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Official SM DOU Stage 2 Suspect Voting

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The King Of Games
is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
The following users will vote on Kangaskhanite in Doubles OU
If your name is on the list but you dont have posting privileges in this forum by tomorrow, just shoot a PM to Memoric or I and we'll have you added.

Please use the following format for your posts:
Kangaskhanite: Ban
Kangaskhanite: Do Not Ban
Note that Kangaskhanite will be banned only if a 60% majority is reached.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the suspecting process!

NOTE TO NEW VOTERS: your vote will not show up until the end of the suspect test, even to yourself, so don't resubmit it.
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