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I know special Autotomize Celesteela is more used and is the better set overall, but I've heard of a physical Autotomize set going around to beat usual checks to the special set. Does anyone know what this set's moves and item consist of?
I know special Autotomize Celesteela is more used and is the better set overall, but I've heard of a physical Autotomize set going around to beat usual checks to the special set. Does anyone know what this set's moves and item consist of?

Celesteela @ Groundium Z / Rockium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Autotomize
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake / Stone edge
- Fire Blast
So I was in a battle where a Blissey had the following setup

substitute, protect, softboil, heal pulse

with a leftovers and I assume all defensive IV/EV setup and a defensive nature,

once we were down to our last pokemon, this set up got me into a permanent lock, I'm not exactly sure how it happened when it had no way to restore PP, but this went on for awhile (about 30 minutes), and my pokemon (Snorlax) was unable to die even by struggle.

Will this blissey build be banned? Or was this an exploit since they had no need for PP restoration?
Endless Battle Clause
Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
  • For example, a Slowbro holding a Leppa Berry can create an endless battle using the moves Recycle, Heal Pulse, Slack Off, and Block. To do so, Slowbro traps one of the opponent's Pokemon, PP stalls it, and heals Struggle damage indefinitely using Heal Pulse and Slack Off.
From Smogon clauses page.
So I was in a battle where a Blissey had the following setup

substitute, protect, softboil, heal pulse

with a leftovers and I assume all defensive IV/EV setup and a defensive nature,

once we were down to our last pokemon, this set up got me into a permanent lock, I'm not exactly sure how it happened when it had no way to restore PP, but this went on for awhile (about 30 minutes), and my pokemon (Snorlax) was unable to die even by struggle.

Will this blissey build be banned? Or was this an exploit since they had no need for PP restoration?

If you kept battling, the Blissey would eventually run out of PP. (64 turns) It was just going to take a lot longer than 30 minutes, especially when your opponent's goal was to waste as much of your time as possible so that you'd forfeit. It's not technically a violation of endless battle because the Blissey will eventually run out of PP, but it is a huge dick move.

If the Blissey somehow managed to use any of its moves more than 16 times then there's foul play, but that seems really unlikely.
If you kept battling, the Blissey would eventually run out of PP. (64 turns) It was just going to take a lot longer than 30 minutes, especially when your opponent's goal was to waste as much of your time as possible so that you'd forfeit. It's not technically a violation of endless battle because the Blissey will eventually run out of PP, but it is a huge dick move.

If the Blissey somehow managed to use any of its moves more than 16 times then there's foul play, but that seems really unlikely.

It used heal pulse and softboil only when I was down to struggle, that's all they used during the 30 minutes I was out of pp.
It was likely a 4chan-based Showdown club that I don't want to name. They're the reason we have the Endless Battle Clause in the first place. Did the Blissey's name start with "180 Days" or something similar?

Thanks to that clause, they can't force an endless battle - that Blissey would have eventually run out of PP and Struggled to death. But it can be annoying to face.
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does anyone think aegislash and landorus-i will be unbanned in the future? they are probably 2 of my favourite pokemon .-.
No, they are too problematic to deal.
Aegislash has an awesome type and king shield, landorus is too difficult too deal thanks to the combo sheer force + life orb applied to its many sets (calm mind, rock polish and all-out)
Aegi and Lando-I won't be coming back any time soon lol. Aegi in general will just never come back - the 50/50s it causes with King's Shield and the insanely good typing, along with the essentially 720 BST is just way too much for OU. Landorus Incarnate's power in OU is pretty much unrivaled thanks to sheer force + LO, a huge move pool and millions of ways to set up. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Lando I never came back either lol.
does anyone think aegislash and landorus-i will be unbanned in the future? they are probably 2 of my favourite pokemon .-.

Same, theyre my favourites but unless they get nerfed, nope

only instance i can see it for aegis is either its offensive stats get nerfed to 100 or a nerf to kingshield by gamefreak and for lando idk lol, maybe if they nerf its ability/offensive stats
Don't count on anything being nerfed unless it becomes dominant in VGC and that thing is not called Landorus-Therian.

Now, to go back into a mostly OU-relevant topic... I'm curious on Mega Scizor's viability rank. Before Mega Metagross was banned, it was stated somewhat often that Mega Scizor's niche barely went beyond "Mega Metagross hard check". What is still keeping it at a rather high rank? I assume it's that its Defogging capabilities gained more relevance, but I wonder.
I use mega scizor but idk if I would call it a high ranked ou pokemon. I would say the top 5 pokemon are magearna, tapu lele, landorus, greninja/ash gren, and zygarde. I would put medicham at 4-6 though depending on the meta.
I use mega scizor but idk if I would call it a high ranked ou pokemon. I would say the top 5 pokemon are magearna, tapu lele, landorus, greninja/ash gren, and zygarde. I would put medicham at 4-6 though depending on the meta.
Tapu Lele isn't really that good right now. If you're set on a Tapu, Bulu could be in the top 5, but I'd probably be leaning towards Celesteela in that place.
yeah, I would say medicham mega would be top 5 not tapu lele. honestly steel types are really good right now and tapu bulu and lele have a hard time against them.
by the way, this isn't really a I'm confused question xD but what set magearna do you like the most when battling? av with max sp att or shift gear? av with more sp def? etc
Not Lele, but most certainly not Mega Medicham. This thing is very, VERY frail, and is easily handled by anything that's faster. It also is forced to run Jolly, which really waters down its power. It just doesn't match-up well against offense at all because outside of the Fake Out and MAYBE 1 kill it's gonna get outsped and killed. Stall these days has reliable answers with bulky Psychics. I'd say maybe Volcarona or Celesteela or Tangrowth in the top 5, but most certainly not Mega Medi.

As for Magearna, Shift Gear for offensive and AV for defensive. The set on the site ( says 56 sp attack EVs, 200 hp and rest sp def, with a calm nature. shift Gear is obviously timid max speed max sp attack. I've heard OTR isn't as good as these 2 but it's max HP, max Sp Attk, Quiet nature with 0 Speed IVs. Hope that helped :-)
yeah, I assumed Trick room wasn't that good anymore. I don't think its that good because most bulky pokemon can stall out the trick room and then kill it. And where do you think mega lopunny will be put as in top 5 or 10? I would say it will be at least top 10. it has a great ability and doesn't have the worst bulk. it also has an amazing type for its ability.