Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers

Is this a good set for Passimian?
Item: Life orb
EV: 252 ATK/252 Speed/4 HP
Nature: +Speed -Sp. Attack
Ability: Depends on teams mates.
-Knock Off
-Close Combat
-Drain Punch/Earthquake/Focus Energy
-Endeavor/Bulk Up/Giga Impact

Some things depend on teammates.
Don't use that, use this!

Passimian @ Choice Scarf / Choice Band
Ability: Defiant (Receiver doesn't work in singles)
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Rock Slide / Gunk Shot
- U-turn
Is Raichu-Alola good in this tier?
Raichu-A is really only going to be as good as E Terrain in the tier. The problem is, in a tier full of Dragon, Ground, and Grass type Pokémon, E Terrain as a team style isn’t seen as enticing and has been largely unexplored because of it. I do recommend trying Raichu-A and E Terrain out though. Like I said it’s largely unexplored, but I bet it has some merit.
Despite Decid being considered a solid/good mon in the VR, it rarely ever appears in tours, is there a reason for that or is the VR inaccurate atm?
Despite Decid being considered a solid/good mon in the VR, it rarely ever appears in tours, is there a reason for that or is the VR inaccurate atm?
I'd say there's a smaller sample size of tournament games than ladder and that usage and viability are not always the same. Decidueye is a strong option in the metagame and it is favorable in the short-term vs Rotom-C, SIlvally-Ground, and some common walls, so there's definitely a good niche for it.
what would be some good partners for resttalk BU grimmsnarl? im running it alongside silvally-steel and dragalge for fairy removal and tspikes support.
If I wanted to use HTop as a spinner/whatever
Hitmontop @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Mach Punch
- Rapid Spin
- Triple Axel
- Close Combat
Would Silvally-Ground synergize well?
If I wanted to use HTop as a spinner/whatever
Hitmontop @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Mach Punch
- Rapid Spin
- Triple Axel
- Close Combat
Would Silvally-Ground synergize well?
Hitmontop is, quite frankly, awful and has no reason to be used. Our other spinners---Tsareena and Dhelmise---are much better because they simply offer more to teams. The most Hitmontop can really do is potentially lure in and damage some Fighting-type checks with Triple Axel, but you're otherwise better off with using say, Machamp or Sirfetch'd if you want to do that because they're better overall wallbreakers.
What actually checks Machamp? Every single "check" seems pretty shaky. (For Example: Talonflame has a chance of being OHKO'd by guts facade.)
What actually checks Machamp? Every single "check" seems pretty shaky. (For Example: Talonflame has a chance of being OHKO'd by guts facade.)
Machamp's checks come in the form of revenge. Nothing in the tier that can survive a Facade or CC is able to OHKO Machamp back besides Arcanine and Talonflame, the latter of which loses to Facade + Bullet Punch. Vileplume is able to defensively check it, but you can't switch into it unless you know for sure that Machamp is using CC. The more reliable revenge killers at taking down Machamp are Indeedee-F, Psychic/Psyshock Starmie, and Braviary. Other faster Pokemon like Rotom-C, Salazzle, and Toxicroak can revenge kill, but aren't always guaranteed the OHKO if Machamp is near full HP (Note: Toxicroak's Gunk Shot can KO but you have to rely on its poor accuracy).
What is an example of a good vaporeon lure? I’m not killing my own species because Eevee and vaporeon have a different Pokédex number lol.
There's not really a lure for Vaporeon, it's more so just coverage that hits it. An attack like Copperajah's Power Whip can hit a Vaporeon that comes in and wants to resist Heavy Slam. Water-weak mons can bait in Vaporeon, which can be beneficial for Pokemon such as Rotom-Mow, and Toxicroak with a good double-switch.
What is an example of a good vaporeon lure? I’m not killing my own species because Eevee and vaporeon have a different Pokédex number lol.
Even though the post above is correct in saying that often some coverage can make for a good lure, there actually happens to be some good ones out there that can be used.

If we’re defining a lure as a Pokémon that just baits in Vaporeon, the possibilities are basically endless, with a good portion of the tier doing that job such as the aforementioned Water-Types.

If we’re defining a lure as a Pokémon that can bait Vaporeon and take advantage of it, the options are slightly different and sort of limited, but some exist. The ones I’ve used the most revolves around Salazzle, with Knock Off Salazzle removing Vaporeon’s crucial Leftovers or Encore Salazzle locking Vaporeon into either Wish or Protect so you can Nasty Plot up on it and win instantly. Other lures can include stuff like U-Turn Inteleon/Talon, Toxic Mantine (pair this with another hard abuser like Heliolisk, Toxicroak, or Eggy-A), or a Trick Pokémon like Starmie or Indeedee. Nasty Plot Rotom-Mow is also an underrated Vaporeon lure, and a hard answer, since many Vaporeon will Protect on it expecting a Scarf set, which loses to Vaporeon. I’ve won many games this way.