Smoochum (Analysis)


<p>With a high base Special Attack stat and decent Speed, Smoochum fits the role of a Choice Scarf user nicely. Her wide movepool provides access to a variety of support and offensive moves. A lot of weaknesses to common priority moves and Stealth Rock combined with terrible defenses makes one think twice about using Smoochum on a hail team. Nonetheless, our little beauty queen keeps up with other Pokemon by applying a lot of make-up and a strict diet.</p>

name: Choice
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Psycho Shock / Psychic
move 4: Trick / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Forewarn
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 156 HP / 236 SpA / 76 Spe


<p>A Choice set is probably the best
set Smoochum can run. With large Special Attack and Speed stats as well as a great movepool, she poses as a nice threat. With access to Trick, Smoochum has the ability to cripple potential setup sweepers such as Murkrow or Dragon Dance Scraggy, and with Ice Beam getting a STAB boost, no Gligar will want to switch in on her. Hidden Power Fire is useful for preventing Steel-types such as Magnemite and Komatana from setting up all over her. Hidden Power Fighting is a second option allowing Smoochum to come and revenge kill Dark- and Normal-types. Psycho Shock is a great move Smoochum gets from this generation, allowing it to use its Special Attack to deal physical damage, which is terrific for hitting the more specially bulky Pokemon such as Munchlax. Shadow Ball gives Smoochum coverage on Ghost-type Pokemon such as Misdreavus or Frillish, hitting them for super effective damage.</p>


<p>Forewarn is the preferred ability here as moves like Captivate and Attract are not too common. Smoochum's Special Attack is its dominant stat so running a Modest Choice Scarf set is recommended. With the Speed EVs given, Smoochum hits 21 with a Choice Scarf, allowing it to outspeed all non-scarf Pokemon. If you want you can run a higher Speed stat, switch the HP and Speed EVs around. This will allow her to outspeed most Scarf Pokemon who usually invest until 14 Speed is reached. The HP EVs will help Smoochum live survive the common priority moves she will face.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>When Snover is on the team to set up permanent hail, change Ice Beam to Blizzard,
as never-missing accuracy and 120 Base Power will tear apart unprepared teams. A Mean Look + Perish Song set can be run, forcing opponents to stay in as they inch closer and closer to death, where Smoochum will switch on the last turn. Smoochum also has the potential to be a Lead or Dual Screener, but note that the latter is outclassed by Natu. Smoochum gets the moves to run a support set with Wish, Toxic, and Protect, but due to its terrible defenses, this is not recommended.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Smoochum has terrible defense and many common weaknesses, making it easy to counter. She has to fear every common priority move in the game from Bullet Punch Meditite to Sucker Punch Diglett. Wynaut can trap Smoochum with Shadow Tag then use Mirror Coat until Smoochum faints. Houndour is Dark- and Fire-type
d, so it resists Ice Beam and is immune to Psychic, making it a main counter. It can then checkmate Smoochum with Pursuit, making her unable to switch without taking massive damage. Ferroseed can switch in on a Psychic or Shadow Ball and start setting up Spikes or Stealth Rock. Other Steel-types such as Pawniard or Magnemite make good checks as they resist both of Smoochum's STAB moves. Thick Fat Munchlax poses a large threat by resisting Ice Beam and Blizzard, and bolstering massive Special Defense. It can come in and start setting up Curse, trap Smoochum with Pursuit or just KO her.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Hydration is pretty useless on Smoochum for three main reasons: no permanent rain in Little Cup,
lack of bulk, and the fact that it would be smarter to just KO her rather than giving her a status. There is a possibility of using a Hydration, Flame Orb, and Trick but it is more a gimmick than anything.</p>

Wow, Engineer Pika musta done good.


GP 2/2