Solstice vs. Deck Knight (Ref: Kaxtar)

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1 vs 1
2 Day DQ
1 Rest/Recover, 3 Chills
Arena: The Galvantula Nest

This arena is composed of a solid web of sticky spider silk, but with a small twist. Any contact with there fibers will cause an electrical shock! The Joltik and Galvantula who live here also love a good Pokemon battle, but they prefer the catch of the day, your Pokemon. The nest is located in the underbelly of Castelia City, so there's no light, and the ground, if it's not covered in spider silk, is hard concrete.

Summary: Walls, ceiling, and part of the floor are covered in electrical spider silk, so if contact is made there's a chance of both entanglement and shock. When vibrations are sent up the threads, there's a 50% chance of a Pokemon coming down and attacking (75% Joltik, 25% Galvantula), and then retreating. No weather, and no digging.

One Ability
No Items
Switch = KO

Solstice, start with your pokemon and its ability, and Deck knight can do the same as well as stating his first set of commands. Good luck!
AquaVelva, I choose you!


Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)
Nature: Quiet

It may be dark in here, but its not like you're not used to rolling in the mud.

Start with round off with a loud Yawn. Baltoy might not be able to see you, but it can hear you. Next cover yourself in Mud Sport for some shockproofing. Finish up with Ice Beam. Use the light it generates to find Baltoy and strike.

Yawn ~ Mud Sport ~ Ice Beam
Itzamna lead off with a Confusion to keep her mouth shut so she can't Yawn! Then try to hit her back with an Ancientpower so she hits the threads! If she hits them then use Cosmic Power, but if not or if she's going to get Mud Sport up use Rapid Spin to knock her back and to get rid of the mud!

Confusion - Ancientpower - Cosmic Power/Rapid Spin
Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)

HP: 90
Energy: 100%
Atk: *(-)
Def: ***(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 55

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 100
Energy: 100 %
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)

Wow, it sure is dark in here. The only light seems to be coming from the dim spider webs, which are giving off an eerie green glow. Good thing for AquaVelva that its first move doesn't depend on the light! It starts with a loud yawn, making Baltoy feel tired right away. Using its psychic senses to find its foe, Baltoy then proceeds to use a Confusion on Shellos, which picks up and throws shellos towards the wall, which the luminescent spider web covers. Not heavily distracted by the psycho-kinetic attack, Shellos then excretes mud from its amphibious pores, covering itself in soothing mud to protect itself from any electricity.

Meanwhile, Baltoy has been preparing an ancient power, which it fires at Shellos. However, due to the strength of Shellos's sticky hold on the ground (I'm assuming you're using Sticky Hold as your ability since Baltoy has no water type moves to activate storm drain), Shellos does not fly into the web of the spiders. Alerted to Baltoy's position by the Ancient Power, Shellos then shoots an Ice Beam straight at the floating mud doll, damaging it heavily. To finish up, Baltoy uses a rapid spin on Shellos, hoping to clean the mud off Shellos and knock it into the spider web. But due again to Sticky hold, the mud stays put. Because of Yawn, Baltoy is then forced asleep. However, Shellos is successfully knocked into the web, where the pokemon above begin to stir...

Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)

HP: 75
Energy: 91%
Atk: *(-)
Def: ***(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 55
Status: Sleep (Light sleep, 2 actions left)

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 82
Energy: 82%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)
Status: Covered in Mud (mud will fall off in 4 actions)

No Pokemon has come out of the web, and Shellos is stuck to the web. It will take one action to get yourself out of the web, but doing this will possibly sick a pokemon on the trapped victim. Baltoy is about 4 feet away from Shellos, and it is also in a light sleep. Solstice is up next.
Wait, I dont outspeed? Shouldn't I have gone first that round?

Wake up Itzamna! When you get up make sure to try to keep Aqua Velva in the web by using Psybeam!

Psybeam(If Awake)-Psybeam-Psybeam
I was a dope and didn't see One Ability. It would have been Sticky Hold though. Oh, and for these actions Scald = Boil Over.

Alright AquaVelva it's time to break out of this mess. Send a blast of Scalding water all about. The heat should destabilize the fibers in the silk and release you. Even if a light shock goes through the web Mud Sport should protect you.

Once you're released, send a Water Pulse out at Baltoy, then strike it with a Scald.

Scald (destabilize the web fibers with boiling water to release yourself from it) ~ Water Pulse (Baltoy) ~ Scald (Baltoy)
Shellos went first because it is quicker to yawn then it is for Baltoy to charge up and use a Confusion.

Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)

HP: 75
Energy: 91%
Atk: *(-)
Def: ***(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 55
Status: Sleep (Light sleep, 2 actions left)

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 82
Energy: 82%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)
Status: Covered in Mud (mud will fall off in 4 actions)

Shellos uses some of the water it internally stores to boil up the surrounding web, which thankfully does not call down a grumpy lightning spider. This softens the web, allowing Shellos to escape. Baltoy, who is asleep, doesn't even take note of this revelation. Shellos then takes its time to locate Baltoy due to the faint glow its luminescent body marks give off, and fires a Water Pulse straight at it. Baltoy is then shocked awae by this, and uses a Psybeam to lift Shellos back into the spider web. However, because Shellos already softened the web, it is able to get back out of the web without a problem. Shellos then fires a boiling water all around, but 40% of the liquid fails to hit Baltoy. Not annoyed by this, Shellos prepares for next round, while Baltoy tries to conjure up a winning plan.

Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)

HP: 51
Energy: 87%
Atk: *(-)
Def: ***(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 55
Status: None

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 73
Energy: 68%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)
Status: Covered in Mud (mud will fall off in 1 action)

The pokemon are about 10 feet apart, and shellos is still close to the wall. A Joltik comes out of the web and fixes the soft part of it, returning the web back to its normal condition. Deck Knight, you're up next!
Psychic attacks are quite a nuisance, eh.

Well AquaVelva, start this round with another Yawn. Getting moved around by Psychic attacks is rather a disadvantage here. Then use Ice Beam's light to search out Baltoy again and fire. Finish with another Scald, either at a web if you've been stuck there again or Baltoy.

Yawn ~ Ice Beam ~ Scald (web in entangled or Baltoy)
Okay Itzamna stifle the Yawn with an Extrasensory! That might make it feel too awake to do it sucessfully! Then get in close and use Rapid Spin to try and screw up his aim with Ice Beam and then use Rock Tomb to trap him inside of a wall so Scald doesn't work!
Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)

HP: 51
Energy: 87%
Atk: *(-)
Def: ***(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 55
Status: None

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 73
Energy: 68%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)
Status: Covered in Mud (mud will fall off in 1 action)

The round starts with a quick Extrasensory, which is targeted right at Shellos and pushes its face into the ground. Shellos calms down from the face plant, and then Yawns in the direction of Baltoy again, causing it to become sleepy once more. Trying to fight off the sudden exhaustion, Baltoy Rapidly spins to try and deflect the oncoming Ice Beam, which Shellos had been preparing. However, the slow baltoy just can't spin fast enough, and gets hit hard by the Ice Beam. It even strikes Baltoy for a critical hit! AquaVelva then prepares to launch a glob of hot water, but gets side tracked by Rocks which suddenly rain down on it. Shellos is trapped in a rock tomb, but there is no ceiling to it, only walls. Therefore, Shellos throws the water up over the rocks, and some of it hits Baltoy. Unfortunately for Baltoy, it gets burned by the water. Things just aren't going well for Baltroy today. But at least Shellos is still trapped in the rock prison.

Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)

HP: 23
Energy: 76%
Atk: *(-)
Def: ***(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 55
Status: Burned

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 57
Energy: 50%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)
Status: None

Shellos is inside the rocks, and its speed will be lowered if it tries to escape. Baltoy was pushed back by the water, and is now 7 feet from Shellos. Solstice is up next.
Seriously? Wooow this is crappy.

Itzamna lead off with another Rock Tomb, and then double Earth Power!

Rock Tomb-Earth Power-Earth Power
Shellos, prepare a Water Pulse and then blast the rocks away. Find out where Baltoy is with another Ice Beam, then finish it with Scald.

Water Pulse (blast away rocks) ~ Ice Beam ~ Scald
Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)

HP: 23
Energy: 76%
Atk: *(-)
Def: ***(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 55
Status: Burned

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 57
Energy: 50%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)

Baltoy starts be re-enforcing the stone prison of Shellos by layering on more and more rocks. This makes it impossible for Shellos to break out by normal means, so it uses a Water Pulse to blast away all of the rocks. Baltoy, realizing the trouble it is in, uses an Earth Power on the mud slug, forcing it into the spider web. A Joltnik comes out of the web and uses a Schock Wave on its prey, and sneaks back into the shadows. Dazed by the electricity, Shellos's Ice Beam is a little off, and only hits Baltoy in the arm. Baltoy then uses a last Earth Power, again smashing Shellos. But it hangs on, and heats up one last glob of water, which it fires straight at Baltoy. Its aim is true, and hits baltoy head on. It fought hard, but the water attacks were just too much for the clay doll. As it faints on the ground, shellos stands up tall and proud, happy of the win.

Great job Shellos and Deck Knight, and good try Solstice.

Shellos gets one EC, one Mc, one DC, and one Ko bonus. Baltoy gets one EC, one MC and one DC. I also get one ref token. I'll post this in the prize claim thread, great job both of you!

Baltoy (*) (N) (Itzamna)= KO'ed

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)

HP: 34
Energy: 50%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****(+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 29(-)
Excellent work AquaVelva!

GG Solstice.

I'll put the KO Counter into Shellos' Move Counter. I'm using the Move Counters on Body Slam and Muddy Water, which should fill out Shellos' Level-Up Moves. TALLY-HO!

I'll reserve the 2 Trainer Counters. I'll probably post something to catch up a little later.
Yeah GG, hopefully Baltoy levels pretty soon, when he's on a type disadvantage he's been having TONS of trouble, which is a lot because he's weak to pretty much EVERYTHING. I'll cash in everything later tonight.
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