Tournaments SM Slam - Ubers Open [Won by Rhmsitb]

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Activity Decisions
Pokemh win vs kimer
entrocefalo win vs Lightniong
Oathkeeper win vs Yelou
Vxltarktimi win vs roxie
Lizardu win vs Bielzinxp
Ainzcrad win vs Miraculous Gold
Rhmsitb win vs ZDen
Mok3s win vs Don Bork
abra xdd win vs skimmythegod
ExguardiaN win vs Goat Heart ♥
memedose46 win vs LityL


I will be posting round 3 soon
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- This is a standard SM Ubers tournament.
- See the SM Ubers old gens hub for more information and resources, such as sample teams and viability rankings.
- This tournament is single elimination.
- Rounds will be best-of-3. Players may switch teams in between rounds and battles of the same set.
- Matches will be played on Pokémon Showdown or the SmogTours server.
- Replays must be saved and posted in the thread. Any match win reported without replays will not be counted. This is your only warning.
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here. A scheduling guide can be found here.
- This tournament is part of SM Grand Slam

Round 3
Mok3s  vs  Vxltarktimi
memedose46  vs  Maarck
abra xdd  vs  Rhmsitb
wssi  vs  Jojen
0.5Mirror  vs  ExguardiaN
leoperi99  vs  Oathkeeper
Dugtrio Is Broken  vs  Scizornite
emoxu9  vs  feen
Shivam_Z  vs  realaccountami?
Ainzcrad  vs  The Dovahneer
entrocefalo  vs  Abele01
Pokemh  vs  Lana
ZeroKitss  vs  LpZ
Monai  vs  8truc
MZ  vs  Falancies
Lizardu  vs  Pranjalsingh

Deadline for Round 3 is Sunday December 22th, 11:59 PM GMT -3.
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