Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 36 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I have an internet connection lol, but do you mean it's bandwidth intensive? Are powersave cloned Pokemon Smogon legal?

I believe so, many competitive Pokemon players make legal hacks because they don't have time to rng or breed. However, some people don't believe that using legal hacks is fair to people who put in effort to create their Pokemon. Considering that cloning is not as bad as legal hacks, it should be okay.
I believe so, many competitive Pokemon players make legal hacks because they don't have time to rng or breed. However, some people don't believe that using legal hacks is fair to people who put in effort to create their Pokemon. Considering that cloning is not as bad as legal hacks, it should be okay.
As long as you mention its a clone when trading its kosher, as for hacks that's a more tricky issue.
As long as you mention its a clone when trading its kosher, as for hacks that's a more tricky issue.

Well, I was only talking about battling, not trading. Trading a hacked Pokemon for a legit one is stealing. Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell a good hack from a legit Pokemon.
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Got almost an entire box of adament sand rush Drillbur and 3 timed infiltrator Noibat if you want to trade spitback for spitback pm me.
quick question, can an egg hatched from kalos have an egg hatched date of 11/27/2012? Is it based on DS date ? or is it hacked?
quick question, can an egg hatched from kalos have an egg hatched date of 11/27/2012? Is it based on DS date ? or is it hacked?

XY Pokemon can have any date between 1/1/2000, and 12/31/2050, since it's based of the DS clock.
Hey guys.

I'm looking for a Sassy Skrelp please!

It would be pretty cool if it had Toxic Spikes, but it's not the end of the world if not.

I have some Quiet Honedge to trade :) Please inbox me if you can help, as it's 1am here and I'm sleepy!
Hey guys.

I'm looking for a Sassy Skrelp please!

It would be pretty cool if it had Toxic Spikes, but it's not the end of the world if not.

I have some Quiet Honedge to trade :) Please inbox me if you can help, as it's 1am here and I'm sleepy!
I have Sassy Skrelp spitbacks in dusk balls right now. I'm breeding toxic spikes onto them as we speak if you'd like to wait for one.
Well, I was only talking about battling, not trading. Trading a hacked Pokemon for a legit one is stealing. Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell a good hack from a legit Pokemon.
I was saying in reference to battling, some people use "legal hacks" for fighting, but the power saver doesn't edit IVs even though they apparently have a code that does that they don't want to release (for good reason).
Oh goodness me!

I am definitely interested in spitbacks.

I'll be awake in nine hours, so if you fancy inboxing me your FC details and adding me, I'm sure we can sort something out.

If you're on Skype or Facebook, drop me a username/email address if that might make things easier. Thank you for thinking of me!
I was saying in reference to battling, some people use "legal hacks" for fighting, but the power saver doesn't edit IVs even though they apparently have a code that does that they don't want to release (for good reason).
Ye, im glad they got more control with this AR compared to the previous ones where everyone and their mom could make codes for it :-)
updated list.. added bulbasaurs that have HP fire already.. :)

I have these for trade, they are to be used for [Hidden Power Fire] Venusaur breeding..

Note: Hp/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe

All pokes are in either a Dusk Ball or Nest Ball

All pokes have their egg move Giga Drain!

• Males with their hidden abilities (chlorophyll):

31/x/31/x/31/30 Quirky

31/x/31/30/31/x Hardy

31/x/31/30/31/31 Bold

31/x/31/30/31/x Sassy

x/x/31/30/31/30 Quirky

31/x/x/30/31/30 Modest

31/x/31/30/x/30 Naughty

31/x/31/30/31/x Gentle

x/x/31/30/31/30 Timid

31/x/31/x/31/30 Timid

best males!!! (unfortunately no Even# Atk, HP waters @.@)

31/x/31/30/31/30 Timid

31/x/31/30/31/30 Timid

31/x/31/30/31/30 Timid

• Females with their hidden abilities (chlorophyll):

31/x/31/x/31/30 Quiet

x/x/31/30/31/30 Timid

31/x/31/30/x/30 Timid

31/x/x/30/31/30 Timid

31/x/x/30/31/30 Modest


• Females with their hidden abilities (chlorophyll):

31/22/31/30/31/30 Timid/Dusk

31/4/31/30/31/30 Timid/Nest

• Males with their hidden abilities (chlorophyll):

31/6/31/30/31/30 Timid/Nest

PM with offers please~~
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