, +naturesmadness, +ChienPao, +jetpunch, +Umbreon, +nightdaze, +WoChien, +judgment, +Espeon, +nightshade, +IronThorns, +kingsshield, +Meganium, +noretreat, +IronMoth, +knockoff, +Flareon, +noxioustorque, +IronJugulis, +lastrespects, +Jolteon, +nuzzle, +IronHands, +lavaplume, +Vaporeon, +oblivionwing, +IronBundle, +leafblade, +Cloyster, +obstruct, +IronTreads, +leafstorm, +Venusaur, +oceanicoperetta, +SandyShocks, +leechlife, +Cinderace, +octolock, +SlitherWing, +leechseed, +Rillaboom, +originpulse, +FlutterMane, +letssnuggleforever, +Golisopod, +outrage, +BruteBonnet, +lightofruin, +Primarina, +overdrive, +ScreamTail, +lightscreen, +Incineroar, +overheat, +GreatTusk, +lightthatburnsthesky, +DecidueyeHisui, +partingshot, +Blacephalon, +liquidation, +Decidueye, +photongeyser, +Stakataka, +lovelykiss, +Greninja, +Guzzlord, +lowkick, +Chesnaught, +plasmafists, +Kartana, +luminacrash, +Mamoswine, +playrough, +Celesteela, +lunarblessing, +Empoleon, +pollenpuff, +Xurkitree, +lunardance, +Walrein, +poltergeist, +Pheromosa, +lunge, +Aggron, +populationbomb, +Buzzwole, +machpunch, +Blaziken, +powergem, +Nihilego, +magicaltorque, +Sceptile, +Naganadel, +TapuFini, +magmastorm, +Feraligatr, +Haxorus, +TapuBulu, +makeitrain, +ExeggutorAlola, +DarmanitanGalarZen, +TapuLele, +maliciousmoonsault, +Exeggutor, +DarmanitanZen, +TapuKoko, +PorygonZ, +Blastoise, +Magmortar, +Silvally, +Tangrowth, +SamurottHisui, +Skeledirge, +Archeops, +Rhyperior, +Samurott, +Meowscarada, +AbsolMega, +Magnezone, +Emboar, +Basculegionf, +CameruptMega, +Swampert, +Serperior, +Basculegion, +SharpedoMega, +Crobat, +Glimmora, +Inteleon, +BanetteMega, +Lapras, +Ceruledge, +Annihilape, +ArcanineHisui, +Type:Null, +Electivire, +Duraludon, +Arcanine, +Delphox, +Milotic, +Noivern, +Florges, +Infernape, +Blissey, +Vanilluxe, +Gholdengo, +TyphlosionHisui, +Kingdra, +Dondozo, +Kingambit, +Typhlosion, +Snorlax, +Quaquaval, +Ursaluna, +Charizard, +Gyarados, +Togekiss, +UrshifuRapidStrike, +Gogoat, +AudinoMega, +Volcarona, +UrshifuSingleStrike, +AcidSpray, +defiant, +competitive, +flamebody, +effectspore, +gooey, +moxie, +perishbody, +stamina, +thickfat, +angershell, +opportunist, +barbbarrage, +protect

There could possibly be more situations where this crash occurs but these are the confirmed ones.
Just had the same happen in this blitz game, only happens if the Showdex plugin is enabled (it kept happening whenever I rejoined too). It was a completely vanilla gen9 blitz ladder, and the opponent was the person who transformed. It happened even if CalcDex wasn't open (loading the game in half-sized view), and I haven't had any other issues with transform the few times it's happened recently.
Oh wow that's crazy! Thanks for letting us know, we're gonna look into this ASAP and push out a hotfix as soon as we can. So sorry that it crashed your game, we didn't encounter this at all in our testing. Hoping that they're both the same bug so we can fix both issues at once.

I just tried loading up ITR's replay with Showdex and as you said, it crashed the page. It's really bizarre tho b/c in testing Ditto in Gen9OU, it works perfectly, so it might be a game mode related bug. I'll update on here as soon as we get an answer!

EDIT: Nvm I think we've figured it out! The crash only happens with Pokemon that don't have any Smogon sets available, such as Pachirisu. Phew, now that we've figured out how to cause the bug ourselves, we should be able to hotfix it tonight.
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Would it be possible for Showdex to calculate and show how much damage Pain Split would do? It knows your own Pokemon's health and if your set assessment of the opponent is correct, it should be able to give the difference right?
Hey sorry for the late reply, I've been super busy :tymp:
It's definitely possible, we'll add it to the to-do list :) we decided not to include it in the latest patch (1.1.3) since we already had a lot on our plate and we wanted to focus on stability and patching bugs.
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Hey! I've been using the extension for some months and I love it, not having to open the calc for 2 minutes every time I wanna calc something is lovely, one problem that I have is when I import a custom set (a set with a custom ability) every time the pokemon leaves the field the ability gets automatically set to the default ability of the mon, and it is a problem for tiers like AAA or Custom Game, that's the only problem I've encountered, Great extension!
That's awesome to hear, glad you've been enjoying it :) thankfully this turned out to be a quick fix, so we'll be including it in the hotfix patch we're releasing tonight!
This shit was callin me a nonce in the battle and didn't let me skip through turns or see anything in the battle until refreshing


Showdex has the same chrome extension ID as the Battle.subscription shown in the ps screen so I assume it caused it
This shit was callin me a nonce in the battle and didn't let me skip through turns or see anything in the battle until refreshing


Showdex has the same chrome extension ID as the Battle.subscription shown in the ps screen so I assume it caused it
Ohhhh shoot, we'll take a look into this! Sorry for calling you a nonce hahah you're a good nonce tho
i have noticed that sometimes after a mon uses the tera, and then switches out, the calculator remembers that you oppo has used tera (so it does not let you click on it on the calc) but it forgets that the mon in question has used it so in the calc it returns to it's original typing, i don't a screenshot rn but since it happens quite a bit i will post again with a screen when it happens again
I think the extension calculates Tera Last Respects incorrectly by setting the BP back to 60. When I clicked Tera Ghost Last Respects with Basculegion in gen 9 randbats, it said it would only do around 20% damage instead of the original 60% that was calculated pre-Tera.

Replay here: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9randombattle-1808705989-q5tqm48dtdbywlo2jouh4jon5ckv074pw

And here's the set it had:
Basculegion-F (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Ghost
Level: 73
EVs: 84 HP / 84 Atk / 84 Def / 84 SpA / 84 SpD / 84 Spe
Hardy Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Last Respects
- Wave Crash
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The extension is frequently setting Tera as disabled but keeping mons their original types while not letting me click the Tera button. Is there a workaround for this?
just wanted to thanks as I posted anyway, that extension is very well made

hydro steam isn't implemented

also, would it be possible to add an option to reset w/l?
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Hey, by any chance, can this plugin be installed on the showdown app? Thanks

There is no showdown app, current projects listed under that name are unofficial as per this thread, you'd have to list a specific client and it seems pretty unlikely that they'll diverge work into one of those when the web version works fine.