name: Physically Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Roost
move 3: Body Press
move 4: Toxic
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Sturdy
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Skarmory is one of the premier entry hazard setters available to Flying teams while also being a great physically defensive pivot capable of checking threats like Bisharp and Terrakion, as well as being the only viable Pokemon on Flying teams with access to Spikes. Rocky Helmet wears down physical attackers like Heracross and Diggersby while also punishing Pokemon like Scizor and Barraskewda that use U-turn and Flip Turn, respectively. Spikes lets Skarmory punish opposing switch-ins with residual damage, which its offensive teammates can take advantage of. Roost allows Skarmory to have a reliable way of healing itself in order to continuously switch into attacks from Pokemon such as Bisharp, Heracross, and Mimikyu. Body Press allows Skarmory to use its enormous Defense stat to hit threats like Bisharp, Diggersby, and Tyranitar. Toxic helps punish opposing Pokemon like Mandibuzz and Mantine that would otherwise switch in and clear entry hazards for free. Whirlwind can be an option to phaze bulkier foes as well as offensive setup threats like Swords Dance Scizor and Substitute Dragapult to deal chip damage in combination with Spikes. Sturdy is usually the preferred ability to live hits from full health and possibly revenge kill or damage threats like Heliolisk and Rotom-H. Maximum HP and Defense investment with a Bold Nature is used to take on physical attackers like Terrakion and Bisharp better whilst also maximizing Body Press' power.
The entirety of Flying teams appreciate Skarmory's role as both a physical wall and entry hazard setter. Mantine in particular forms a strong defensive core alongside Skarmory due to being resistant to Fire-type moves and having a high Special Defense stat for dealing with threats to Skarmory like Cinderace and Volcarona. In return, Mantine appreciates Skarmory's ability to threaten Pokemon like Bisharp and Tyranitar. Mandibuzz is another good partner for Skarmory to deal with Ghost-types like Dragapult and Aegislash, which Skarmory is threatened by. In return, Skarmory makes use of its Steel typing to wall Pokemon that Mandibuzz is forced out by like Terrakion and Azumarill. Togekiss, Noivern, and Charizard all enjoy Skarmory's capabilities of switching into Rock-type moves as well its ability of setting up Spikes to better handle balanced teams. Nasty Plot Togekiss helps Skarmory break through walls like Taunt Corviknight and Toxapex that it would otherwise be useless against. Noivern serves as a great revenge killer for Dragon-type Pokemon like Kyurem and Hydreigon that would otherwise threaten Skarmory. Charizard acts as a great offensive threat against Steel-types like Corviknight and Aegislash that Skarmory is unable to touch.
- Written by: [[Maki, 481177]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Maki, 481177]]
- Quality checked by: [[Harpp, 320110], [maroon, 305839]
- Grammar checked by: [[Milak, 262594]]
name: Physically Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Roost
move 3: Body Press
move 4: Toxic
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Sturdy
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Skarmory is one of the premier entry hazard setters available to Flying teams while also being a great physically defensive pivot capable of checking threats like Bisharp and Terrakion, as well as being the only viable Pokemon on Flying teams with access to Spikes. Rocky Helmet wears down physical attackers like Heracross and Diggersby while also punishing Pokemon like Scizor and Barraskewda that use U-turn and Flip Turn, respectively. Spikes lets Skarmory punish opposing switch-ins with residual damage, which its offensive teammates can take advantage of. Roost allows Skarmory to have a reliable way of healing itself in order to continuously switch into attacks from Pokemon such as Bisharp, Heracross, and Mimikyu. Body Press allows Skarmory to use its enormous Defense stat to hit threats like Bisharp, Diggersby, and Tyranitar. Toxic helps punish opposing Pokemon like Mandibuzz and Mantine that would otherwise switch in and clear entry hazards for free. Whirlwind can be an option to phaze bulkier foes as well as offensive setup threats like Swords Dance Scizor and Substitute Dragapult to deal chip damage in combination with Spikes. Sturdy is usually the preferred ability to live hits from full health and possibly revenge kill or damage threats like Heliolisk and Rotom-H. Maximum HP and Defense investment with a Bold Nature is used to take on physical attackers like Terrakion and Bisharp better whilst also maximizing Body Press' power.
The entirety of Flying teams appreciate Skarmory's role as both a physical wall and entry hazard setter. Mantine in particular forms a strong defensive core alongside Skarmory due to being resistant to Fire-type moves and having a high Special Defense stat for dealing with threats to Skarmory like Cinderace and Volcarona. In return, Mantine appreciates Skarmory's ability to threaten Pokemon like Bisharp and Tyranitar. Mandibuzz is another good partner for Skarmory to deal with Ghost-types like Dragapult and Aegislash, which Skarmory is threatened by. In return, Skarmory makes use of its Steel typing to wall Pokemon that Mandibuzz is forced out by like Terrakion and Azumarill. Togekiss, Noivern, and Charizard all enjoy Skarmory's capabilities of switching into Rock-type moves as well its ability of setting up Spikes to better handle balanced teams. Nasty Plot Togekiss helps Skarmory break through walls like Taunt Corviknight and Toxapex that it would otherwise be useless against. Noivern serves as a great revenge killer for Dragon-type Pokemon like Kyurem and Hydreigon that would otherwise threaten Skarmory. Charizard acts as a great offensive threat against Steel-types like Corviknight and Aegislash that Skarmory is unable to touch.
- Written by: [[Maki, 481177]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Maki, 481177]]
- Quality checked by: [[Harpp, 320110], [maroon, 305839]
- Grammar checked by: [[Milak, 262594]]
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