
This is completely viable.
As Thorhammer said, you do not sacrifice a pokemon. Read this:


100% ------ 100%

Gyarados switched to Desukan!
Aggron used Head Smash!
Desukan lost 33%
Aggron's ability changed to Mummy!


100% ----- 67%

Desukan switched to Slaking!
Aggron used Head Smash!
Slaking lost 60%
Slaking's ability changed to Mummy!

^ -------- ^
Doh! ----- Lol.
That's not how Mummy works. You can't actively spread Mummy to other Pokemon; they have to contract it from your Pokemon.

The hold item Escape Button is the final piece of the puzzle here, guys. It allows Desukan to immediately switch out when struck. You switch Tut into a predicted contact move, get struck, pass Mummy, and switch to Slaking in a single move. No risk of the victim switching out.

One moment, they are facing their desired target down with their attacking move of choice; the next, Slaking has them checkmated with Pursuit.
Slash in Encore as one of your options. If you opponent thinks they can Protect or set up when you're loafing around, lock them into their non-attacking move and force them out.
Slaking is still not THAT godly. Sure 160 base attack is nice, but a SD from Garchomp or Dory or Ono still works much better than this kind of set up. This could be better if Slaking had like the equivalent of Blissey's hp in attack. Then it becomes more effective.
Does anyone actually have the damage calcs with Slaking against common threats though? It has to deal decent damage to all potential counters, because if it can get forced out even without Truant, that'll defeat the whole point.

But does Mummy remain the afflicted Pokémon's ability when it switches out?

It resets to the original ability, but the point is that Pursuit's priority will hit them right before they switch out.
Slaking has 150/100/65 defenses and only one weakness. That's plenty of reason to use it over other sweepers with comparable offenses.
In generation lV OU double battles i used A slaking-victreebel gastro acid tactic and was ofenly able to 5-0 (victreebel usually died) many of the "standard" OU teams. thats not a gimmic at all.
THough the whole desukan thing is cool, you do realise that its not foolproof. Evem if they use pursuit that turn your atack is nerfed. Bet your biscuits, there going to use that 1 turn to screw over slaking.
THough the whole desukan thing is cool, you do realise that its not foolproof. Evem if they use pursuit that turn your atack is nerfed. Bet your biscuits, there going to use that 1 turn to screw over slaking.

Is this a Slaking or a Regigigas thread ?_? I'm confused now
Is this a Slaking or a Regigigas thread ?_? I'm confused now

Hilariously, neither, as Regigigas's attack does not stay lowered after Gastro Acid and has not since like Jap DP lol

In any case the escape button strategy is cool IMO. However, I would run a very defensive set on Slaking; 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD Careful and Return/BU/Pursuit/Rest seems like the best set IMO. A bit gimmicky since you practically have to remove steel types and leech seeders/Erufuun in general but it seems like it could work.
IMO, the escape strategy works, and WELL, since I've been beaten by it several times before and swept in some cases, such as Slaking. In fact, a friend of mine in our local tourney scene has a team specifically for this with Slaking(singles, doubles, and triples), and it personally piss the me off. IMO, it's a good strat, can definitely work with a MummyKing running around.
Hilariously, neither, as Regigigas's attack does not stay lowered after Gastro Acid and has not since like Jap DP lol

In any case the escape button strategy is cool IMO. However, I would run a very defensive set on Slaking; 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD Careful and Return/BU/Pursuit/Rest seems like the best set IMO. A bit gimmicky since you practically have to remove steel types and leech seeders/Erufuun in general but it seems like it could work.

I assume you meant Slack Off over Rest? Or does the greater HP gain from Rest/Chesto work better for a defensive set?
As I already explained, none of that makes it so that you have to "resort" to using Mummy. It's an effective strategy, therefore it's not something you have to "resort" to using.

Whether or not you have another way to get rid of Truant is irrelevant. As I explained, just because you have only one way one way to do something doesn't make it something you have to "resort" to doing.
1. a place to which many people go for recreation, rest, etc.
2. the use of something as a means, help, or recourse

1 obviously isnt applicable as it means the other meaning of the word, but 2 is the actual definition of a resort, and this most definitely is a resort

a resort says nothing about it being an only option, or about it being bad or ineffective at all, slaking has to resort to mummy as a viable way to remove truant in single matches though, that is the definition of a resort
the way you were acting to M BLADE has come off seeming rather arrogant and ignorant

i personally love this strategy, but it is still something slaking has to resort to to remove truant in singles
as for the strategy itself, it can work, but it is a very one trick pony for slaking since he is left without a choice band to be workable with truant, and desukan forfeits another item for the escape button

if the opponent counters it with a red card on any pokemon get hit by slaking, or any other form of phasing, they will not fall for it again, and you can not get the garunteed mummy pass without the escape button which has been used

EDIT: also, does ditto copy mummy if it copies a mummied pokemon? if so thats another possiblity to stop it like other set ups
I personally believe that the best way to get rid of truant in double battles is simple beam. Boosting moves at this point could bring his great stats to godly levels.
Just wondering if anyone ever thought of using Giga Impact on Slaking?

I mean he has to waste that turn anyways, minus will deal insane amounts of damage while doing it. Just for an example of how insane this is here is a calc. Choice Band Slaking Giga Impact - VS - Physically defensive Skarmory:
40.4% - 47.6%

Remember that this is a resisted move against what many consider the best Defensive Wall. Imagine if you passed a swords dance to it or something. Actually here is the Calc:

80.5% - 94.9%

Same Pokes just Slaking with +2 attack.

Yeah that could mess some stuff up.
I really like that Mummy strategy with Slaking. Slaking is really strong actually and once Truant is gone, it is going to be really hard to take out with Slack Off and it has ridiculous power. If Skarmory is gone, nothing is really to stop it unless they can ohko and are faster.
Slaking Life Orb Fire Punch vrs. 334 hp/348 Def Skarm: 55.69-65.87% (If you somehow manage to get Bulk Up, it can ohko with Stealth Rock! But that is only theoretical since it probably won't happen)

Slaking Life Orb Frustration vrs. Heatran: 40.74-48.15%
Slaking Life Orb Frustration vrs. max/min Dragonite: 75.06-88.3% without Multi-Scale.

Slaking Life Orb Frustration vrs. Min/Min Tyranitar: 37.13-43.86%
Slaking Life Orb Frustration vrs. 331 hp/216 Def Terakion: 45.92-54.08%
Slaking Life Orb Frustration vrs 420 hp/344 DefHippowdon: 45.24-53.57%

Well, with Stealth Rock/Spike support it could 2 hit ko these walls without Truant activated but Slaking runs into a move pool problem since Slaking is so bulky one wants to have Slack Off, Frustration/Return are obligatory stab and the strongest moves unresisted, Fire Punch is needed to hit steels like Skarmory, Brongzong, and Nattorei as well as Scizor and Fortress, Earthquake is useful to hit rocks and other steels, and Pursuit is needed to guarantee a Mummy Pass for certain unfortunately. Because it could really use Bulk Up as well which makes it ridiculously strong (ohko with +1 Life Orb Fire Punch on Skarmory with Stealth Rock and 1-2 hit ko on the bulkiest walls) as well as defensive since Slaking can eat Breloom's Technician Punch for 63.95-75.28% without Bulk Up but with only 42.63-50.79% after the defense boost which not only is recovered with Slack Off but also knocks off Technician with Mummy.

Since Pursuit (to guarantee Mummy), Slack Off, and Frustration/Return are pretty much required, the last slot comes down to between Fire Punch and Bulk Up. You really have to go with Fire Punch in singles but Bulk Up could work once Skarmory and Nattorei are gone so if Bulk Up, Magnezone is required to beat the others.
Just wondering if anyone ever thought of using Giga Impact on Slaking?

I mean he has to waste that turn anyways, minus will deal insane amounts of damage while doing it. Just for an example of how insane this is here is a calc. Choice Band Slaking Giga Impact - VS - Physically defensive Skarmory:
40.4% - 47.6%

Remember that this is a resisted move against what many consider the best Defensive Wall. Imagine if you passed a swords dance to it or something. Actually here is the Calc:

80.5% - 94.9%

Same Pokes just Slaking with +2 attack.

Yeah that could mess some stuff up.
The extra power make sense, but I'd rather stick with Return because if you use Giga Impact, you can't switch out after you use it. To me, Slaking is just a hit and run sort of Pokemon.
Then again, they'd still get a free turn of set up and Slaking gets f-ed either way by Shadow Tag Shanderra if it uses Return/Giga Impact when it comes in or it comes in to revenge kill. I'd like to say Giga Impact but giving a free turn or two to a set up sweeper is dangerous since anything could come in, set up Nasty Plot/Swords Dance/Something and if they outspeed you, you'd be forced to lose another turn switching which could give another boost or cause you're switch in to take a huge hit. But Giga Impact can be very tempting...just watch out.
Glad someone else thought of the Desukan/Escpae Button thing.

What's a good moveset? Pursuit, Earthquake, Return, Slack Off?
Then again, they'd still get a free turn of set up and Slaking gets f-ed either way by Shadow Tag Shanderra if it uses Return/Giga Impact when it comes in or it comes in to revenge kill. I'd like to say Giga Impact but giving a free turn or two to a set up sweeper is dangerous since anything could come in, set up Nasty Plot/Swords Dance/Something and if they outspeed you, you'd be forced to lose another turn switching which could give another boost or cause you're switch in to take a huge hit. But Giga Impact can be very tempting...just watch out.

Well.. if your really too worried about scarf shandera... then it gets sucker punch from 4th gen tutor. Kinda redundant with pursuit, but he could certainly use the priority to take down fast ghosts / psychics. I'll point out though that a modest max SpA shandera will do 75.1~88.7% to slaking with fire blast when scarfed, so its not like shandera is a great all round check to slaking until it has been damaged a bit.

Pursuit/Return/Earthquake is almost necessary for the desukan set. The last move is a little harder to decide. Slack off has its uses of course with his great defensive bulk. Sucker punch as mentioned deals with scarf shandera... Fire blast could be used to always 2hko skarmory if you carry life orb (and still k/os Specially defensive skarm 50% of the time without life orb). Fire punch can work similarly... but you have to use adamant with a life orb... and even then 252/252 Impish skarm can survive 2 hits about 60% of the time (a bit more if it has lefties). Low kick or brick break can work over earthquake i guess (since balloon has gotten so popular on some things).

Well in the end its still not a great set.... because quite a few things can force it out depending on what it decides to forgo. It would be best to keep this strategy hidden until late game... but this is hampered by 2 things.
1). Keeping both slaking AND desukan hidden will be hard
2). We can see each others teams, so of course your opponent will see your carrying desukan / slaking and try to keep his counters healthy accordingly.
After reflection, I realized that the best Slaking was a bulky Slaking with 252 Atk/104 Def/18 Spd/136 SDef Adamant nature with Leftovers. Slaking should always max attack but investing in defenses makes it really hard to kill. Once phazers like Skarmory and Hippowdon are dead and Nattorei fellow, nothing other than a really really strong special attacker is going to get rid of Slaking like Choice Specs Latios, Darkrai, Gengar, Shaymin-S, or Shandera. It should use a set of Frustration/Pursuit/Bulk Up/Slack Off since it will hit everything and once steels like Skarmory, Forretress, Nattorei, and insane special attackers are gone, it will go to town and wipe the opponent. Here are some insane damage calculations of Slaking's physical bulk.

Life Orb Technician Breloom Mach Punch: 57.6-68.03% (Mummy and Bulk Up will turn Mach Punch into pittance damage and Frustration ohkos)
Choice Band Scizor Bullet Punch: 32.88-39%
Defensive Verizion Sacred Sword: 36.73-43.54%
Life Orb Max Attack Verizion Close Combat: 80.73-95.69% (Frustration kills back)
Choice Band Adamant Tyranitar Crunch: 44.9-53.06%
Adamant Life Orb Lucario Close Combat vrs +1 Slaking: 68.03-80.27% (+1 Frustration deals 75.8-89.68% so it could actually win with 3 layers of Spikes)
Timid Life Orb Shaymin-S Air Slash: 40.36-47.62%
Timid Life Orb Shaymin-S Seed Flare: 64.170-75.4%
Life Orb Darkrai's Dark Pulse (Focus Blast ohko 58.97% time):46.49-55.1%
Modest Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor: Ohko
Modest Choice Specs Latios Surf: 45.58-53.74%
Modest Choice Specs Latios Dragon Pulse: 64.85-76.42%
Modest Choice Scarf Shandera Overheat: 73.7-87.07% (any fire move 2 hit koes)
Timid Life Orb Gengar Focus Blast: 90.7-107.3% (41.03% ohko)
Guts Boosted Max attack Roopushin Mach Punch: 46.71-55.78%
Guts Boosted Max attack Roopushin Drain Punch vrs +1 Slaking: 58.5-69.39% (if Slaking got Bulk Up boost, Roopushin will lose)

And Mummy can really screw some of these abilities over like Technician and Guts which will make Bullet Punches and Mach Punches pathetically weak as Slaking Bulks Up. Slaking is ridiculous on the physical side and really tough on the special, requiring really powerful supereffective or base 147 SAtk stabs or Choice Specs Draco Meteor. Once those are gone, Slaking is going to show people that Slaking is more than a gimmick Pokemon and can viably sweep. It requires some support but the list of things to stop it are pretty short if it gets pulled off and thanks to Team viewer, you'll know what your opponent has and when it can be pulled off successfully. This thing is strong.