Tournament SPLC week 7

battling chimp friday 7pm est gl

Les Charpenti Terribles v Tynamo's Dynamos
DPP: QuoteCS v Kumiho - quotecs banned me once what a nerd
BW2: cxinlee v The Quasar - science bitches
Tangma: Fiend Hound v Nineage - cute user imo
ORAS 1: Tricking v Starmaster - starmaster disowned me for using bp
ORAS 2: Kingmidas v DatCoconut - tbh km is gonna luck coco like he always does smfh
ORAS 3: Melonz v Tazz - so on this computer i can do extra cool z's like this: zžźż sex af

Riolu Renegades v Happy Hoppips
dpp: heysup v TheFenderStory - <insensitive holocaust joke here>
tangma: apt-get v The Master of LC - im disappointed that the master of lc doesnt trashtalk. with a name like that you kind of have an obligation smfh.
bw: pdc v Kopaka - tahu bp fren
xy: galbia v Corporal Levi -
[15:08:15] marry me aerow: who r u
[15:08:25] oedipus reqs: im infamy you dumbfuck
[15:08:30] marry me aerow: who is infamy
[15:08:32] oedipus reqs: idk
[15:08:34] oedipus reqs: some nerd
[15:08:38] marry me aerow: i bet he sux
tl;dr: levi is bad
xy: kavatika v Sken - i liked your rmt pls shoutout me next one yn
xy: tomahawk v Aerow - baerow

Snivy Subterfuge v Cottonee Crusaders
dp: little gk v Innovamania - apparently the way to climb the social ladder is to suck a mods dick
bw: catcherandtherai v The Unlucky One - idc but books > bitching about hax tbh
tangma: praj pran v Goddess Briyella - see: little(rip underscore) gk v Innovamania
oras1: fatty v Eren Yaegar - america >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> js
oras2: mambo v Asterya - user: jac why do you keep playing fizz in oras if youre gonna waste spend 30k on a player at least play them right imo
oras3: vileman v Boo836 - BOO! the boogie monster of rap mons

Teenage Mutant Ninja Tirtougas v Aipom Army
dp: vermillion project v Rowan - seriously, rowan is a great manager. idk about the rest of them but rowan is legit rly nice and cares about his team. and he picked me up. 10/10 would aipom again.
bw: fitzy72 v D4rr3n - at least d4rr3n's numbers are tasteful smh
tanga: FLCL v Zoroarkforever - zžźżf smfh f doesnt have any of those fancy variations :[
Oras 1: Chimpact v Infamy - chimprekt yn
Oras 2: artemisa v Obvious Power - can i call you HP now that we're teammates?
Oras 3: pako v Absdaddy - see abs is perfect example of rowan being good manager. he encouraged abs not to give up after he had a bit of a skid and now abs is doing great :D
Well, I agreed to play today at 18:00 pm gmt+1 with my opp, but it's 20:30 and he didn't appear and I have to go. I will agree other time to play.
I still have not received a response from Tomahawk, so if you guys want to sub a player in or give him more time I will try and play him.
opponent failed to meet the scheduled time, was in the lc room from 1830 to 1945 waiting for him and never saw him. i vmed him at 1915 and he hasn't replied. i had to cut into my schedule to be able to make his time and he failed to show up. i'm going to be busy this weekend so i really don't know when i can play.


[19:25:50] based infamy: .seen chimpact
[19:25:51] +boTTT: The user chimpact has never been seen.
tfw getting johned by lc open winner smh
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Yeah, I got rocked. Funny how one mispredict + a crit can cost you a match. I ain't mad though, we already won the week and can't make playoffs. Oh well. :]
PMed master of LC on friday, no answer yet. he didnt log in since wednesday, too. activity?
There was a mix-up for the match-ups which only got resolved yesterday, so it's now apt-get vs Kopaka and PDC vs The Master Of LC

Anyway, me vs Galbia probably isn't going to get done today because of schedule conflicts and different timezones and stuff. I'm not too fond of the idea of losing another coinflip because I've been in the LC room for 6+ hours every day and I pop by the LC IRC fairly often as well so I've been totally available to battle whenever, so requesting extension I guess
Riolu Renegades, Tomahawk still hasn't responded to my VM. I already posted once saying this, but I am saying it again as a reminder. You should sub someone in, and if you do I would be happy to try and battle them. It is getting near the end though so you need to hurry! :]