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As it has been an hour since our dutifully scheduled time, my opponent has not been online, and I am unable to play tomorrow, I must with a heavy heart call activity on my opponent for week one.
While I am disappointed at the lack of opportunity to trial my fortitude against one of Smogon’s noble challengers, I do recognize the opportunity to further forge my competence in the great epicenter of Pokémon competition that is Smogon, and I believe that in its honor my unwavering devotion to providing my loyal followers with a gallant showing of dauntless gameplay is sacrosanct. Therefore, I will continue to toil in preparation for Week 2, taking nothing for granted.
I messaged on Monday, still nothing on Sunday
I've cut them lots of slack, they've still not replied back
They were last online on the 4th, on Smogon they've yet to come forth
I'm taking the win via act, this much is a fact
Screenshot is attached, my disappointment is unmatched (jk I know people forget/are busy)
[I felt obligated to try something funny after what BigMikeOG posted lol. Definitely did not make something funnier but I did make a rhyme based on Toast's idea!]
Calling activity on my opponent, they take 4 days to reply, then ask to play "tomorrow" (which is not very helpful info since I don't even know what time zone they're in) so I try to schedule a game, to which they don't reply to for over 15 hours, and also do not show up to, only to say they are "on now"4 hours after when I said I'd be available. Claiming activity because any game will be on such short notice now.View attachment 452375
As it has been an hour since our dutifully scheduled time, my opponent has not been online, and I am unable to play tomorrow, I must with a heavy heart call activity on my opponent for week one.
While I am disappointed at the lack of opportunity to trial my fortitude against one of Smogon’s noble challengers, I do recognize the opportunity to further forge my competence in the great epicenter of Pokémon competition that is Smogon, and I believe that in its honor my unwavering devotion to providing my loyal followers with a gallant showing of dauntless gameplay is sacrosanct. Therefore, I will continue to toil in preparation for Week 2, taking nothing for granted. View attachment 452631
I messaged on Monday, still nothing on Sunday
I've cut them lots of slack, they've still not replied back
They were last online on the 4th, on Smogon they've yet to come forth
I'm taking the win via act, this much is a fact
Screenshot is attached, my disappointment is unmatched (jk I know people forget/are busy)
[I felt obligated to try something funny after what BigMikeOG posted lol. Definitely did not make something funnier but I did make a rhyme based on Toast's idea!]
Activity Win awarded to vrouter
Activity Win awarded to ProssettiVGC
Activity Win awarded to Domarp
Activity Win awarded to KAFFEEKAFFEEKAFFEE
Activity Win awarded to sheik0
Activity Win awarded to baaaaat
Activity Win awarded to Apo
Activity Win awarded to pix
Activity Win awarded to DutchieVGC
Activity Win awarded to JagSamurott
Activity Win awarded to Zeal
Activity Win awarded to BigMikeOG
Activity Win awarded to downfall18
Activity Win awarded to EricOM03
Activity Win awarded to Giokio
Activity Win awarded to Eeveon7
Activity Win awarded to Smogon Account
Coin Flips:
Arvinaj K wins over mirai1
jonas wins over Mr.Bossaru
Billcd wins over Be Like Bisharp
martinvtran wins over Enric01
Helios of Sun wins over pqleabear
2thyfor wins of Tagmouse27
200 candies wins over Accelerator10031
rubycandy wins over Revenge Killer
eragon11145 wins over bagelloaf
DarkJorch wins over ArKaneVGC
LatiasBoy wins over kintillo
mschmucker05 wins over InkVGC
[21:07:18] %Borghi:dont mind me about to do coinflips
[21:07:38] %Borghi:!pick Arvinraj K, mirai1
We randomly picked: Arvinraj K
[21:08:03] %Borghi:!pick jonas, mr.bossaru
We randomly picked: jonas
[21:08:42] %Borghi:!pick billcd, be like bisharo
We randomly picked: billcd
[21:09:16] %Borghi:!pick martinvtran, Enric01
We randomly picked: martinvtran
[21:09:26] Wixums:O:
[21:09:34] Wixums:do me <:
[21:10:53] %Borghi:!pick pqlarbear, Helios of Sun
We randomly picked: Helios of Sun
/pick [option], [option], ... - Randomly selects an item from a list containing 2 or more elements.
[21:12:49] %Borghi:!pick Tagmouse27, 2thyfor
We randomly picked: 2thyfor
[21:13:24] The Marble Master:would thundurus be usable in spikemuth
[21:13:38] %Borghi:!pick 200 candies, Accelerator10031
We randomly picked: 200 candies
[21:14:32] crystalninetales:(Private to Borghi) do u have an incin spread i can snag or should i just plug the classic 252 100 def
[21:14:34] crystalninetales:(Private to Borghi) lmao
/pick [option], [option], ... - Randomly selects an item from a list containing 2 or more elements.
[21:14:50] Borghi:(Private to crystalninetales) do classic
[21:14:55] %Borghi:!pick Revenge Killer, rubycandy
We randomly picked: rubycandy
[21:15:38] %Borghi:!pick eragon11145, bagelloaf
We randomly picked: eragon11145
[21:15:58] Radiologist:200 candies loses
[21:16:16] %Borghi:!pick ArKaneVGC, DarkJorch
We randomly picked: DarkJorch
[21:16:29] %Borghi:Radiologist what do you mean
[21:16:57] %Borghi:!pick kintillio, Latiasboy
We randomly picked: Latiasboy
[21:17:55] hypixelss:hypixelss's rating: 1483 → 1503
[21:17:56] hypixelss:(+20 for winning)
[21:18:11] %Borghi:!pick mschmucker05, InkVGC
We randomly picked: mschmucker05