Kaneki-san Jan 21, 2023 #80 Calling act, opp never responded to scheduling attempt. Proof on their wall
Hiko Banned deucer. Jan 21, 2023 #84 Asking for Act, opponent missed the scheduled time and we were not able to reschedule. Proof on my wall.
Asking for Act, opponent missed the scheduled time and we were not able to reschedule. Proof on my wall.
WinstonRed I COULD BE BANNED! Jan 21, 2023 #86 Requesting activity. Deadline is tomorrow and opponent hasn't responded to scheduling attempt, proof on his wall
Requesting activity. Deadline is tomorrow and opponent hasn't responded to scheduling attempt, proof on his wall
Elsquidwardo85 Jan 21, 2023 #97 My opponent said they aren't gonna have time to compete and gave me the win
ADF Test Banned deucer. Jan 21, 2023 #100 Asking for extension. Had work and family things pop up mid week. Anyday is fine