Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Perhaps a little redundant given the lack of choice, but any ball recommendations for these two?

Ok, excellent ! What do you want in exchange ?
I'll take a look at your thread in about one hour or so. I'm not at home at the moment.
The Lillipup will be Adamant. It has Psychic Fangs, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang and Pursuit. Does that work for you?

Edit: I'll breed Yawn and Endure. I just saw that Stoutland learns Fire and Thunder Fang naturally.
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Hello, I'm looking for a Ledyba/Ledian in a love ball with the move drain punch. If anyone could help me with this, I'd very much appreciate it!
Hello, I'm looking for a Ledyba/Ledian in a love ball with the move drain punch. If anyone could help me with this, I'd very much appreciate it!
if you don't mind waiting until tomorrow i can catch one in Soul Silver and breed it. Just le me know wich nature you want.
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