Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

ty for helping with the trade evo again! I used to have another 3ds i used for stuff like this but that was a while ago and that other 3ds doesn't work anymore
I bought a used copy of pokemon sun and it had the 2017 event shiny tapu koko on it. I want to delete this save but it would be a shame for a rare event shiny to go to waste, so how do I get it to someone? I don't have bank installed on this 2DS or home at all so I'm unsure how I would get it off this system
I bought a used copy of pokemon sun and it had the 2017 event shiny tapu koko on it. I want to delete this save but it would be a shame for a rare event shiny to go to waste, so how do I get it to someone? I don't have bank installed on this 2DS or home at all so I'm unsure how I would get it off this system
if you add someone to your 2ds friends list, youll be able to trade online through festival plaza and give it to them that way. they could transfer it to bank or home from there if they wanted
I bought a used copy of pokemon sun and it had the 2017 event shiny tapu koko on it. I want to delete this save but it would be a shame for a rare event shiny to go to waste, so how do I get it to someone? I don't have bank installed on this 2DS or home at all so I'm unsure how I would get it off this system
If you ask in the trade channel of the wifi Discord server there should be someone that would be abe to help with a Bank to Home transfer.
I am looking for an event shiny tapu bulu from gen 7 as I have the other shiny tapu event Pokémon koko, Fini, and lele. I just Want to get it before gts trading for 3DS POKÉMON GAMES end in April 2024. Thank you, I have a few shinies I am willing to trade for it. I do not care about it’s nature and IVs. Just as long as it’s legitimate. Thank you.
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LF many Ice Spinner tms, they are rare(cause Frigibax is rare.) I mean I'll take just one, but ideally someone has many. Can trade a shiny for, say, 4 on random mons, or like something else for fewer. I have many mons from raids, some spare legends.

EDIT: nv, food can up dragon encounters, had forgot about that.
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Hey there can anyone trade Flutter mane / brute Bonnet and koraidon? Last few pokes I need for 400/400. Got some good iv pokes like starters. Much appreciated!

FC: SW-7553-2148-1030
Does anyone have Pikachu in a Dream Ball for the 3DS? I'm trying to get Alolan Raichu in one, but it was only released in Japan, apparently.

Edit: Also, I'd like these other Alolan forms in Dream Balls: Grimer, Cubone, and Diglett. I'd be happy to trade anything including Mythicals.

NVM, someone helped me on gamefaqs.
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hi, looking for some scarlet exclusives and trade pokes to finish dex. can be touch trades, i just need them for the dex entry.
- Koraidon

Edit: I got everything I needed! Thank you to those who responded.
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hi, looking for some scarlet exclusives and trade pokes to finish dex. can be touch trades, i just need them for the dex entry.
- Armarouge
- Stunky
- Scizor (I have the Scyther with Metal Coat)
- Slowking (Like the Scizor, I have the Slowpoke with King's Rock)
- Skrelp
- Deino
- All Past Paradox Mons
- Koraidon
If you head over to the wifi Discord there should be someone around that can help with this. Link to it is on the first page of this thread.