Smogon Champions League I - Week 1

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SS NU: Davon vs TDK --- i cant understand why a single SS NU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team, it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a UUWC qualifier game by dropping Accelerock on Lycan. bop. on the other side, Davon is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is
I'm afraid you all players have got bad habits recently on the tournaments forum. When did it happen that opinions about competitive became personal insults? I am not sorry for giving my honest competitive thoughts on players without insulting anyone, instead of just saying in every prediction "uhm, this one is good but the other is better" and then saying in private channels "this one sucks more than the other" like everybody does. I'm not even trolling bea bro, I was genuinely only game-oriented in my post and just trying to give back some neutrality to the way players are judged. If the community dislikes sincere opinions, I'll stop but just to avoid wasting time.
red panda.jpeg
Just woke up, haven’t read yet but I agree with Niko.

Gave the whole thread a second read and I'm confused as to who really came up on top of this, and I think the majority must be thinking the same, so I decided to come up with some statistics on which I'll base myself later on as to who will have my genuine support.


So first of all, obviously I'll be analyzing and using a system of points for the whole thing:

1. The validity of the arguments presented in this debate, this clash between two gigantic influencers of our generation.


Niko -

The italian prodigee and self proclaimed most hated user on the site right now (after Ace-11's exile) emerged after his unban to shake the community up with his latest post. He promptly posted his predictions in this thread, with some critical comments regarding other user's plays which were not hurting at all. Going more in depth, we can see that before his sneaky edit that the initial post was:

'' SS OU: Eo Ut Mortus vs MAX UND MAX --- i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team, it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently. bop. on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is''

To take in account the face value of the argument, let's separate this whole sentence and fact check all of the claims Niko made:

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is

Well, that is a good point! Other users like McMeghan, TDK for example have gone for astoundingly high amount of cash before and that is because of their proactivity and their overall knowledge throughout most generations, which can help the team a lot on top of them being able to support themselves and play their games at a high level. A special mention to Bloo, whose support can count for two users.

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is
A snarky remark that obviously dates back to when Eo played xray for the WCOP Finals Tiebreak, but is that correct? So, I as someone who did not watch the game in fact and spent most of the time bom dia'ing everyone I can, am not in place to say that, thus I've asked around for opinions from giga chads of the game such as ABR, aiko and Serene Grace. The first two are accomplished users in their own tiers / generations. Adam, who I'll be calling that way for the sake of simplicity as it is faster for me to hit the keys A D M since they're very close than it is to hit A B R, even though it is obviously smaller (see it here and here), as one of the top 5 players of all time made it clear that his sincere opinion was that xray simply outplayed Eo, and then proceeded to get bailed by the ''Hubris Axel''(that is what pro players call the move Triple Axel when clicked with arrogance, presumption and greediness). I went on to ask aiko, a very accomplished user who worked her way to the dangerous players list, and I can say with confidence that she is one hell of a good player (literally just beat mncmt - top 5 OU players of all time yesterday in a side tournament in a clean match), who said verbatim: ''my assessment of that game is moreso that xray outplayed him''. The latter abstained from talking, as he claimed he did not watch the match thoroughly to have an opinion. That is a clean 2 Eo - 0 Niko, which seals the point that he did in fact, not choke, but rather his opponent performed better in that match. Do not be misled by blatant lies.

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is

Niko makes an excellent point in that user Shake deserves better than how the toxic SmogTours community treats him.

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is

Recent results (from WCOP to be more precise) have told me that yes, he is very good.

That is 1 point to Niko.

Eo -

Eo warrants no introduction, he is simply Eo. Great SS player and performed ridiculously well in the most recent Snake (now retired tour) / SPL / WCoP. On the more silent and mysterious side of the forum, he is quieter but not unspeaking. He did reply to Niko's post with not less than:

''I can't understand why a garbage player like you is still here, but you do you, bestie.''

Now, let's see if that's correct:

  • I can't understand why a garbage player like you is still here / but you do you / bestie / .
Eo starts off with an excellent jab at Niko's playing abilities, diminishing his records to nothing less than garbage. So, is that right? I asked active users in the community (Eternal Spirit, -Tsunami- and GOAO). The first one replied with: ''He's an average player, he clicks what his guts will tell him to and that's good because I project myself on him when I first started playing tournaments (even though he will never be a Magician), but if the same user were to be locked in a room with the key to open the door and no food he'd die from starving. As a person, he is pathetic and needs to put himself in his place''. That is a hell of a answer! Thanks, Gama. Now, onto Shake's response to my question, he simply replied with ''Slightly above average I guess bop''. Simple, although objective. GOAO's answer is not needed as it is already not looking good for him in terms of scoring, but the same said that ''Niko's thinking abilities go as far as his power to speak on stours''. That is harsh, but wow we do have an unanimous 3-0!

  • but you do you / bestie / .
Eo was on point! ''[10:23 AM] hs: is that right (regarding eo's post), as in ''you do you''?[10:26 AM] Niko: yes''

  • bestie / .
That is a great punchline, ironically using the smogonwide used word ''bestie'' to infer Niko is an ant in terms of Smogon sucess and overall achievements when both are being put aside.

  • .
Nothing more classy than to finish a discussion with a ''period
'' and that states that the conversation is over. Nothing else matters. From that point onwards, Eo does not care.

That is 1 point to Eo (+1 extra for all positive)
2. The first and most important thing that matters in a Smogon discussion like, ever. The Like Ratio.

So to begin this, I have made sure to like the involved user's posts to inflate their like counts while also being impartial.

Let's start off with Eo's post:


78 likes by the moment I am writing this post, great amount. That is one sign of a good post (does not really correlate to one in all cases, especially in Finchinator's posts).

Onto Niko's:


This is a painful and deplorable amount of likes. Like, even putting aside all posts he made (they had 17 and 21 respectively by the time I wrote this), that is only 78 likes. For a combinated amount of 3 posts. That on top of having the Circuit Breakers logo in his signature while not being in the tournament + the Starry Blanket haha's on all 3 posts, which leads me to think those must be really horrific posts. Overwhelming ratio.


Eo finished with 3 points, while Niko could not stand up for a good fight, only acquiring 1 mere point.


Technical Machines (6) vs (4) Showdown Shoguns

OU: ez vs z0mOG ez is great but z0mOG is slightly better
OU: Ajna vs TPP Ajna is great but TPP is slightly better
OU: Tace vs HSA HSA is great but Tace is slightly better
Ubers: SoulWind vs Manaphy Manaphy is great but SoulWind is slightly better
DOU: Nails vs Frania Frania is great but Nails is slightly better
UU: umbry vs Bushtush umbry is great but Bushtush is slightly better
RU: Confide vs TheFranklin TheFranklin is great but Confide is slightly better
NU: Davon vs TDK Davon is great but TDK is slightly better
PU: chlo vs false false is great but chlo is slightly better
LC: LilyAC vs dcae dcae is great but LilyAC is slightly better

Uncharted Terrors (5) vs (5) Circuit Breakers

OU: Raptor vs Lord_Enz Raptor is great but Lord_Enz is slightly better
OU: Gefährlicher Random vs Lusa Lusa is great but Gefährlicher Random is slightly better
OU: March Fires vs Serene Grace Serene Grace is great but March Fires is slightly better
Ubers: Icemaster vs byronthewellwell byronthewellwell is great but Icemaster is slightly better
DOU: Actuarily vs Spurrific Actuarily is great but Spurrific is slightly better
UU: Accel vs LNumbers Accel is great but LNumbers is slightly better
RU: lax vs Punny lax is great but Punny is slightly better
NU: sensei axew vs Sabella Sabella is great but sensei axew is slightly better
PU: Lambovino vs Sjneider Lambovino is great but Sjneider is slightly better
LC: KSG vs daunt vs KSG is great but daunt vs is slightly better

Mt. Silver Foxes (6) vs (4) Orange Islanders

OU: Finchinator vs devin finchinator is great but devin is slightly better
OU: Watashi vs Eternal Spirit Eternal Spirit is great but Watashi is slightly better
OU: Santu vs Ox The Fox Ox The Fox is great but Santu is slightly better
Ubers: M Dragon vs Exiline Exiline is great but M Dragon is slightly better
DOU: Memoric vs Mishimono Memoric is great but Mishimono is slightly better
UU: Adaam vs Indigo Plateau Indigo Plateau is great but Adaam is slightly better
RU: atomicllamas vs odr atomicllamas is great but odr is slightly better
NU: Xiri vs OnArceus OnArceus is great but Xiri is slightly better
PU: tlenit vs TJ tlenit is great but TJ is slightly better
LC: Toadow vs Boulicrok Boulicrok is great but Toadow is slightly better

Studio Gible (5) vs (5) Arena Spartans

OU: Eo Ut Mortus vs MAX UND MAX MAX UND MAX is great but Eo Ut Mortus is slightly better
OU: robjr vs talah robjr is great but talah is slightly better
OU: London Beats vs dice dice is great but London Beats is slightly better
Ubers: Fc vs 64 squares 64 Squares is great but Fc is slightly better
DOU: Paraplegic vs stax Paraplegic is great but stax is slightly better
UU: Luthier vs mncmt mncmt is great but Luthier is slightly better
RU: Nat vs Charmflash Charmflash is great but Nat is slightly better
NU: Rodriblutar vs TeamCharm Rodriblutar is great TeamCharm but is slightly better
PU: Raiza vs Termi Termi is great but Raiza is slightly better
LC: teal6 vs Laroxyl teal6 is great but Laroxyl is slightly better

Indigo Platoon (5) vs (5) Power Plant Dynamos

OU: Tamahome vs Insult Tamahome is great but Insult is slightly better
OU: MichaelderBeste2 vs BIHI BIHI is great but MichaelderBeste2 is slightly better
OU: Storm Zone vs beatiful Storm Zone is great but beatiful is slightly better
Ubers: Poek vs TrueNora Poek is great but TrueNora is slightly better
DOU: Z Strats vs Qwello Lee Z Strats is great but Qwello Lee is slightly better
UU: Gondra vs Askov Askov is great but Gondra is slightly better
RU: CrashinBoomBang vs Dragon Claw Dragon Claw is great but CrashinBoomBang is slightly better
NU: Kushalos vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d Kushalos is great but S1nn0hC0nfirm3d is slightly better
PU: Excal vs bruno bruno is great but Excal is slightly better
LC: kythr vs Wail Wailord Wail is great but kythr is slightly better

Is this ideal? Is this what you want your predicts to look like? Doesn't it defeat the whole point if all you're doing is bolding your friend or the person you like most just to fill up their ego without any concrete reasoning or explanation of why you actually think they're gonna win? Fuck it, 64 squares is a dear friend of mine but I still think he's gonna get fucking tossed because Fc is just that much better, and I'm not gonna hold back from saying that just because he's a buddy, cause I think that's exactly what drives a player to do his best and win, beating a player considered better than you despite how many people hold you incapable of doing that. I've played countless team tournament as the underdog player that everyone predicted against and that was the #1 thing that gave me motivation to overperform and put in 100% effort; and I've also played countless times as the better player that was predicted by everyone to win. Whether I had won or lost then I was still reminded that I was an accomplished player that people believed in, and that made me feel nice, and every time I lost I still got reminded that despite how I was favored, I always needed to keep my guard up and never underestimate any opponent.
Predicts are one of my favorite parts of any team tournament because it's what gives the most entertainment and the best player dynamics, and what makes an upset feel even more satisfactory. I love it when people take time to write predicts out and really pour out their reasonings for why I game will go in a certain way, and you can read paragraphs of theorycrafting with results, playstyles, how support affects matches etc, I love that and I think it's fascinating to read.
Learn to overcome your insecurities instead of getting your jerk friends to insult people when they bring them up. If you're mad that people are bolding against you when you're clearly the better player, just show them the opposite with results, whether you win or lose, they'll either have been right, or you've just proven them wrong (amazing feeling). If you keep winning they'll stop bolding against you eventually, no matter how much they dislike you.

sorry for the rant
This is the ideal predictions post. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Technical Machines (6) vs (4) Showdown Shoguns

OU: ez vs z0mOG ez is great but z0mOG is slightly better
OU: Ajna vs TPP Ajna is great but TPP is slightly better
OU: Tace vs HSA HSA is great but Tace is slightly better
Ubers: SoulWind vs Manaphy Manaphy is great but SoulWind is slightly better
DOU: Nails vs Frania Frania is great but Nails is slightly better
UU: umbry vs Bushtush umbry is great but Bushtush is slightly better
RU: Confide vs TheFranklin TheFranklin is great but Confide is slightly better
NU: Davon vs TDK Davon is great but TDK is slightly better
PU: chlo vs false false is great but chlo is slightly better
LC: LilyAC vs dcae dcae is great but LilyAC is slightly better

Uncharted Terrors (5) vs (5) Circuit Breakers

OU: Raptor vs Lord_Enz Raptor is great but Lord_Enz is slightly better
OU: Gefährlicher Random vs Lusa Lusa is great but Gefährlicher Random is slightly better
OU: March Fires vs Serene Grace Serene Grace is great but March Fires is slightly better
Ubers: Icemaster vs byronthewellwell byronthewellwell is great but Icemaster is slightly better
DOU: Actuarily vs Spurrific Actuarily is great but Spurrific is slightly better
UU: Accel vs LNumbers Accel is great but LNumbers is slightly better
RU: lax vs Punny lax is great but Punny is slightly better
NU: sensei axew vs Sabella Sabella is great but sensei axew is slightly better
PU: Lambovino vs Sjneider Lambovino is great but Sjneider is slightly better
LC: KSG vs daunt vs KSG is great but daunt vs is slightly better

Mt. Silver Foxes (6) vs (4) Orange Islanders

OU: Finchinator vs devin finchinator is great but devin is slightly better
OU: Watashi vs Eternal Spirit Eternal Spirit is great but Watashi is slightly better
OU: Santu vs Ox The Fox Ox The Fox is great but Santu is slightly better
Ubers: M Dragon vs Exiline Exiline is great but M Dragon is slightly better
DOU: Memoric vs Mishimono Memoric is great but Mishimono is slightly better
UU: Adaam vs Indigo Plateau Indigo Plateau is great but Adaam is slightly better
RU: atomicllamas vs odr atomicllamas is great but odr is slightly better
NU: Xiri vs OnArceus OnArceus is great but Xiri is slightly better
PU: tlenit vs TJ tlenit is great but TJ is slightly better
LC: Toadow vs Boulicrok Boulicrok is great but Toadow is slightly better

Studio Gible (5) vs (5) Arena Spartans

OU: Eo Ut Mortus vs MAX UND MAX MAX UND MAX is great but Eo Ut Mortus is slightly better
OU: robjr vs talah robjr is great but talah is slightly better
OU: London Beats vs dice dice is great but London Beats is slightly better
Ubers: Fc vs 64 squares 64 Squares is great but Fc is slightly better
DOU: Paraplegic vs stax Paraplegic is great but stax is slightly better
UU: Luthier vs mncmt mncmt is great but Luthier is slightly better
RU: Nat vs Charmflash Charmflash is great but Nat is slightly better
NU: Rodriblutar vs TeamCharm Rodriblutar is great TeamCharm but is slightly better
PU: Raiza vs Termi Termi is great but Raiza is slightly better
LC: teal6 vs Laroxyl teal6 is great but Laroxyl is slightly better

Indigo Platoon (5) vs (5) Power Plant Dynamos

OU: Tamahome vs Insult Tamahome is great but Insult is slightly better
OU: MichaelderBeste2 vs BIHI BIHI is great but MichaelderBeste2 is slightly better
OU: Storm Zone vs beatiful Storm Zone is great but beatiful is slightly better
Ubers: Poek vs TrueNora Poek is great but TrueNora is slightly better
DOU: Z Strats vs Qwello Lee Z Strats is great but Qwello Lee is slightly better
UU: Gondra vs Askov Askov is great but Gondra is slightly better
RU: CrashinBoomBang vs Dragon Claw Dragon Claw is great but CrashinBoomBang is slightly better
NU: Kushalos vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d Kushalos is great but S1nn0hC0nfirm3d is slightly better
PU: Excal vs bruno bruno is great but Excal is slightly better
LC: kythr vs Wail Wailord Wail is great but kythr is slightly better

Is this ideal? Is this what you want your predicts to look like? Doesn't it defeat the whole point if all you're doing is bolding your friend or the person you like most just to fill up their ego without any concrete reasoning or explanation of why you actually think they're gonna win? Fuck it, 64 squares is a dear friend of mine but I still think he's gonna get fucking tossed because Fc is just that much better, and I'm not gonna hold back from saying that just because he's a buddy, cause I think that's exactly what drives a player to do his best and win, beating a player considered better than you despite how many people hold you incapable of doing that. I've played countless team tournament as the underdog player that everyone predicted against and that was the #1 thing that gave me motivation to overperform and put in 100% effort; and I've also played countless times as the better player that was predicted by everyone to win. Whether I had won or lost then I was still reminded that I was an accomplished player that people believed in, and that made me feel nice, and every time I lost I still got reminded that despite how I was favored, I always needed to keep my guard up and never underestimate any opponent.
Predicts are one of my favorite parts of any team tournament because it's what gives the most entertainment and the best player dynamics, and what makes an upset feel even more satisfactory. I love it when people take time to write predicts out and really pour out their reasonings for why I game will go in a certain way, and you can read paragraphs of theorycrafting with results, playstyles, how support affects matches etc, I love that and I think it's fascinating to read.
Learn to overcome your insecurities instead of getting your jerk friends to insult people when they bring them up. If you're mad that people are bolding against you when you're clearly the better player, just show them the opposite with results, whether you win or lose, they'll either have been right, or you've just proven them wrong (amazing feeling). If you keep winning they'll stop bolding against you eventually, no matter how much they dislike you.

sorry for the rant
Gave the whole thread a second read and I'm confused as to who really came up on top of this, and I think the majority must be thinking the same, so I decided to come up with some statistics on which I'll base myself later on as to who will have my genuine support.


So first of all, obviously I'll be analyzing and using a system of points for the whole thing:

1. The validity of the arguments presented in this debate, this clash between two gigantic influencers of our generation.


Niko -

The italian prodigee and self proclaimed most hated user on the site right now (after Ace-11's exile) emerged after his unban to shake the community up with his latest post. He promptly posted his predictions in this thread, with some critical comments regarding other user's plays which were not hurting at all. Going more in depth, we can see that before his sneaky edit that the initial post was:

'' SS OU: Eo Ut Mortus vs MAX UND MAX --- i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team, it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently. bop. on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is''

To take in account the face value of the argument, let's separate this whole sentence and fact check all of the claims Niko made:

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is

Well, that is a good point! Other users like McMeghan, TDK for example have gone for astoundingly high amount of cash before and that is because of their proactivity and their overall knowledge throughout most generations, which can help the team a lot on top of them being able to support themselves and play their games at a high level. A special mention to Bloo, whose support can count for two users.

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is
A snarky remark that obviously dates back to when Eo played xray for the WCOP Finals Tiebreak, but is that correct? So, I as someone who did not watch the game in fact and spent most of the time bom dia'ing everyone I can, am not in place to say that, thus I've asked around for opinions from giga chads of the game such as ABR, aiko and Serene Grace. The first two are accomplished users in their own tiers / generations. Adam, who I'll be calling that way for the sake of simplicity as it is faster for me to hit the keys A D M since they're very close than it is to hit A B R, even though it is obviously smaller (see it here and here), as one of the top 5 players of all time made it clear that his sincere opinion was that xray simply outplayed Eo, and then proceeded to get bailed by the ''Hubris Axel''(that is what pro players call the move Triple Axel when clicked with arrogance, presumption and greediness). I went on to ask aiko, a very accomplished user who worked her way to the dangerous players list, and I can say with confidence that she is one hell of a good player (literally just beat mncmt - top 5 OU players of all time yesterday in a side tournament in a clean match), who said verbatim: ''my assessment of that game is moreso that xray outplayed him''. The latter abstained from talking, as he claimed he did not watch the match thoroughly to have an opinion. That is a clean 2 Eo - 0 Niko, which seals the point that he did in fact, not choke, but rather his opponent performed better in that match. Do not be misled by blatant lies.

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is

Niko makes an excellent point in that user Shake deserves better than how the toxic SmogTours community treats him.

  • i cant understand why a single SS OU slot would cost 40k without providing an extremely good support for atleast half of the team / it becomes even more inexplicable when the player in question choked a trophy decider game recently / bop / on the other side, MAX is doing well recently and he probably is motivated to show people how good he is

Recent results (from WCOP to be more precise) have told me that yes, he is very good.

That is 1 point to Niko.

Eo -

Eo warrants no introduction, he is simply Eo. Great SS player and performed ridiculously well in the most recent Snake (now retired tour) / SPL / WCoP. On the more silent and mysterious side of the forum, he is quieter but not unspeaking. He did reply to Niko's post with not less than:

''I can't understand why a garbage player like you is still here, but you do you, bestie.''

Now, let's see if that's correct:

  • I can't understand why a garbage player like you is still here / but you do you / bestie / .
Eo starts off with an excellent jab at Niko's playing abilities, diminishing his records to nothing less than garbage. So, is that right? I asked active users in the community (Eternal Spirit, -Tsunami- and GOAO). The first one replied with: ''He's an average player, he clicks what his guts will tell him to and that's good because I project myself on him when I first started playing tournaments (even though he will never be a Magician), but if the same user were to be locked in a room with the key to open the door and no food he'd die from starving. As a person, he is pathetic and needs to put himself in his place''. That is a hell of a answer! Thanks, Gama. Now, onto Shake's response to my question, he simply replied with ''Slightly above average I guess bop''. Simple, although objective. GOAO's answer is not needed as it is already not looking good for him in terms of scoring, but the same said that ''Niko's thinking abilities go as far as his power to speak on stours''. That is harsh, but wow we do have an unanimous 3-0!

  • but you do you / bestie / .
Eo was on point! ''[10:23 AM] hs: is that right (regarding eo's post), as in ''you do you''?[10:26 AM] Niko: yes''

  • bestie / .
That is a great punchline, ironically using the smogonwide used word ''bestie'' to infer Niko is an ant in terms of Smogon sucess and overall achievements when both are being put aside.

  • .
Nothing more classy than to finish a discussion with a ''period
'' and that states that the conversation is over. Nothing else matters. From that point onwards, Eo does not care.

That is 1 point to Eo (+1 extra for all positive)
2. The first and most important thing that matters in a Smogon discussion like, ever. The Like Ratio.

So to begin this, I have made sure to like the involved user's posts to inflate their like counts while also being impartial.

Let's start off with Eo's post:


78 likes by the moment I am writing this post, great amount. That is one sign of a good post (does not really correlate to one in all cases, especially in Finchinator's posts).

Onto Niko's:


This is a painful and deplorable amount of likes. Like, even putting aside all posts he made (they had 17 and 21 respectively by the time I wrote this), that is only 78 likes. For a combinated amount of 3 posts. That on top of having the Circuit Breakers logo in his signature while not being in the tournament + the Starry Blanket haha's on all 3 posts, which leads me to think those must be really horrific posts. Overwhelming ratio.


Eo finished with 3 points, while Niko could not stand up for a good fight, only acquiring 1 mere point.



People should be able to post their in-depth predictions and people should be able to respond if they feel they have been unjustly called-out. Talk shit, get hit.
"unjustly called out"

Turn 1
Eo has 210 seconds left.
starmaster has 240 seconds left.

Tapu Fini, come back!
Go! Garchomp!

The opposing uncle dald used Freeze-Dry!
It's super effective!
(Garchomp lost 100% of its health!)

Garchomp fainted!

"what u doing here u garbage ass player"

And all I said was that he wasn't worth 40k. Imagine if I said that I don't like how he plays.
hey, i'm here to provide a series of facts and opinions in case they were desired

1) teal6 believe in yourself and you will succeed
2) eo played a subpar tiebreak game but nonetheless he made better overall choices than his axel wielding opponent so he justifiably won that game, and in spl he lost vs the extremely talented starmaster clicking breeze dry turn 1
3) niko's initial post was fine, a form of free speech (copyrighted by the USA)
4) getting offended by predictions, while not unjustified, is a trademark horrible look, especially for said near 40k players
5) the word bestie is more overused than axel weavile
6) no infractions or moderation needed
7) good luck TonyFlygon Star

niko is the winner of the aforementioned exchange, and i am rooting for the platoon to win this tournament
Hi smogon im back :) First of all I wanted to say to Brumirage that shes a goat, i would have loved to use one of the avatars she created for this tournament. I also made predictions for OU games, enjoy (THEY ARE JUST MY OPINION)

SS OU: ez vs z0mOG --- better player imo
SS OU: Ajna vs TPP --- Ajna is a little bit overrated imo and I don't like his team picks, TPP looks more solid to me
SS OU: Tace vs HSA --- when i last saw HSA playing i wasn't really impressed so i'm betting on tace
SS OU: Finchinator vs devin --- bolding finch to make my bro devin get mad :P
SS OU: watashi vs Eternal Spirit --- watashi didn't look like someone who cares about the game during SPL and Gama is more a showman than a player. He plays by forcing a lot of 5050s so anything can happen.
SS OU: Santu vs Ox the Fox --- if Santu applies himself hes gonna get this win for sure
SS OU: Eo Ut Mortus vs MAX UND MAX --- as everybody says, Eo is the best and cannot lose. Im sorry for max he was unlucky with this pairing.
SS OU: robjr vs talah --- not as good as 30k+ (almost nobody is xd) but good rn and likely to win this game
SS OU: London Beats vs dice --- bolding london because i like him as an user
SS OU: Tamahome vs Insult --- Insult is a top player rn so i cannot avoid bolding him
SS OU: MichaelderBeste2 vs BIHI --- BIHI is a good player imo but a bit disappointing recently, i saw some bad turns in michael games but i think as a new player he has a lot to say in this game and i want to trust in his abilities.
SS OU: Storm Zone vs beatiful --- highlight. the "untitled 20k" man vs top 3 SS OU player (top 1?)
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