[SS 1v1] Cresselia [WIP]

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Trick Scarf (Cresselia) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 200 HP / 12 Def / 44 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Moonblast / Ice Beam / Calm Mind
- Trick
- Moonlight / Rest


Set Description
Choice Scarf an Trick allows Cresselia to stop stall Pokemon such as Chansey, Entei, Celesteela, and Corviknight as well as set up sweepers such as Crustle, Tapu Fini, and Calm Mind Cresselia. Choice Scarf speed boost is incredibly useful as it allows Cresselia to outspeed Taunt users such as Corviknight. With Moonlight and Rest, Cresselia can keep itself healthy, while Rest also heals its status conditions so that it can't be threatened by Toxic from stall Pokemon such as Chansey and Entei. Psychic and Psyshock has STAB provides chip damage to every Pokemon, while hitting certain Pokemon such as Sawk, Naganadel, Urshifu-RS, and Zapdos-Galar for super-effective damage. Ice Beam counters Ground- and Dragon-type Pokemon such as Assault Vest Landorus-Therian and Garchomp, while Moonblast helps to hit certain Dark- and Dragon-types such as Urshifu and Haxorus for super-effective damage. With the help of Rest and Moonlight, Cresselia to stall out the opposing Pokemon and force them to struggle late game.

Explain the EV spread of the analysis with all relevant benchmarks made clear. Alternative viable EV spreads can also be explained here with what they do differently to the main spread and what you gain or lose from them.

Usage Tips
Against set up sweepers, stall and custap Pokemon, Cresselia must use Trick in first turn and then start spamming its damaging moves. When it is on the verge of death, Cresselia must use it's recovery moves i.e., Rest or Moonlight. However, against Custap users such as Primarina, Cresselia must be careful about Encore as this set loses to Encore Pokemon.

Other Options
Cresselia can also run Kee Berry and Calm Mind set as it allows to raise its Defense and special Defence respectively, while boosting the power of Stored Power, which can clean cause huge damage to the opposing Pokemon. It can also run Weakness Policy Reflect with Moonblast which allows Cresselia to be Urshifu.

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