Approved Specify powers/capabilities of Section Leaders somewhere.


At first, I was unsure if SLeaders are capable of using punish commands. I also do not know what rank it is equivalent to in terms of power, and I would like that specified somewhere such as:émon-showdown-forum-rules-resources-read-here-first.3570628/#post-6774482.

Additionally, as far as I'm aware - based on what I was told, they are only able to use said commands in the rooms that fall under the section that they lead (correct me if I'm wrong). So, if we could expand "They oversee rooms in a particular section" to "They can use [these commands] in the rooms they overlook", I would like that. I think the fact that their names are bolded on the userlist and that they are positioned underneath the room and global driver rank makes it more confusing to figure out what they can do.

Also, "sectionleaders" is a bit long to type - would it be possible to create an alias "sl"? Maybe "sls" where the last 's' represents the plural aspect of the full rank name.

If any aspect of this suggestion is approved, please feel free to implement it however you like. What I provided are just ideas of my own.
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the command aliases /sl and /sls are both already in use fwiw

I disagree with the wording change as it would be putting the focus on the least important part of their role. Serving in an administrative role in their section and participating in global staff affairs is far, far more important than moderating their rooms. Not going to outright reject this in case someone else has something interesting to say, but I'd need solid convincing here.
the command aliases /sl and /sls are both already in use fwiw

I disagree with the wording change as it would be putting the focus on the least important part of their role. Serving in an administrative role in their section and participating in global staff affairs is far, far more important than moderating their rooms. Not going to outright reject this in case someone else has something interesting to say, but I'd need solid convincing here.

Fair. Though, don't you think there should at least be some place that outlines what they're capable of? Given that they are actually reachable members for watching most staffless public rooms, I thought this was important enough to incorporate that detail. It's pretty clear that they administrate/oversee a particular sector, but the fact that little is known about them moderation-wise makes it difficult to be familiarized with the rank. Today, I left a room I moderate and I was unable to find a global staff member to watch the room. Though I wasn't certain if a particular Section Leader who is typically in that room was able to watch the chat in my place.

I understand that moderation is least focused on with regards to Section Leaders, but would it be fair to suggest that it should be mentioned somewhere as a 'for your information' - on the link below, for example? It is specified that they do not possess global moderation powers, but would it be possible to very briefly mention that they can Mute/Room Ban users (and only in rooms pertinent to their section)?

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Yeah I'm perfectly fine with having their exact powers delineated somewhere. Either I can put it on my to-do list and get around to it when I can or someone else can take the reins there.

Awesome. Consider that my suggestion then. I will reword the OP as not to make my aim to alter the description in /groups, but rather specify their powers someplace else.
Thanks for the swift responses.