Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 29 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests, etc GO HERE)

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Ive got a togepi calm serene grace with nasty plot with 31/31/31/31/31/x looking for battle items like specs and scarf etc or a similar iv egg move poke.
Ive got a togepi calm serene grace with nasty plot with 31/31/31/31/31/x looking for battle items like specs and scarf etc or a similar iv egg move poke.

I can get any battle item, but I don't need Togepi. Do you have any of these, or something close to it?

Adamant Ditto, as close to 31/31/x/31/31 as possible. (Please have this one!)
Adamant Gale Winds Fletchling, 31/31/x/31/31
Adamant or Jolly Pupitar/Tyranitar, 31/31/x/31/31
Impish Poison Heal Gliscor, 31/31/x/31/31
Adamant Scyther/Scizor, 31/31/x/31/31

PM me! Thanks!
I've got a multiple 31 IV Frogadier with Protean that I'm willing to give away, looking for any of the following:
  • Tangela with 31 IV's in Sp Def and Def with Regenerator ability
  • A Female Snorunt with 31 IV's in Sp Att and Speed with Moody Ability
  • Or a 31 IV Att/Def/Spd Aron with Sturdy Ability
Hi guys I've got 2 calm nasty plot togepi male left with 5 perfect ivs. Make me some offers. Also 5 iv perfect female to be available soon.
Offering 4 IV Adamant scythers (Various combos of 4, but no SpA) or 4-5 IV Cleffas with varying natures/abilities for X Megastones or Metal Coats
Can you reserve one of these Scythers for me? I won't be able to get you a Metal Coat staight away. since I have to go out, but I can probably get you one within the next 24 hours.
HA Tangela
HA Slowpoke
IV/Natures don't matter

FT in Sig, PM if interested.
I can get you all of these; is there anything you can give in return?
Okay, I screwed up on so many levels.

FT: 4 IV TechAdamant Scythers, Various 4-5IV Cleffas

Need: Female Carbink/(Frosslass Family) with 3-5 IVs
I have Modest Amauras or Timid Poliwags (swift swim) available if you want to trade.

Hi im interested in the amauras what ivs does it have?

Please bear in mind the complication of breeding togepi and how difficile it is it has to be at least 5 iv perfect.
Hi im interested in the amauras what ivs does it have?

Please bear in mind the complication of breeding togepi and how difficile it is it has to be at least 5 iv perfect.
Yar Togepi is a pain to breed, I know since I bred modest ones, but bare in mind that Amaura is also hard to breed, due to the extremely low female % chance that is akin to the starters.
Female toge is 12.5% plus you have to happy them up to make them breed with each other ugh. Spent have the day breeding male honchkrow too for nasty plot pass down.
Female toge is 12.5% plus you have to happy them up to make them breed with each other ugh. Spent have the day breeding male honchkrow too for nasty plot pass down.
Oh right forgot togepi had a low fem population too, also you could have just used plusle or minum, they can be immediately taught it via move reminder.
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