ZU [SS] Choice Specs Glaceon [DONE]


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Choice Specs Glaceon is unviable in SS ZU due to its low Speed and lack of coverage moves, preventing it from being able to actually break through most special walls like Articuno and Cryogonal. Jynx entirely outclasses Glaceon, since it is much faster, has better coverage moves, has Trick to cripple opposing walls, and most notably offers a secondary STAB option to hit Ice-resistant foes.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Glaceon attempts to act as a wallbreaker with its excellent Special Attack stat and access to Freeze-Dry to hit Water-types. Unfortunately, Glaceon is entirely outclassed by Jynx, since it has better Speed, better offensive coverage with its STAB Psychic or Psyshock and Focus Blast, and a great support move in Trick. Jynx can also take down the premier special wall in Articuno with Psyshock or Trick, whereas Glaceon cannot.

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Choice Specs Glaceon is unviable in SS ZU due to its slow Speed and lack of coverage moves, keeping it from being able to actually break through most special walls like Articuno and Cryogonal. Jynx entirely outclasses Glaceon since it is much faster, has better coverage moves, most notably it has a secondary stab to hit the ice resists and the ability to use Trick to cripple opposing walls.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Freeze Dry
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Glaceon attempts to act as a wallbreaker with its powerful Special Attack stat and access to Freeze Dry to hit Water-types. Unfortunately, it is entirely outclassed by Jynx since it has a better Speed stat, offensive coverage with its STAB Psychic / Psyshock and Focus Blast, on top of a great support move in Trick. Jynx can also take down the premiere special wall in Articuno with Psyshock or Trick, whereas Glaceon cannot.

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feeling the aster
is a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor
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Choice Specs Glaceon is unviable in SS ZU due to its slow low Speed and lack of coverage moves, keeping it from being able to actually break through most special walls like Articuno and Cryogonal. Jynx entirely outclasses Glaceon since it is much faster, has better coverage moves, most notably it has secondary STAB to hit Ice resists, and the ability to use Trick to cripple opposing walls Trick to cripple opposing walls, and most notably a secondary STAB to hit Ice-resistant foes reordered to flow better.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Freeze Dry
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Glaceon attempts to act as a wallbreaker with its powerful excellent Special Attack stat and access to Freeze Dry to hit Water-types. Unfortunately, it is entirely outclassed by Jynx since it has a better Speed stat, offensive coverage with its STAB Psychic / Psyshock and Focus Blast, on top of a great support move in Trick. Jynx can also take down the premiere special wall in Articuno with Psyshock or Trick, whereas Glaceon cannot.

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1/1 :gp team done credit both of us
Choice Specs Glaceon is unviable in SS ZU due to its low Speed and lack of coverage moves, keeping preventing (optional but this is clearer) it from being able to actually break through most special walls like Articuno and Cryogonal. Jynx entirely outclasses Glaceon, (AC) since it is much faster, has better coverage moves, has Trick to cripple opposing walls, and most notably offers a secondary STAB option to hit Ice-resistant foes.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Freeze Dry Freeze-Dry
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Ice Body
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Glaceon attempts to act as a wallbreaker with its excellent Special Attack stat and access to Freeze Dry Freeze-Dry to hit Water-types. Unfortunately, it Glaceon is entirely outclassed by Jynx, (AC) since it has better Speed, better offensive coverage with its STAB Psychic / Psyshock Psychic or Psyshock and Focus Blast, on top of and a great support move in Trick. Jynx can also take down the premiere premier special wall in Articuno with Psyshock or Trick, whereas Glaceon cannot.

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