Amusing to see people acting like a grand slam semifinalist can't play a lower tier
May I remind you that Tesung subbed on a CrobatAmusing to see people acting like a grand slam semifinalist can't play a lower tier
Here's your power rankings. Now stop bothering me about it.
Bigs' still my favorite team simply because McMeghan is on its roster.
Ruiners' my second favorite team because of who's managing it.
Classiests' my second least favorite team because of who's managing it.
Sharks is the worst team ever because it got two of the trashiest players on Smogon.
Happy now?
to be fair inner focus kinda still has a niche in dodging flinches from stuff like fake out LO mienshao but it hasnt really been as useful since jirachi the flinching god left uuMay i remind you that Tesung has 2 trophies? Misplays happen, we are humans not robots. And he must be doing something right considering his performance in the last year (in Tour and GS!).
May i remind you that Tokyo Tom is always fishing for likes?May i remind you that Tesung has 2 trophies? Misplays happen, we are humans not robots. And he must be doing something right considering his performance in the last year (in Tour and GS!).
where would you be if the nu community had your attitude 3 years ago
if i dont get drafted midseason- im calling it- malarkey. Im tired of watching ppl like go10 play every week when i know im better than him. i let this slide at the intial draft but i made a point to be active everyday on server. i know the dpp meta as well as anyone and just bc i dont calc every match doesnt mean idk how. ive been on smogon longer than most ppl here and just get no love even from ppl than have known me since 2000s. then on top of practicing pokemon everyday i might be one of the rawest hiphop producers alive. i am tired of ppl on here stealing swag! damn! i just wanna play pokemon stop hating!
Edit: Getting many messages I appreciate yall, we will continue to win more.. juss knoe
Good bidding yall #MYPRICEWENTUP
EDIT AGAIN IDC ANYMORE: You do know Lil B the basedgod used my first beat on a collaboration with chance the rapper and literally named the song "First Mixtape" cause it was my first time ever producing on a mixtape??? I AM THEBASEDLORD here #MYPRICEWENTUP #STOPHATING
Here comes those haters I love it, can't wait to blow yo shit up Bad Ass. I got managers on my line right now, nigga u aint safe I'm comin for that ass, Bad Ass"knows dp inside and out"
"uses hitmontop"
something doesn't add up
if i dont get drafted midseason- im calling it- malarkey. Im tired of watching ppl like go10 play every week when i know im better than him. i let this slide at the intial draft but i made a point to be active everyday on server. i know the dpp meta as well as anyone and just bc i dont calc every match doesnt mean idk how. ive been on smogon longer than most ppl here and just get no love even from ppl than have known me since 2000s. then on top of practicing pokemon everyday i might be one of the rawest hiphop producers alive. i am tired of ppl on here stealing swag! damn! i just wanna play pokemon stop hating!
Edit: Getting many messages I appreciate yall, we will continue to win more.. juss knoe
Good bidding yall #MYPRICEWENTUP
EDIT AGAIN IDC ANYMORE: You do know Lil B the basedgod used my first beat on a collaboration with chance the rapper and literally named the song "First Mixtape" cause it was my first time ever producing on a mixtape??? I AM THEBASEDLORD here #MYPRICEWENTUP #STOPHATING
This O_OI'll do tryout battles send your best Oras players and I'll have them annihilated without losing. I'm tired of seeing light weights being picked over me
not sure what he is referring to hereI get to play without doing any pathetic post like yours, keep begging and watch me play. There is some things in this world that you can only watch and not touch. I appreciate the fact that you think about me though.
lmao nice taking the bait homie, there is nothing in life you will ever do that will make me jealous of you. clearly a joke post, have fun taking pokemon serious foreverI get to play without doing any pathetic post like yours, keep begging and watch me play. There is some things in this world that you can only watch and not touch. I appreciate the fact that you think about me though.