Smogon Charity Bowl V - ken's Bracket

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(Thanks to brightobject for the logo!)

Smogon will be hosting its fifth charity bowl in order to raise funds to provide aid for the disasters that are ongoing in Libya and Morocco. Libya is experiencing severe flooding from Storm Daniel, and the death count has already passed 11,000. Morocco on the other hand experienced a 6.8 magnitude tremor that has already taken over 2,500 lives. Those numbers are only increasing as the days go on, and thousands of people need help. We will be raising funds for the International Medical Corps foundation.

The tournament will take place this Sunday, September 24th, at 12PM (noon) EST (GMT -4). You can join us for this tournament as a participant, or follow the action live on our Twitch streams at Smogon will be raising money via donations throughout the event, so we are encouraging all participants and spectators to donate whatever you can spare. You will be able to donate through Twitch itself in this event when the stream is live. You can also donate right now if you so choose! You can donate at Smogon's Twitch, link here.


The Smogon Charity Bowl will consist of two brackets that will merge into a single bracket from Round Four of the tournament onwards. The tournament will be single elimination, best-of-one. The format will be Scarlet and Violet OU.

Players will be randomly divided into two groups. Each group will play in a live best-of-one tournament, following the same rules and format as the Smogon Tour. From Round 4 onwards, players will play in one bracket.

All games will take place on the official Smogon Tournament server at
General Smogon Tour rules:
  • You must have a Smogon forum account to sign up for this tournament. You cannot participate if you do not post in the signup thread. Proxy signup posts are not allowed.
  • When signups for this tour is posted, post as quickly as you can to ensure a place in the tournament. It is up to the discretion of the host on when sign-ups will be closed. On Xenforo (our current forum software), YOUR POST NUMBER IS NOT ALWAYS ACCURATE. Please do not attack the host or on SmogTours if your post number implies you should have been in the tournament and you are not.
  • Substitute players will only be applied in the first round and as deemed necessary by the host.
  • If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
  • You may change teams between rounds without penalty. You are, in fact, encouraged to do so to prevent your opponents from knowing your team in advance.
  • Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
Battling rules:
  • The format is Scarlet and Violet. The current status of the appropriate standard ladder will function as the prevailing tier list. If you have any question about whether a particular Pokemon is banned or not in any particular tier, reference the banlist of the appropriate ladder on PS! with '/tier'. This is not confusing. There will be no exceptions.
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two (2) of the same species of Pokemon on their team, based on National Pokedex number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on their team.
  • Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokemon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokemon.
  • Evasion Clause: A player cannot increase their Pokemon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
  • OHKO Clause: A player cannot use a move that has a chance of instantly KOing an opposing Pokemon. For example, Horn Drill or Sheer Cold are illegal moves.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, that player loses. SmogTours staff will not turn the timer off in any circumstance.
  • Self-KO Clause: If a player uses a recoil move to cause a draw, that player wins. If a player uses Explosion, Selfdestruct, Destiny Bond, or Perish Song to cause a draw, that player loses. If a draw would be caused by a hold item or ability that causes recoil to the opponent, the player that controls the Pokémon with the hold item or ability wins. (This clause helps determine the winner of what would be called a tie in DPP. Later generations do not apply this clause, because their cartridge mechanics will prevent ties from happening.)
  • Endless Battle Clause: A player cannot use a combination of items / moves / abilities to force a game that will never end (example: Recycle / Leppa Berry / Heal Pulse, etc).
  • Moody Clause: A player can not use the ability Moody.
  • Swagger Clause: A player can not use the move Swagger.

The winner of the Charity Bowl will receive a prize banner to appear on their Smogon account. In addition, the following Pokemon Showdown prizes are being offered, courtesy of PS! Staff:
  • A custom avatar.
  • The ability to recolor your PS username.
  • The ability to claim an unused PS username.
The winner will be able to choose between a custom avatar and claiming an unused PS username, in addition to being granted a recolour; the remaining option will be granted to the runner-up.
The prize banner will appear under the user’s custom title and state that they are the winner of the Smogon Charity Bowl. The winner will be allowed to choose from a range of colours.

The custom PS avatar must meet all ordinary rules for custom avatars, and is subject to Marty's approval.

The PS name recolor will allow you to change your PS username color to the color of another account that you own.

Regarding claiming an unused PS username, only names that have not been used for three or more years are eligible to be claimed.

We strongly encourage all entrants to donate at least $5. However, if you are unable to give at this time, you will still be able to participate in this tournament.

Again, you can show your support here:

Thank you all.


Round 1

Nikebeamz  vs  avarice
mncmt  vs  Savouras
Mashing  vs  Nultiprise
pannu  vs  Albret
egalvanc  vs  Ainzcrad
TJ  vs  RaJ.Shoot
Akarui~Kurayami  vs  Cicada
AquaticCarlie  vs  TheFlyingHam
Bka Onon  vs  Bouff
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  Drifting
Airi  vs  Gabriel Maleson
Chris Chien Pao  vs  Zoyotte
Fraolain  vs  Mandibuladel5555
Mizuhime  vs  RichardMillePlain
Inder  vs  djuiceem
Lunala  vs  Ryuji
Call me PK  vs  anique
trace  vs  Mysterious M
Blonking  vs  BIHI
CallMeValentine  vs  F-00
Luirromen  vs  Ado
Alpha1013  vs  Nonabyssal
Éric  vs  Mada
BrainDamageHaver  vs  IFCair
Kerthwack  vs  Mimikyu Stardust
Brumirage  vs  Corporate Donkey
weird mon  vs  QWILY
Kaif  vs  Foufakirby
Zesty43  vs  TDNT
devin  vs  Herv
Bubtheman72  vs  pj
mariette83  vs  Strangely me
memedose46  vs  3d
Skooma  vs  C0nfiden1 0yster
ColeGenda70  vs  seroo
Zavok :3  vs  hariyana grande
ArnavChawla  vs  Naraku Kirigiri
Luthier  vs  hpdark
Exotic64  vs  Lily
nis298  vs  yovan33321
artifice.  vs  sensei axew
monchooo  vs  the412gang
Grandmas Cookin  vs  Mihowk
Chicos  vs  Exiline
Gilbert arenas  vs  Punny
Nowelle  vs  Timmyturner69
LoseToRU?  vs  Delta4
Kyo  vs  Akalli
TBIC106  vs  NoName6293
InvejaMata  vs  TDR
s7a  vs  Banbadoro
Gaels24  vs  JaRoH
Vkhss  vs  havocknight
Cooulman  vs  dex
SwordIsBored  vs  Meru
fade  vs  Fantas Shadow
Beraldo  vs  Ecca
Omnia  vs  Dasmer
15terms  vs  Vulpix03
Kibo  vs  Mimilucha
Micciu  vs  VTMagno
Ophion  vs  phonkman
teal6  vs  Beleth

Round 2

Luthier vs. JaRoH
yovan33321 vs. Ado
egalvanc vs. Star
weird mon vs. dex
Nikebeamz vs. Mihowk
LoseToRU? vs. Punny
pannu vs. TDNT
Ophion vs. teal6
Meru vs. Chris Chien Pao
Sylveon used calm mind vs. BrainDamageHaver
Bouff vs. Alpha1013
Kaif vs. TheFlyingHam
Micciu vs. Kerthwack
NoName6293 vs. TDR
Strangely me vs. Mysterious M
pj vs. Vulpix03
Zavok :3 vs. Banbadoro
monchooo vs. RichardMillePlain
Blonking vs. Cicada
Airi vs. Fraolain
Ecca vs. Lunala
anique vs. Dasmer
Exiline vs. Éric
CallMeValentine vs. Skooma
Exotic64 vs. fade
Brumirage vs. Inder
Vkhss vs. Kyo
TJ vs. Nultiprise
Nowelle vs. artifice.
ArnavChawla vs. 3d
Herv vs. ColeGenda70
Mimilucha vs. mncmt

Round 3

Ado vs. Nultiprise
Exotic64 vs. Zavok :3
Éric vs. weird mon
3d vs. artifice.
Sylveon used calm mind vs. teal6
Cicada vs. TheFlyingHam
Airi vs. monchooo
Vkhss vs. Lunala
Dasmer vs. Micciu
NoName6293 vs. mncmt
Inder vs. Mihowk
Punny vs. Vulpix03
Strangely me vs. Skooma
Bouff vs. ColeGenda70
pannu vs. egalvanc
JaRoH vs. Meru
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yo what do you do when you won...? also

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《速度与激情9》 因为非常好电影 动作非常好 差不多一样 冰淇淋 再见
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