Which Slowking? I can help as long as it's not Galarian.Can someone help evolve Slowking in SV?
Which Slowking? I can help as long as it's not Galarian.Can someone help evolve Slowking in SV?
Regular, I already have the Slowpoke with the King's Rock I just need someone to trade it with.Which Slowking? I can help as long as it's not Galarian.
PM sent.Regular, I already have the Slowpoke with the King's Rock I just need someone to trade it with.
Yes cloned Pokémon are allowed to be traded here.Clones are allowed for trade here, right?
Thanks. In that case:
LF: Touch trade the DLC legendaries. (I WILL RETURN THEM ALL)
FT: Clones of shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Zacian, Zamazenta, and/or Eternatus.
I can do both of these if either of you still need them. Just hit me with a DM whenever you want to do the tradesAnyone able to briefly touch trade Fezandipiti and Munkidori with me over Home? They're the only two species I still need dex entries for.
I have a random Turtwig breedject you can have. I'll VM you. A random Chimchar would be cool ig, but feel free to send me whatever.LF: Turtwig in SV (normal ability) and Piplup with Competitive
FT: Chimchar, any Scarlet exclusive, shiny Chansey, Shiny Donodozo (has Water Veil, can change its ability if you wish)
but i also have amassed an assortment of (evolved) Let's Go Pokemon to offer as well (if you, too, are looking to fill in the dex without actually having Let's Go), in addition to access to the Teal Mask.I've Sword (+DLC), Legends, Brilliand Diamond, Scarlet, plus the various older games, a living dex for breeding spares....so while I can't necessarily get you specific IV'd Pokemon I do have access to a lot of resources (TMs, a few spare Ability Patches I'm not using, VEs I can breed, Tera Shards I should be able to swap at least one of each type, etc).
And i've amassed quite a number of (mostly evolved) Go Mark pokemon, including some of the rarer ones like some regional or more limited time stuff and I think I still have some of the babies, if that catches your fancy. Just ask and I can see if I can find them in the growing mess that is my Home Boxes.
Would anyone be willing to trade a Volcanion in S/V? Preferably non-cloned if at all possible. It's my favorite mythical but I have no means of transferring my old one I have on my 3DS, due to not having the transporter on it (and it being unavailable due to the 3ds shop closure). I'm willing to trade a Korean Pokemon Go Mewtwo I received from a wonder trade (I had already obtained the 7-star Mewtwo before I got it so I have no real need for it) and I am also willing to EV train it to the best of my abilities (and at the very least get it to level 100) if desired. I am also willing to include an ability capsule, booster energy or bottle cap as a held item. Thank you!
There's a very easy way: you trade it to me in gen 7, I transfer it with my own Bank & Home, then give it back to you in gen 8/9I'm not sure if there's a way to transfer it, (aside from maybe modding the DS, which I'm not really willing to do) since I don't have Pokemon Bank nor Poke Transporter, and since the eshop's closure I haven't been able to download them, but I do very much appreciate your willingness to help!!
Just as a heads up, you're better off assuming that Cress is hacked. Perfect IV + shiny + rando = very likely not legit, and legal at best. Fine for personal use, but I wouldn't trade it. To quote the forum rules:IMPORTANT EDIT: I received a shiny Cresselia in a trade today that I don't really want that I will gladly trade instead of the Mewtwo for a Volcanion! The Cresselia does seem to be legit, the only thing that really seems sus to me is that she has perfect IVs, and that the OT is Moon2023 (but I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that it's maybe from some sort of giveaway on a throwaway OT) but aside from that she has a legal moveset, ability, didn't come with any rare items like a masterball, and isn't in any kind of unobtainable ball like a Cherish Ball. I think at worst she might be cloned, but not hacked or illegal in any way.
Do apply some common sense when trading, if you received the Pokémon via Wonder Trade, the GTS, Surprise Trade, giveaways that are unrelated to Smogon and/or Pokémon Showdown! etc and have no way of knowing where/who it's from, please refrain from offering it to avoid trouble for yourself and other forum goers.
Are you catching them on the islands via talking to the rock and chasing Mew around the grass? Because, if so, then yes.I'm sure many of you here are familiar with Sleipnir's incredible work elucidating the mysteries of Arbitrary Code Execution. I'm considering performing this (pomeg-based glitch) to Activate the Aurora Ticket & Old Sea Map via Mystery Gift. My question is: if ACE is performed to trigger the generation of the Aurora Ticket and Old Sea Map are the Deoxys and Mew considered legal/legit?
Is the game a Japanese copy? Because that Mew was only released in JapanI'm sure many of you here are familiar with Sleipnir's incredible work elucidating the mysteries of Arbitrary Code Execution. I'm considering performing this (pomeg-based glitch) to Activate the Aurora Ticket & Old Sea Map via Mystery Gift. My question is: if ACE is performed to trigger the generation of the Aurora Ticket and Old Sea Map are the Deoxys and Mew considered legal/legit?
If you mean by Smogon's standards, I don't see this as much different than injecting, which we allow assuming it doesn't create a situation that differs from normal means. One important factor here is the game language Unowninator mentioned. Legal means, could this end result have happened? Legit means, did you/OT go to the event yourself and get the event the way Nintendo intended? End of the day, even those definitions vary with the person/community and there's no objective answer.I'm sure many of you here are familiar with Sleipnir's incredible work elucidating the mysteries of Arbitrary Code Execution. I'm considering performing this (pomeg-based glitch) to Activate the Aurora Ticket & Old Sea Map via Mystery Gift. My question is: if ACE is performed to trigger the generation of the Aurora Ticket and Old Sea Map are the Deoxys and Mew considered legal/legit?
That doesn't matter, you can pass the Old Sea Map around by mixing records, and Gen 3 was when the Japanese games started being able to connect to the rest without issue.Is the game a Japanese copy? Because that Mew was only released in Japan
Unfortunately only the Eon Ticket could be obtained via mixing records, not the Old Sea Map.That doesn't matter, you can pass the Old Sea Map around by mixing records, and Gen 3 was when the Japanese games started being able to connect to the rest without issue.