Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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So, I am looking for a breeding project once I finish this Tangela I am working on (Probably will do my own Froakie also, but anyway).

I could use suggestions as ball, EM's, Ability and most important, it need to match the shiny sprite. I am looking for something unique that few/none already got for trade and that looks great shiny!

I will give a no-redis copy of whatever I breed shall I follow your suggestion, so toss up those options! :D
Ok, thank you for the info. I was really hoping to get one of those vivillon's
What is the difference between cloning and hacking?
Is the cloning youre referring to done on poke bank?
cloning is done on bank. And yeah sorry about that comment I edited my post a few minutes after I posted lol. Either ways you can clone on bank using a powersave. Hacking is just getting stuff illegally most hacks are probably on the gts.
Ok, thank you for the info. I was really hoping to get one of those vivillon's
What is the difference between cloning and hacking?
Is the cloning youre referring to done on poke bank?
Cloning is creating an exact copy of a Pokemon that is legitimate. Hacking is creating something that shouldn't be possible, such as a shiny X/Y legendary. (they're shiny locked, and thus can never be shiny if caught in the game)
cloning is done on bank. And yeah sorry about that comment I edited my post a few minutes after I posted lol. Either ways you can clone on bank using a powersave. Hacking is just getting stuff illegally most hacks are probably on the gts.
no worries, thanks for the info[/quote]

Hey guys, ClutchesOfBlood here bringing you a giveaway! However, this is no ordinary giveaway, you see I'm part of this group called Type Of The Month Club [TOTMC] and we hold a giveaway every month featuring a certain Pokémon type. This month we bring the scorching heat and flames coming from deep inside volcanoes; Fire.

To enter this giveaway you'll need to send me a VM stating that you wish to enter! What's the twist you may ask? Well, to win the top of the class prizes—shinies or legendaries—you'll have to battle one another!

To make this giveaway fairer, everyone who participates will also receive a Pokémon of their choice from the pool, excluding the shinies and legendaries. I will be using a random number generator to decide who battles whom. Hopefully this is clear to you all.

Here are the prizes and all of the people who bred/captured them!

  • You have until the end of July to enter this giveaway.

Battle Time Limit:
  • Each participant has a 48 hour period which should allow you to battle your opponent.

  • No Megas.
  • No Focus Sash.
  • No Talonflame.
  • No Blaziken.
  • All OU clauses are applied.
  • Breedable Pokemon ONLY.
  • ALWAYS use the same Pokemon you have chosen.
  • PLEASE AND SAVE the battle videos and send them to me.
Side note:

You will all receive your Pokemon from awiec. Remember, only one Pokemon per person; unless you're the winner.
Bred by: SnoopysWorld

Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Morning Sun/Low Kick/Hypnosis/Horn Drill
OT: Serena
ID: 49087
Redis Policy: Semi Redis


Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magician
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Wish/Magic Coat/Hypnosis/Heat Wave
OT: Andrew
ID: 55673
Redis Policy: Semi Redis

Bred by: .com


Nickname: Pele
Gender: Female
Nature: Bold
Ability: Flame Body
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31 (HP Grass)
Moves: Acid Armor/Memento/Earth Power/Heat Wave
OT: Misty
ID: 19271
Redis Policy: Fully Redis


Nickname: Dante
Gender: Male
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Solar Power
IVs: 30/31/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
Moves: Ancient Power/Focus Punch/Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance
OT: Misty
ID: 07845
Redis Policy: Fully Redis

Given by: .com


Nickname: Desdemona
Gender: None
Nature: Naive
Ability: Turboblaze
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/31 (HP Grass)
Moves: Earth Power/Heat Wave/Tailwind/Zen Headbutt
OT: Misty
ID: 00000
Redis Policy: Fully Redis


Nickname: Flame On
Gender: None
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Limber
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire)
Moves: Transform
OT: Misty
ID: 00001
Redis Policy: Fully Redis

Bred by: *Trev*


Gender: Female
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Blaze
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Moves: Yawn/Magnitude/Curse/Sucker Punch
OT: Kevin
ID: 11679
Redis Policy: Fully Redis


Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Ability: Flame Body
IVs: 31/xx/31/30/30/31 (HP Ground)
Moves: Giga Drain/Quiver Dance/Tailwind/Bug Buzz
ID: 51573
Redis Policy: Non Redis

Bred by: flargananddingle


Gender: Female
Nature: Bold
Ability: White Smoke
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Ember/Eruption/Yawn/Superpower
OT: Mike
ID: 43466
Redis Policy: Fully Redis


Gender: Male
Nature: Naive
Ability: Iron Fist
IVs: 30/31/30/31/31/31
Moves: Encore/Fake Out/ Thunder Punch/ Fire Punch
OT: Mike
ID: 43466
Redis Policy: Semi Redis


Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Blaze
IVs: 31/0/30/31/30/30
Moves: Scratch/Play Nice/Heat Wave/Nasty Plot
OT: Japanese
ID: 24359
Redis Policy: Non Redis

Bred by: lockiegengar12


Gender: Male
Nature: Rash
Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Giga Drain/Knock Off/Superpower/Sucker Punch
OT: Bella
ID: 07338
Redis Policy: Semi-Redis


Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Blaze
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Tackle/Leer/Quick Attack/Extrasensory
OT: CyberWolf
ID: 52835
Redis Policy: Non Redis

Bred by: Valzy


Nickname: Nala
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Unnerve
IVs: 31/00/30/31/31/31
Moves: Enterainment/Fire Spin/Snatch/Yawn
OT: Inaba
ID: 00519
Redis Policy: Non Redis


Nickname: Starspot
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Ability: Unnerve
IVs: 31/24/30/31/30/30
Moves: Zen Headbutt/Endure/Magnet Rise/Morning Sun
OT: Scarlett
ID: 04771
Redis Policy: Non Redis


Gender: Female
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Speed Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Agility/Counter/Low Kick/Baton Pass
OT: Matt
ID: 00663
Redis Policy:

Bred by: evan0913


Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 31/23/31/31/31/31
Moves: Astonish/Clear Smog/Haze/Heat Wave
OT: Sara
ID: 14424
Redis Policy: Non Redis


Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Hustle
IVs: 31/31/31/09/31/31
Moves: Hammer Arm/Yawn/Encore/Endure
OT: Aric
ID: 27612
Redis Policy: Non Redis

Given by: Tatertot


Gender: None
Nature: Modest
Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
Moves: Iron Head/Lava Plume/Stealth Rock/Dragon Pulse
OT: Tate
ID: 24975
Redis Policy: Non Redis

Bred by: Mewdraco


Gender: Male
Nature: Mild
Ability: Blaze
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Outrage/Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance/Dragon Dance
OT: Andres
ID: 33220
Redis Policy:

Bred by: awiec


Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Ability: Vital Spirit
Moves: Smog/Leer/Barrier
OT: Polo
ID: 34188
Redis Policy: Non Redis


Gender: Female
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Simple
IVs: 31/24/31/31/31/00
Moves: Tackle/Iron Head/Howl/Heat Wave
OT: Piloups
ID: 28581
Redis Policy: Non Redis
Name is in German but will revert to English when evolved

Bred by: ClutchesOfBlood


Gender: Female
Nature: Impish
Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Crunch/Flare Blitz/Morning Sun/Close Combat
OT: Josh
ID: 24835
Redis Policy: Non Redis
Note: It was SV hatched.


Gender: Female
Nature: Bold
Ability: Flame Body
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Yawn/Smog/--/--
OT: Anthony
ID: 53079
Redis Policy: Fully Redis​
Last edited:
Can someone help me clone a bunch of pokemon none of which anyone was willing to clone as a perfect iv (minus special attack) jolly terrakion is apparently not worth cloning. The terrakion is from a give away from TheMoe it is semi redis and is in a master ball.

Also I need 3 crap shinymons that I got from friend safaris cloned one of which is a frogadier. And another is a shiny charmeleon.

The last thing I need cloned is a 31/31/31/x/x/31 adamant swarm heracross that's holding its ite.

I would like 3 clones of each of these + the original, you can have a few copies of each...if you even want them.

Also need a shiny, jolly, 6iv, lvl 97, japaneese ditto cloned to hell it's from Vader_the_White it's fully redis, spread it a lot, clone it and spread it as far as possible!
Also I need 3 clones of it. The ditto is also in a dive ball.
Repost for a new page, I also now have an adamant shiny 31/31/31/x/31/31 iv heracross cloned a few times.
I will trade anything on my thread for a shiny larvesta that is competitive. You heard it from me. I also would like it to be timid.
Edit: non shiny is actually fine to.
Looking for any Hippopotas preferably Careful or Impish with Slack Off dont have much to offer as well as a Female Bunnelby or Diggersby in a Premier ball with Huge Power IVs dont matter thanks ^_^ PM me thanks :)
I will trade anything on my thread for a shiny larvesta that is competitive. You heard it from me. I also would like it to be timid.
Edit: non shiny is actually fine to.
You want a competitive Larvesta? I assume you're after Volcarona here. Does the ball matter? I say this because one of my Larvesta spitbacks has 31/7/31/30/31/31 (HP Electric) and is Timid with Flame Body. The Attack is good for taking a little less confusion/Foul Play damage. But is in a standard Poke Ball and isn't shiny.
You want a competitive Larvesta? I assume you're after Volcarona here. Does the ball matter? I say this because one of my Larvesta spitbacks has 31/7/31/30/31/31 (HP Electric) and is Timid with Flame Body. The Attack is good for taking a little less confusion/Foul Play damage. But is in a standard Poke Ball and isn't shiny.
sure I can take that. It's only for battling purposes I'm not sure though if I want a modest one or a timid one though. Hmmm...

Can someone help me timid or modest. I can't think of any fire pokemon that can outspeed volcarona that isn't ubers or a legendary. Maybe arcanine.

Edit: oh shoot arcanine is a huge threat to volcarona ok I will take your timid one for sure. That's right though arcanine is a good phsyical attacker that can close combat my face uyyy.

edit edit: yeah i am actually very scared of arcanine and any physical attacker:/
This is very likely to be a long-shot, but I'll ask anyways. I need a Timid Gardevoir with Hyper Voice. IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31. I honestly don't have anything since I'm just getting started here... But if you can help me out, I'd really appreciate it!! PM me, please!
sure I can take that. It's only for battling purposes I'm not sure though if I want a modest one or a timid one though. Hmmm...

Can someone help me timid or modest. I can't think of any fire pokemon that can outspeed volcarona that isn't ubers or a legendary. Maybe arcanine.

Edit: oh shoot arcanine is a huge threat to volcarona ok I will take your timid one for sure. That's right though arcanine is a good phsyical attacker that can close combat my face uyyy.
Well Volcarona's biggest threats are Azumaril and Talonflame since they resist its STABS and have access to priority to ignore its speed boosts from Quiver Dance. Unsurprisingly, the fiery bug doesn't like taking a priority Brave Bird to the face. It won't need Modest at +2 or higher thanks to Fiery Dance's awesome chance for Sp. Attack boost.
Well Volcarona's biggest threats are Azumaril and Talonflame since they resist its STABS and have access to priority to ignore its speed boosts from Quiver Dance. Unsurprisingly, the fiery bug doesn't like taking a priority Brave Bird to the face. It won't need Modest at +2 or higher thanks to Fiery Dance's awesome chance for Sp. Attack boost.
yeah I am going with timid entering fire competition and arcanine actually seems like a threat choice banded close combat to the face sounds nasty.

This is very likely to be a long-shot, but I'll ask anyways. I need a Timid Gardevoir with Hyper Voice. IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31. I honestly don't have anything since I'm just getting started here... But if you can help me out, I'd really appreciate it!! PM me, please!

Darn got to excited and double posted. oops. Either ways yeah you trade with this guy you can take something from me instead of him.
Volcarona resists Close Combat. lol
facepalm it has been a while since I battled but forgot it's bug typing. Wow my stupidity gives me confidence. LOL I can see someone entering shell smash torkoalXD
This is very likely to be a long-shot, but I'll ask anyways. I need a Timid Gardevoir with Hyper Voice. IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31. I honestly don't have anything since I'm just getting started here... But if you can help me out, I'd really appreciate it!! PM me, please!
either ways no that I am not double posting let me rephrase this. I do not have a ralts with hyper voice but if someone can help this guy you can take something from me instead of him.

edit: I am still scared of arcanine I just am:/
? yeah sure....Either ways as it said in the original post I will be happy to help out new users especially with breeding.
Do you, or know of anyone who could clone me a pokeball Vivillion? I'm not sure what I could do in return but if there's something I have that you need I'll give it to you
Do you, or know of anyone who could clone me a pokeball Vivillion? I'm not sure what I could do in return but if there's something I have that you need I'll give it to you
...I know someone that can clone and might have what you're looking for. SnoopysWorld can clone and might have that vivillion ask him:)
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